Women Entrepreneurs and the Global Environment for Growth


Women Entrepreneurs and the Global Environment for Growth

A Research Perspective

9781847209146 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Candida G. Brush, Franklin W. Olin Professor of Entrepreneurship and Co-founder and Research Director- Diana International Research institute (DIRI) Babson College, US, Anne de Bruin, Professor of Economics, School of Economics and Finance and Director, New Zealand Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research Centre, Massey University, New Zealand, Elizabeth J. Gatewood, Research Professor, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, US and Colette Henry, Head of Department of Business Studies, Dundalk Institute of Technology (DkIT), Ireland and Griffith University Australia
Publication Date: January 2011 ISBN: 978 1 84720 914 6 Extent: 384 pp
Women’s entrepreneurship research and the understanding of factors influencing the growth of women-owned business have advanced significantly over the last decade. Yet, challenges remain. Women Entrepreneurs and the Global Environment for Growth provides wide-ranging insights on the challenges that women entrepreneurs face growing their businesses and how these may be addressed.

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Women’s entrepreneurship research and the understanding of factors influencing the growth of women-owned business have advanced significantly over the last decade. Yet, challenges remain. Women Entrepreneurs and the Global Environment for Growth provides wide-ranging insights on the challenges that women entrepreneurs face growing their businesses and how these may be addressed.

This volume is rooted in research and considers growth challenges, provoking thought and enriching the current literature on gender and entrepreneurship. Part I highlights how contextual factors, and especially social and familial settings of entrepreneurs, have a differential impact on men and women. Part II examines strategies, constraints and enablers of growth and performance. The authors aptly demonstrate that a well-focused gender lens is necessary to better explain the phenomenon of women’s entrepreneurship. Extending previous studies about women’s entrepreneurship, this volume is unique in its application of research from the Diana Project, a path-breaking initiative dating from 1999 to study female entrepreneurial success. Contributions from an international cast of authors make this a comprehensive and broadly appealing reference work.

Lending a fresh perspective to the field, this book will serve not only as a learning tool and teaching implement but will cultivate further progress in women’s entrepreneurship. As such, it is ideally suited for students and scholars of entrepreneurship and women’s studies, policy-makers, economic development analysts and gender researchers.
Contributors: H. Al-Dajani, G.A. Alsos, Y. Brunetto, C.G. Brush, M. Budig, S. Carter, M. Cowling, A. de Bruin, R. Farr-Wharton, E.J. Gatewood, M.D. Griffiths, L.K. Gundry, R.T. Harrison, C. Henry, F.M. Hill, K.D. Hughes, T. Iakovleva, P.D. Jennings, J.E. Jennings, R.S. Jensen, J. Kickul, K. Klyver, A. Kotiranta, A. Kovalainen, W. Lam, J. Leck, C.M. Leitch, E. Ljunggren, S. Marlow, M. McAdam, B. Orser, M. Rebernik, P. Rouvinen, E. Shaw, K. Širec, D. Smallbone, R. Strohmeyer, S. Terjesen, P. Tominc, V. Tonoyan, L. Treanor, F. Welter

1. Introduction: Women Entrepreneurs and Growth
Candida G. Brush, Anne de Bruin, Elizabeth J. Gatewood and Colette Henry

2. Entrepreneurship, Gender and Job Creation: European Dynamics
Marc Cowling

3. Gender and Entrepreneurship: Revealing Constructions and Underlying Processes – The Case of Norway
Gry Agnete Alsos, Ragnhild Steen Jensen and Elisabet Ljunggren

4. Female Leadership and Company Profitability
Annu Kotiranta, Anne Kovalainen and Petri Rouvinen

5. Influences on Women’s Entrepreneurship in Ireland and the Czech Republic
Lorna Treanor and Colette Henry

6. The Embeddedness of Women’s Entrepreneurship in a Transition Context
Friederike Welter and David Smallbone

7. Women Empowering Women: Female Entrepreneurs and Home-based Producers in Jordan
Haya Al-Dajani and Sara Carter

8. Exploring the Heterogeneity of Women’s Entrepreneurship: The Impact of Family Structure and Family Policies in Europe and the US
Vartuhí Tonoyan, Michelle Budig and Robert Strohmeyer

9. The Work–Family Interface Strategies of Male and Female Entrepreneurs: Are There Any Differences?
Jennifer E. Jennings, Karen D. Hughes and P. Devereaux Jennings

10. An Integrated View of Gender, Finance and Entrepreneurial Capital: Theory, Practice and Policy
Eleanor Shaw, Sara Carter and Wing Lam

11. Growing a High-tech Business: Gender, Perceptions and Experiences in Northern Ireland
Frances M. Hill, Claire M. Leitch and Richard T. Harrison

12. Male and Female Entrepreneurs’ Networks at Four Venture Stages
Kim Klyver and Siri Terjesen

13. Gender, Opportunity Recognition and the Role of Internal Networks
Rodney Farr-Wharton and Yvonne Brunetto

14. ‘All by Myself’: The Female High-technology Entrepreneur
Maura McAdam and Susan Marlow

15. Physician as Feminist Entrepreneur: The Gendered Nature of Venture Creation and the Shirley E. Greenberg Women’s Health Centre
Barbara Orser and Joanne Leck

16. Mentoring Women Entrepreneurs in the Russian Emerging Market
Jill Kickul, Mark D. Griffiths, Lisa K. Gundry and Tatiana Iakovleva

17. Gender Differences in the Growth Aspirations and Technology Orientation of Slovenian Entrepreneurs
Karin Širec, Polona Tominc and Miroslav Rebernik

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