Technology, Management and Systems of Innovation


Technology, Management and Systems of Innovation

9781858988740 Edward Elgar Publishing
The late Keith Pavitt, formerly R.M. Philips Professor of Science and Technology Policy, and Director of Research, SPRU – Science and Technology Policy Research, University of Sussex, UK
Publication Date: 1999 ISBN: 978 1 85898 874 0 Extent: 272 pp
This book is a definitive collection of Keith Pavitt’s seminal articles in the analysis of technology and innovation. He presents realistic, empirical accounts of the economic impact of technological change on firms, emphasising the cognitive dimensions of technical change. The theme throughout is that technological knowledge remains largely tacit, and the transformation of advances in knowledge is complex, uncertain and requires continuous learning.

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This book is a definitive collection of Keith Pavitt’s seminal articles in the analysis of technology and innovation. He presents realistic, empirical accounts of the economic impact of technological change on firms, emphasising the cognitive dimensions of technical change. The theme throughout is that technological knowledge remains largely tacit, and the transformation of advances in knowledge is complex, uncertain and requires continuous learning.

The book explores the appropriate location of innovative activities, the size structure of innovating firms, the implications of technological trajectories for corporate strategies and organization, the influence of national systems of innovation on corporate behaviour and the usefulness of publicly funded research. The conclusions drawn challenge established theories, policies and practices.

Technology, Management and Systems of Innovation will prove invaluable to students and scholars of both the economics and management of evolutionary technical change.
Contents: Introduction Part I: Technological Knowledge Part II: Management Part III: Systems of Innovation Index
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