Quantitative Methods for Place-Based Innovation Policy


Quantitative Methods for Place-Based Innovation Policy

Measuring the Growth Potential of Regions

9781789905502 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Roberta Capello, Professor of Regional and Urban Economics, ABC Department, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, Alexander Kleibrink, European Research Centre for Anti-Corruption and State-Building, Hertie School of Governance, Berlin, Germany and Monika Matusiak, Senior Policy Officer, European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Seville, Spain
Publication Date: 2020 ISBN: 978 1 78990 550 2 Extent: 256 pp
Place-based innovation policy design requires an in-depth understanding of territories and their complexity. Traditional statistics, with a lack of publicly available data at the disaggregated (sub-sectoral and regional) level, often do not provide adequate information. Therefore, new methods and approaches are required so that scientists and experts that can inform decision-makers and stakeholders in choosing priorities and directions for their innovation strategies. The book replies to such a need by offering advanced mapping methodologies for innovation policies with a special focus on approaches that take into account place-based policies.

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Building on the experience of more than one hundred innovation strategies for smart specialisation, this book uncovers insights into their recent implementation by regional and national governments in the European Union. Although designed to boost the competitiveness of Europe and its regions, chapters analyse why the implementation of this policy model was much more complicated than expected.

Offering an in-depth understanding of territories and their complexity, and highlighting why this is crucial to the topic, this timely book explores the importance of place-based innovation policy instead of a one-size-fits-all variety. It provides new reflections on the conceptual approaches for the identification of innovation priorities, the data required, the methods through which the data can be turned into useful information and the mapping of the information available.

This book’s insights into how the economic, scientific, innovative and societal potential of cities, regions and countries can be measured will be useful for policy-makers looking to learn from the smart specialisation of Europe. Public policy and economic innovation scholars will appreciate the strong case studies analysed in the book combined with in-depth analysis of different methodologies.

Critical Acclaim
‘Building on the experience of the implementation of smart specialisation in EU regions the book discusses mapping tools that may be used for the design of innovation policies. It proposes a broader way of looking at innovation which requires an in-depth understanding of territories and their complexity. The book is a must read for anyone interested in innovation policy at regional level.’
– Donato Iacobucci, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy

‘The book addresses one of the key difficulties in identification of regional innovation priorities, the data required, and methods to map and turn data into useful information. In the time of data proliferation, the volume provides a thorough review of the landscape of data and analytics needed to monitor and answer the most pressing of questions when designing evidence-based smart specialization strategies. An important and timely resource for policy makers and practitioners, especially when designing the next generation of innovation strategies and fulfilling the enabling conditions set by the European Union.’
– Anwar Aridi, The World Bank, US

‘This is a refreshing book on new perspectives for innovation policies. One of the forgotten dimensions in this field has been the significance of regional specificities and territorial constellations for the innovation potential of regions and cities. The novel place-based approach – in relation to a smart specialisation policy – provides a promising scientific signpost for modern spatial innovation policy. This volume contains a great collection of informed, quantitative contributions on place-based innovation strategies.’
– Peter Nijkamp, Tinbergen Institute, Amsterdam

‘The volume – presenting contributions by well-known scholars, experts and public officials active in the field of innovation policies – represents a unique source of inspiration and methodologies for the analysis of the multiple dimensions on which the innovation potential of regions lies, and can be operationally discovered and utilised for local development strategies.’
– Roberto Camagni, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Contributors: R. Capello, A. Conte, N. Cortinovis, T. Dogaru, S. Franco, E. Fuster, C. Gianelle, H. Hollanders, A. Kleibrink, H. Kroll, C. Lenzi, G. Mandras, F.A. Massucci, M. Matusiak, A. Murciego, J. van Haaren, F. van Oort

Chapter 1: Mapping industrial and territorial dimensions for the design of place-based innovation policies: the rationale of the book
Roberta Capello, Alexander Kleibrink and Monika Matusiak

Chapter 2: Establishing the Fundament for RIS3 Regional Innovation Policies - Mapping Economic Specialisation
Henning Kroll

Chapter 3: Mapping relatedness in European regions
Frank van Oort, Nicola Cortinovis, Teodora Dogaru and Jeroen van Haaren

Chapter 4: Mapping global value chains
Giovanni Mandras and Andrea Conte

Chapter 5: Mapping regional innovation patterns and their evolution
Roberta Capello and Camilla Lenzi

Chapter 6: Mapping innovation potential for place-based innovation policies
Hugo Hollanders and Monika Matusiak

Chapter 7. Learning from Similar Regions: How to Benchmark Innovation Systems Beyond Rankings
Susana Franco, Carlo Gianelle, Alexander Kleibrink and Asier Murciego

Chapter 8: Identifying specialisation domains beyond taxonomies: mapping scientific and technological domains of specialisation via semantic analysis
Enric Fuster, Francesco Massucci and Monika Matusiak


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