Shaping Policy Agendas
The Micro-Politics of Economic International Organizations
9781788976985 Edward Elgar Publishing
This fascinating book investigates the strategic importance of the production and dissemination of expertise in the activities of the international organizations (IOs) that have come to symbolize the dominance of the Western political and economic order.
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This fascinating book investigates the strategic importance of the production and dissemination of expertise in the activities of the international organizations (IOs) that have come to symbolize the dominance of the Western political and economic order.
Analyzing IOs as semi-autonomous policy agenda shapers, chapters explore how they use economic frameworks to interpret the ‘problems’ and ‘solutions’ of wider, non-economic policy domains. Examining a diverse range of policy domains, such as education, global care chains, chemical safety, and participatory development, this book illustrates the knowledge authority of IOs on a micro-political scale, revealing the routes and trajectories of international power.
Featuring contributions from experts in the field of agenda shaping and international politics, this book is critical reading for political scientists and researchers exploring the growing influence of IOs around the world. Policymakers will also benefit from its insights into the micro-politics of IO policy agendas.
Analyzing IOs as semi-autonomous policy agenda shapers, chapters explore how they use economic frameworks to interpret the ‘problems’ and ‘solutions’ of wider, non-economic policy domains. Examining a diverse range of policy domains, such as education, global care chains, chemical safety, and participatory development, this book illustrates the knowledge authority of IOs on a micro-political scale, revealing the routes and trajectories of international power.
Featuring contributions from experts in the field of agenda shaping and international politics, this book is critical reading for political scientists and researchers exploring the growing influence of IOs around the world. Policymakers will also benefit from its insights into the micro-politics of IO policy agendas.
Contributors: D. Dolowitz, C. Fontdevila, E. Fouilleux, V. Gayon, S. Grek, M. Hadjiisky, R. Mahon, S. Maire, A. Martin, O. Nay, R. Normand, L.A. Pal, D. Stone, A. Verger
Foreword xi
Leslie A. Pal
1 Introduction 1
David Dolowitz, Magdaléna Hadjiisky and Romuald Normand
2 Diffusing marketization: competition, synergies, and repartition of tasks in the global agri-food policy field 16
Eve Fouilleux
3 Neoliberalism and the ‘think-tank image’ fallacy: a sociological exploration of homologies of structuration inside the OECD, EU, and governments 36
Vincent Gayon
4 Beyond the standardization versus contextualization debate: the role of the OECD in European education governance 57
Sotiria Grek
5 Transnational care chains as seen by the OECD, the World Bank, and the IOM 77
Rianne Mahon
6 The power of ‘soft skills’: the role of the OECD in the shaping of a new cognitive motive in the global agora of education 95
Sarah Maire
7 The OECD’s rules and standards for the testing and assessment of chemicals 116
Annie Martin
8 Knowledge battles at the World Bank: how institutional activists introduced the norm of participation into international development policy 137
Olivier Nay
9 Walking the Washington talk? An analysis of the World Bank’s policy-practice disjuncture in education 162
Clara Fontdevila and Antoni Verger
10 Conclusion 183
David Dolowitz, Magdaléna Hadjiisky and Romuald Normand
Epistocracy: an afterword on global policy and ‘rule by the wise’ 194
Diane Stone
Bibliography 200
Index 231
Foreword xi
Leslie A. Pal
1 Introduction 1
David Dolowitz, Magdaléna Hadjiisky and Romuald Normand
2 Diffusing marketization: competition, synergies, and repartition of tasks in the global agri-food policy field 16
Eve Fouilleux
3 Neoliberalism and the ‘think-tank image’ fallacy: a sociological exploration of homologies of structuration inside the OECD, EU, and governments 36
Vincent Gayon
4 Beyond the standardization versus contextualization debate: the role of the OECD in European education governance 57
Sotiria Grek
5 Transnational care chains as seen by the OECD, the World Bank, and the IOM 77
Rianne Mahon
6 The power of ‘soft skills’: the role of the OECD in the shaping of a new cognitive motive in the global agora of education 95
Sarah Maire
7 The OECD’s rules and standards for the testing and assessment of chemicals 116
Annie Martin
8 Knowledge battles at the World Bank: how institutional activists introduced the norm of participation into international development policy 137
Olivier Nay
9 Walking the Washington talk? An analysis of the World Bank’s policy-practice disjuncture in education 162
Clara Fontdevila and Antoni Verger
10 Conclusion 183
David Dolowitz, Magdaléna Hadjiisky and Romuald Normand
Epistocracy: an afterword on global policy and ‘rule by the wise’ 194
Diane Stone
Bibliography 200
Index 231