Structural Reforms for Growth and Cohesion


Structural Reforms for Growth and Cohesion

Lessons and Challenges for CESEE Countries and a Modern Europe

9781788971133 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Ewald Nowotny, former Governor, Doris Ritzberger-Grünwald, Director and Helene Schuberth, Head of Division, Oesterreichische Nationalbank, Austria
Publication Date: 2018 ISBN: 978 1 78897 113 3 Extent: 256 pp
Effective and well-designed structural reforms are key to shaping Europe’s future in the context of the formidable challenges facing the continent today. This book examines the achievements and failures of past structural policies so that future ones can be adapted to address remaining and newly emerging challenges with greater success. Highlighting the social aspects and distributional effects of reforms that go beyond liberalization and deregulation, the book covers key issues facing future Europe, particularly those arising from technological innovation.

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With formidable challenges facing Europe today, effective and well-designed structural reforms are key to shaping Europe’s future. This book examines the achievements and failures of past structural policies so that new concepts can evolve to address remaining and newly emerging challenges with greater success.

Tangible policy advice is offered in the original contributions to this book, reassessing past ‘moments of truth’ in European structural policy. The book focuses on the area of Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe (CESEE), not least because this region has been largely successful through a profound transition period. Highlighting the social aspects and distributional effects of reforms that go beyond liberalization and deregulation, the book covers key issues facing Europe in the future, particularly those arising from technological innovation.

Structural Reforms for Growth and Cohesion will prove to be a useful book for academic researchers looking into European policy progress and reform. Indeed, it will also be a vital reference tool for policymakers seeking to deepen their understanding of the challenges facing a modern Europe and how these can be tackled.
Contributors: O. Causa, L. Csaba, O. Dreute, G. Fischer, J.-M. Frie, H. Gabrisch, M. Ghodsi, J. Gruebler, S. Guriev, V. Isaila, J. Makúch, A. Mungiu-Pippidi, E. Nowotny, S. Puntscher Riekmann, P. Ramskogler, O. Reiter, D. Ritzberger-Grünwald, J. Rusnok, H. Schuberth, H. Schweiger, R. Stehrer, P.A. Strzelecki, D. Taglioni, L. Vinhas de Souza, B. Virág


PART I A modern take on structural reforms
1. Past and future reform challenges for CESEE and Europe at large
Ewald Nowotny, Doris Ritzberger-Grünwald and Helene Schuberth

2. Revisiting transition reform
Sergei Guriev

3. Europe’s moments of truth: wicked crises, good and bad consequences
Sonja Puntscher Riekmann

4. Social Europe: the pillar of social rights
Georg Fischer

PART II Technological change and innovation: heterogeneous growth opportunities across countries
5. Innovation in the CESEE region: the role of business environment, financing and reforms
Helena Schweiger

6. Squaring the circle: the EU and the challenge of delivering better policies for a globalized world
Daria Taglioni

7. Non-tariff measures for better or worse
Mahdi Ghodsi, Julia Gruebler, Oliver Reiter and Robert Stehrer

PART III The winner takes it all? Distributional effects of reforms
8. Structural reforms and income distribution: an empirical analysis
Orsetta Causa

9. Labour market hierarchies and the unemployment-wage nexus in CESEE and in the EU
Paul Ramskogler

PART IV Past and current reform strategies in Europe
10. Structural reforms in Slovakia: past and present (never-ending story …)
Jozef Makúch

11. Crisis management and economic policy shifts in Hungary after 2010
Barnabás Virág

12. Ensuring monetary and financial stability in the Czech Republic
Jirí Rusnok

13. Sustainable pension reforms: what can we learn from the experiences of Poland and other EU countries?
Paweł A. Strzelecki

14. Europeanization meets transformation: a political economy approach to transition
Alina Mungiu-Pippidi

PART V Reforming EU frameworks or EU countries?
15. Reforms in the EU: the interface of national and Community levels
Lázló Csaba

16. Reflections on a public risk-sharing capacity for the Euro area
Hubert Gabrisch

17. Reviving convergence: making EU member states fit for joining the Euro area
Lúcio Vinhas de Souza, Oliver Dreute, Vladimir Isaila and Jan-Martin Frie


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