Sovereign Europe


Sovereign Europe

An Agenda for Europe in a Fragmented Global Economy

9781035341238 Edward Elgar Publishing
Paolo Guerrieri, Visiting Professor, Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA), Sciences Po, France and Pier Carlo Padoan, Chairman, UniCredit Bank and Senior Fellow, LUISS Institute for European Analysis and Policy (LEAP), LUISS University, Italy
Publication Date: 2024 ISBN: 978 1 03534 123 8 Extent: 140 pp
This insightful book investigates the evolution of the European and global economy from the 1950s to present day, focusing in particular on the role of the EU in the new global environment where economy and security intersect.

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This insightful book investigates the evolution of the European and global economy from the 1950s to the present day, focusing on the role of the EU in a new global environment where economy and security intersect.

Multiple crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic, rising inflation and international conflict have damaged the global economy, highlighting deep structural flaws and setting in motion the ongoing process of fragmentation. Sovereign Europe investigates this phenomenon by summarising the history of Europe’s international economic role, before outlining the economic opportunities now available to Europe as a result of simultaneous environmental and digital transitions. Authors Paolo Guerrieri and Pier Carlo Padoan assess Europe’s position in the new world order, exploring its rivalry with China and relations with the Global South, arguing that in order for Europe to foster a stronger position in the global economy, it needs far more resources and policy tools than are at its current disposal.

Recognising the challenges economic sovereignty and strategic autonomy present, this book, which follows an international political economy approach, is an illuminating read for students and scholars of economics, international relations, and European politics and integration. It is also of interest to practitioners and policymakers working in both national and international politics.

Critical Acclaim
‘Europe is at a crossroads, economically and politically. Political economists Guerrieri and Padoan brilliantly explain what are the stakes and the options for Europe.’
– André Sapir, Université Libre de Bruxelles and Bruegel, Belgium

‘In a world dominated by a logic of power, the EU seems an outdated construction. However, Guerrieri and Padoan show that if we want to build a new multilateral framework, Europe is needed now more than ever. Yet, in order to achieve this successfully the EU must share sovereignty. This book provides a roadmap on how to do so.''
– Marco Buti, European University Institute, Italy

‘Europe confronts a devilish set of challenges in the green transition, security investments, high government debt and weak economic growth. Professors Guerrieri and Padoan thus weigh into the debates over the future of Europe at a critical juncture indeed. Their analytical framework, highlighting the interaction between the evolution of European integration and the global political economy, makes this a particularly valuable book.’
– Randall Henning, American University, US

‘Sharply written, thought-provoking and actionable, Sovereign Europe lays out an agenda for the economic reforms and further integration steps that the EU must undertake to gain control of its own future rather than have it written by the United States or China. A must-read.’
– Arancha Gonzalez, Paris School of International Affairs, Sciences Po, France
Introduction: Europe and its sovereignty
1 Europe’s role in the global economy: from past order to
today’s disorder
2 Growth and sustainability: regaining lost ground
3 Europe’s environmental transition and competitiveness
4 From monetary integration to economic union
5 Europe in the new world
6 Towards European economic sovereignty
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