Psychoanalytic Sociology


Psychoanalytic Sociology

9781852783365 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Jeffrey Prager, Department of Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles, US and Michael Rustin, Professor of Sociology, University of East London, UK
Publication Date: 1993 ISBN: 978 1 85278 336 5 Extent: 800 pp
Psychoanalytic Sociology presents a careful selection of the most important seminal articles on the inter-relations which have developed between psychoanalysis and sociology.

A new introductory chapter, prepared by the editors, reviews the most recent developments clarifying the different influences of psychoanalytical writers such as Freud, Klein and Lacan on sociological thought. A broad definition of ‘the sociological’ has been adopted, corresponding to the topics and ideas being explored.

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Psychoanalytic Sociology presents a careful selection of the most important seminal articles on the inter-relations which have developed between psychoanalysis and sociology.

A new introductory chapter, prepared by the editors, reviews the most recent developments clarifying the different influences of psychoanalytical writers such as Freud, Klein and Lacan on sociological thought. A broad definition of ‘the sociological’ has been adopted, corresponding to the topics and ideas being explored.

This comprehensive and authoritative two volume set is an essential reference guide to both the origins and the most recent developments in psychoanalytic sociology.
34 articles, dating from 1957 to 1990
Contributors include: T.W. Adorno, F. Fanon, H.L. Kaye, D.N. Levine, I.E.P. Menzies, T. Parsons, J. Rose, H. Segal, P.E. Slater
Contents: 1. The Place of Freud in Sociological Theory 2. Psychoanalysis, Critical Theory and Marxism 3. Feminism and the Critique of the Family 4. Interpreting the Social 6. The Sociology of Psychoanalysis
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