Research Handbook on Innovation in International Business


Research Handbook on Innovation in International Business

9781800882935 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Desislava Dikova, Professor in International Business and Edith Ipsmiller, Assistant Professor, Institute for International Business, Department of Global Business and Trade, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
Publication Date: 2022 ISBN: 978 1 80088 293 5 Extent: 320 pp
Expansive and engaging, the Research Handbook on Innovation in International Business takes a deep dive into technological, organisational, firm, and industry-level innovation. Contributions from leading experts in international business cover large multinational firms to SMEs and emerging markets, providing industry-specific insights into innovative solutions from across the globe.

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Expansive and engaging, the Research Handbook on Innovation in International Business takes a deep dive into technological, organisational, firm, and industry-level innovation. Contributions from leading experts in international business cover large multinational firms to SMEs and emerging markets, providing industry-specific insights into innovative solutions from across the globe.

Featuring chapters exploring the organisation of innovative activities across borders, the role of alliances and networks on innovation, and the impact of the internet on internationalising SMEs and thus advancing global innovations, this incisive Research Handbook constitutes a richly-detailed study into the field. Contributors investigate innovation on a vast scale, offering a critical examination of EU regulation in facilitating or inhibiting innovation in industry, as well as delving into the current economic policies of special economic zones in Russia and China as areas for innovative solutions.

Academics, researchers, and practitioners in the fields of international business and organisational innovation will find this engaging Research Handbook an invaluable resource, for its wide-ranging exploration into innovations in international business as well as its perspectives on innovation in this age of accelerated technological development.
Critical Acclaim
‘Handbooks are seldom innovative, even when they are about innovation, but this volume on innovations in international business stands out by its refreshingly diverse and up-to-date collection of contributions. Editors Dikova and Ipsmiller have done an excellent job in putting together a Handbook that covers considerable ground in terms of topics, industries, and geography, and which provides a nice balance between useful overviews and new empirical insights. The list of authors includes several well-established professors in the area as well as upcoming researchers. In all, a most useful addition to the literature on the evermore important issue of innovation for firms that compete globally.’
– Gabriel R.G. Benito, BI Norwegian Business School, Norway
Contributors: Yusaf Akbar, Ulf Andersson, Ahmad Arslan, Marco Balzano, Gregor Binder, Guido Bortoluzzi, Shaen Corbet, Desislava Dikova, Linda F. Edelman, Mario Glowik, Tilo Halaszovich, Josephine Igoe, Edith Ipsmiller, Ernest Jędrzejewski, Igor Kalinic, Samppa Kamara, Minnie Kontkanen, Nikita Kuleshov, Marina Latukha, Thomas Lindner, Tatiana S. Manolova, Sonja Mattfeld, Andrei Panibratov, Dorota Piaskowska, Jonas Puck, Saptarshi Purkayastha, Marty Reilly, Liana Rysakova, Susanne Scherer, Pamela Sharkey Scott, Marina Z. Solesvik, Shlomo Y. Tarba, Esther Tippmann, Chad Trevithick

1 Introduction to Research Handbook on Innovation in International Business 1
Desislava Dikova and Edith Ipsmiller
2 The relationship between innovation and internationalization of SMEs:
a review of theoretical perspectives 6
Yusaf Akbar, Marco Balzano and Guido Bortoluzzi
3 The role of institutions in the context of innovation in international
entrepreneurship: transforming uncertainty from being a threat to
becoming an asset 34
Igor Kalinic
4 The internet and internationalization: a review and future research agenda 52
Edith Ipsmiller and Desislava Dikova
5 Innovation in international mid-sized corporations: understanding their
R&D offshoring characteristics 99
Josephine Igoe, Chad Trevithick and Esther Tippmann
6 Innovation performance in collectivist societies: a network perspective 114
Susanne Scherer, Jonas Puck, Mario Glowik, Gregor Binder and Thomas Lindner
7 Contextual ambidexterity in the subsidiary: how exploration and
exploitation interact to drive subsidiary strategic initiatives and innovation 135
Marty Reilly, Shaen Corbet, Pamela Sharkey Scott and Ulf Andersson
8 Talent circulation for innovation activities: the agenda for states and firms 157
Marina Latukha and Nikita Kuleshov
9 Digital outsidership: the practical and affective effects of digitalization
in international business relationships between Kenyan and German firms 177
Sonja Mattfeld, Dorota Piaskowska and Tilo Halaszovich
10 A bricolage perspective on construction innovation in a BOP market:
evidence from a Finnish family-owned micro-enterprise 206
Samppa Kamara, Ahmad Arslan, Minnie Kontkanen and Shlomo Y. Tarba
11 Innovation and internationalization in the Indian pharmaceutical sector:
the moderating role of ownership structures 219
Saptarshi Purkayastha, Tatiana S. Manolova and Linda F. Edelman
12 Innovation in the global pharmaceutical industry: the role of regulations
in the EU 239
Ernest Jedrzejewski and Desislava Dikova
13 International cooperation on technology innovation development: a case
study from the maritime industry 264
Marina Z. Solesvik
14 Cities and regions with special economic zones as innovation hubs
within the Belt and Road Initiative 275
Andrei Panibratov and Liana Rysakova

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