Sustainable Innovation and Entrepreneurship


Sustainable Innovation and Entrepreneurship

9781847200372 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Rolf Wüstenhagen, Good Energies Professor for Management of Renewable Energies and Director, Institute for Economy and the Environment, University of St Gallen, Jost Hamschmidt, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, Sanjay Sharma, Dean and Professor of Management, Grossman School of Business, University of Vermont, Canada and Mark Starik, Senior Lecturer, Sustainability Management Program, University of Wisconsin Extended Campus, Madison, Wisconsin, and Contributing Faculty Member, College of Health Sciences and Public Policy, Walden University, Minneapolis, Minnesota, US
Publication Date: June 2008 ISBN: 978 1 84720 037 2 Extent: 352 pp
In recent years our understanding of corporate sustainability has moved from exploitation to exploration, from corporate environmental management to sustainable entrepreneurship, and from efficiency to innovation. Yet current trends indicate the need for radical innovation via entrepreneurial start-ups or new ventures within existing corporations despite difficulties with the financing and marketing of such efforts. Presenting both conceptual and empirical research, this fascinating book addresses how we can combine environmental and social sustainability with economic sustainability in order to produce innovative new business models.

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In recent years our understanding of corporate sustainability has moved from exploitation to exploration, from corporate environmental management to sustainable entrepreneurship, and from efficiency to innovation. Yet current trends indicate the need for radical innovation via entrepreneurial start-ups or new ventures within existing corporations despite difficulties with the financing and marketing of such efforts. Presenting both conceptual and empirical research, this fascinating book addresses how we can combine environmental and social sustainability with economic sustainability in order to produce innovative new business models.

The international cast of contributors addresses the wide range of issues in the balance between growth and environmental concerns. The first five chapters discuss various aspects of sustainable entrepreneurship. This is followed by two chapters that look at innovation within existing firms. Innovation is not successful until it finds a customer, so the two chapters that follow delve into the marketing aspects of business-to-consumer and business-to-business settings. The book closes with a broad discussion of the evolution and future of the research agenda into the intersection of sustainability, innovation and entrepreneurship.

Academics, students, business professionals, and NGOs will find this volume enlightening and useful.
Critical Acclaim
‘When I received the review copy I was rather excited. . . the book as a collection of research papers that, in themselves, are very interesting, and provide a fast-track into the literature of the subject in question. . . it is a worthwhile purchase to support thinking on entrepreneurship and innovation in a world where the sustainability agenda is increasingly becoming the agenda for inventors, entrepreneurs and those who fund them or invest in their companies. . . All the papers are well written and scholarly. . . A particularly strong feature of the chapters is the range of sources quoted at the end of each chapter. These references provide pathways into many different literatures that might save much time for subsequent researchers.’
– Lorraine Warren, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research
Contributors: M. Anttonen, J.A. Aragón-Correa, L. Berchicci, J.B. Boubaker Gherib, M.J. Bürer, J. Cañón-de-Francia, N. Dee, A. Ellersiek, S. Ford, C. Garcés-Ayerbe, E. Garnsey, M. Halme, J. Hamschmidt, G.I. Kassinis, M. Kuisma, R. Llamas-Sánchez, I. Martín-Tapia, V. Ondoua Biwolé, K. Pichel, M. Ramírez-Alesón, S. Schaltegger, S. Sharma, A.C. Soteriou, M. Spence, M. Starik, P.A.M. Vermeulen, M. Wagner, R. Wuebker, R. Wüstenhagen

1. Sustainability, Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Introduction to the Volume
Rolf Wüstenhagen, Sanjay Sharma, Mark Starik and Robert Wuebker

2. Types of Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Conditions for Sustainability Innovation: From the Administration of a Technical Challenge to the Management of an Entrepreneurial Opportunity
Stefan Schaltegger and Marcus Wagner

3. A Framework of SMEs’ Strategic Involvement in Sustainable Development
Martine Spence, Jouhaina Ben Boubaker Gherib and Viviane Ondoua Biwolé

4. Exploration of Business Models for Material Efficiency Services
Minna Halme, Markku Anttonen and Mika Kuisma

5. Obstacles to Commercialization of Clean Technology Innovations from UK Ventures
Nicky Dee, Simon Ford and Elizabeth Garnsey

6. Too Much of a Good Thing? Innovation Driven by Environmental Ambition
Luca Berchicci

7. Enhancing Ecopreneurship through an Environmental Management System: A Longitudinal Analysis of Factors Leading to Proactive Employee Behaviour
Kerstin Pichel

8. The Relationship between High Performance Work Systems and Proactive Environmental Management
Inmaculada Martín-Tapia, J. Alberto Aragón-Correa and Rocío Llamas-Sánchez

9. Quality, Environmental Practices and Customer Satisfaction in Services
George I. Kassinis and Andreas C. Soteriou

10. The Adoption of Environmentally Friendly Products in Mature Organizational Fields
Patrick A.M. Vermeulen and Annekathrin Ellersiek

11. Is the European Pollutant Emission Register an Effective Instrument for Disciplining Companies?
Joaquín Cañón-de-Francia, Concepción Garcés-Ayerbe and Marisa Ramírez-Alesón

12. Cleantech Venture Investors and Energy Policy Risk: An Exploratory Analysis of Regulatory Risk Management Strategies
Mary Jean Bürer and Rolf Wüstenhagen

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