Trade Growth in Transition Economies


Trade Growth in Transition Economies

Export Impediments for Central and Eastern Europe

9781858986081 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Richard N. Cooper, Boas Professor of International Economics, Harvard University, US and János Gács, Senior Researcher, Institute of Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
Publication Date: 1997 ISBN: 978 1 85898 608 1 Extent: 384 pp
This book presents new original research on the main impediments to exports facing transition economies. It specifically addresses questions such as: are the impediments to exports mainly external and demand related, or are they associated more with the conditions of supply? How are governments promoting exports now that their influence over enterprise activity has been reduced? What strategies have enterprises developed to overcome existing barriers to exports? And what role does foreign investment play in the development of competitive export potential?

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This book presents new original research on the main impediments to exports facing transition economies. It specifically addresses questions such as: are the impediments to exports mainly external and demand related, or are they associated more with the conditions of supply? How are governments promoting exports now that their influence over enterprise activity has been reduced? What strategies have enterprises developed to overcome existing barriers to exports? And what role does foreign investment play in the development of competitive export potential?

The authors focus on the export performance of eight small transition economies with special emphasis on the behavior of exporting enterprises. Results of the analysis reveal that in the mid-1990s the companies inherited conditions and their strategies, as well as the domestic economic situation, are more important in determining export performance than characteristics of demand abroad. The authors conclude that exports have played a key role in the transition economies’ recent recovery from recession and that further dismantling of remaining impediments will be critical as these economies become more integrated with the Western world.

Trade Growth in Transition Economies will be essential for policymakers, governments and private sector business as well as for academics who analyze trade developments in Central and Eastern Europe and propose relevant policies to tackle impediments to exports.
Critical Acclaim
‘This book provides a useful interim report on export growth in the STEs. The issues addressed in this book will continue to be of importance, particularly as the STEs attempt to compete in markets for more sophisticated products and to upgrade the quality of exports.’
– Eric Bond, Slavic Review

‘. . . due to its remarkable and comprehensive analysis, as well as its detailed statistical and empirical background the interested reader can read a collaborative volume of pioneering character when opening this book.’
– Külgazdaság

‘This will be a useful volume for researchers and policymakers. It highlights the complex nature of the impediments to exports and exporting in the transition economies.’
– J.M.C. Rollo, The Economic Journal

‘. . . this is a valuable book providing a wealth of country-specific information on the determinants of export performance of firms located in smaller countries in Central and Eastern Europe. The country studies that are included in this book provide a wealth of information on the country-specific factors that affected enterprise incentives, and the strategies that managers pursued to improve the quality of production and penetrate foreign markets. The detailed information on initial conditions and the determinants of export performance of firms located in the smaller countries in Central and Eastern Europe in the early transition period should prove valuable to researchers with an interest in international trade and investment.’
– Bernard Hoekman, Comparative Economic Studies

‘. . . this book can be highly recommended, not so much for the novelty of its basic “message”, but rather for the careful and systematic empirical work that lies behind the various findings and recommendations.’
– Paul Hare, Economics of Transition
Contributors: L. Ciocirlan, A. Cirule, R.N. Cooper, A. Csermely, R. Dobrinsky, V. Drebentsov, J. Fidrmuc, J. Fidrmuc (x2!), J. Gács, V. Pilat, A. Purju, I. Shteinbuka, R.E. Stern, F. Stiblar, I. Yaneva
Contents: Introduction and Summary (R.N. Cooper, J. Gács) Part I: Country Studies 1. Bulgaria (R. Dobrinsky, I. Yaneva) 2. Estonia (A. Purju) 3. Hungary (Á. Csermely) 4. Latvia (I. Shteinbuka, A. Cïrule) 5. Romania (V. Pilat, L. Ciocirlan) 6. Slovakia (J. Fidrmuc, J. Fidrmuc) 7. Slovenia (F. Stiblar) Part II: Topical Studies 8. Impediments to the Recovery of Russia’s Trade with East European Small Economies ( V. Drebentsov) 9. Government Policies in Support of Exports in Small Transition Economies (J. Gács) 10. Foreign Direct Investment, Exports, and East–West Integration: Theory and Practice (R.E. Stern) Index
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