Sustainable Farm Forestry in the Tropics


Sustainable Farm Forestry in the Tropics

Social and Economic Analysis and Policy

9781840647204 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by S.R. Harrison, formerly of the School of Economics, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia and J.L. Herbohn, School of Agriculture and Food Sciences, The University of Queensland, Gatton, Australia
Publication Date: 2001 ISBN: 978 1 84064 720 4 Extent: 320 pp
There has been an increased awareness of the need to establish and maintain small-scale forestry in tropical countries. This is due to concerns over continued deforestation, as well as the long-term environmental and economic resources these plantations can contribute if managed successfully. This book examines the constraints that limit the development of small-scale forestry in tropical environments and how they can be overcome.

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There has been an increased awareness of the need to establish and maintain small-scale forestry in tropical countries. This is due to concerns over continued deforestation, as well as the long-term environmental and economic resources these plantations can contribute if managed successfully. This book examines the constraints that limit the development of small-scale forestry in tropical environments and how they can be overcome.

The authors first explain the background to their research and demonstrate how, in contrast to industrial plantations, small-scale forestry has a wide variety of objectives, including the production of fuelwood and a wide variety of non-wood products, and the protection of degraded watersheds and wildlife habitats. They examine a broad range of socio-economic topics under the broad themes of policy development, market considerations, the evolution of small-scale forestry systems, and timber and non-wood benefits. In developing countries for example, small-scale forestry is often regarded as a means of facilitating sustainable regional development. As a result of seven years extensive research they have developed a strong policy line, examining measures such as tax provisions and the targeting of subsidy and extension programs that can help promote the growth of non-industrial forest industries.

The authors present an integrated socio-economic analysis of the opportunities, impediments and challenges to small-scale forestry in the tropics. As such, this book will be required reading for scholars of environmental economics and science, land resource economists, and environmental, forestry and resource managers.
Critical Acclaim
‘This book is a landmark opening and first attempt at such a process for defining farm forestry, as well as making a contribution to small-scale forestry.’
– Ryo Kohsaka, Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture

‘. . . the editors can be commended for offering Australian students of forestry and environmental studies as well as farming entrepreneurs a useful introduction to an area of concern that is gaining an ever-wider public interest.’
– Anitra Nelson, Australian Journal of Environmental Management

‘The text is valuable in that it describes tropical small-scale farm forestry and the complex interrelationships between social, economic, and biological issues quite well . . . For readers interested in tropical forestry in a developed nation, the book is a detailed and excellent source of information.’
– Matthew Pelkki, Natural Resources Journal
Contributors: M.L. Berry, S. Boydell, R.N. Byron, M.A. Cox, C. Creighton, A.J. Cummine, N.E. Emtage, A.S. Ghose, K. Gould, S.R. Harrison, J.L. Herbohn, K.F. Herbohn, R.J. Keenan, D. Lamb, M.J. Quayle, M.E. Qureshi, D.B. Smorfitt, N.H. Stehn, P.V. Townsend, T.J. Venn, S.M. Vize
Contents: Preface Part I: Setting the Scene Part II: Timber Benefits and Market Considerations Part III: Non-Wood Benefits Part IV: Developing Policies to Encourage Small-Scale Forestry in the Tropics Index
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