Supporting Women’s Career Advancement


Supporting Women’s Career Advancement

Challenges and Opportunities

9781843766339 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by the late Ronald J. Burke, formerly Professor Emeritus, Schulich School of Business, York University, Canada and Mary C. Mattis, Senior Evaluation and Research Officer, The Wallace Foundation, New York, US
Publication Date: 2005 ISBN: 978 1 84376 633 9 Extent: 384 pp
This book documents the progress that managerial and professional women have made in advancing their careers, and the challenges and opportunities that remain. In the context of increasing numbers of women entering the workplace and indeed pursuing professional and managerial careers, it examines why so few women occupy the top positions in corporations.

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This book documents the progress that managerial and professional women have made in advancing their careers, and the challenges and opportunities that remain. In the context of increasing numbers of women entering the workplace and indeed pursuing professional and managerial careers, it examines why so few women occupy the top positions in corporations.

The editors maintain that whilst the benefits of employing women in executive roles is now being recognised, and efforts are being made to ensure career advancement, female employees do still face a struggle against male bias and the proverbial ‘glass ceiling’. In order to build upon the progress that has been made, the book advocates more successful role models for women, an increased commitment from corporations to look at the opportunities for leadership that women present, and extended research into the strengths and failings of organisations in this regard. A broad range of issues are explored, including ongoing challenges of work-family integration, perceptions of gender, leadership and career development, the ethics of office romances, and women at mid-life. Best practices for supporting women’s career advancement are then illustrated using the efforts of award wining companies as case studies.

The cutting-edge contributions to this book provide an outstanding review of the literature. As such, it will be invaluable to both academics and practitioners with an interest in business, management and human resources.
Contributors: Y. Altman, Y. Baruch, R.J. Burke, L. Duxbury, K. Giscombe, J.R. Gordon, J. Graham, C. Higgins, C. Kivland, L. Levin, M. Line Germain, L.A. Mainiero, M.C. Mattis, L. Mays, S. Rutherford, T.A. Scandura, R. Simpson, P. Tharenou, M.L. van Engen, C.J. Vinkenburg, S. Vinnicombe, P.A. Weil, K.S. Whelan-Berry
Contents: 1. Advancing Women’s Careers: Small Wins but Unfinished Business Part I: A Status Report: Past, Present and Future 2. High-Achieving Women: Progress and Challenges 3. Women’s Advancement in Management: What is Known and Future Areas to Address 4. Reforming the ‘Glass Ceiling’ Debate Part II: Work, Career and Life Experience 5. Perceptions of Gender, Leadership and Career Development 6. Mentoring and Identity Development: The Role of Self-Determination 7. Women at Midlife: Changes, Challenges, and Contributions Part III: Ongoing Challenges 8. On the Ethics of Office Romance: Developing a Moral Compass for the Workplace 9. Work–life Challenges Professional Women Face in Pursuing Careers 10. Work–life Balance Practices in Health Care Organizations: A 2003 Status Report Part IV: Best Practices for Advancing Women 11. Best Practices for Supporting Women Engineer’s Career Development in US Corporations 12. Best Practices for Women of Color in Corporate America 13. Marketing Diversity in the Corporate Workplace Part V: Company Initiatives for Advancing Women 14. Shell Oil Company US: The 2004 Catalyst Award Winner for Diversity Initiatives 15. Different Yet Equal Index
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