Perspectives on Corporate Social Responsibility


Perspectives on Corporate Social Responsibility

9781847205612 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Nina Boeger, City, University of London, Rachel Murray, Professor of International Human Rights Law, Director Human Rights Implementation Centre and Charlotte Villiers, Professor of Company Law, University of Bristol, UK
Publication Date: November 2008 ISBN: 978 1 84720 561 2 Extent: 264 pp
This book examines the concepts of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the context of globalisation and its many challenges, focusing on different legal perspectives that arise.

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This book examines the concepts of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the context of globalisation and its many challenges, focusing on different legal perspectives that arise.

Particular problems presented include the varied definitions of CSR and the related dilemmas of opting for a self-regulatory approach or a greater level of external regulatory control. The roles of the state and the market and how they interrelate are considered in this book against a background of increased intervention by international institutions. The potential contribution of individual citizens and non-governmental organisations towards achieving a socially and environmentally responsible business behaviour is also given attention. These issues are of special concern in an era that calls for different political and regulatory activities than have been exploited traditionally.

Highlighting the central importance of law, legal systems and the role of lawyers to the debate on CSR, this book will be of great interest to academics and policymakers. It will also appeal to students in law, especially company law, commercial law, and international law.
Critical Acclaim
‘Perspectives on Corporate Social Responsibility provides both a balanced summary of views long held on its value and a promise of what can be achieved with creative thinking.’
– Kasey Lowe, Journal of Current Legal Studies
Contributors: N. Boeger, J. Corkin, J. Dine, S. MacLeod, R. Murray, D.M. Ong, C. Scott, K. Shields, C. Villiers, H. Ward, S. Wheeler, P. Zumbansen

1. Introduction
Nina Boeger, Rachel Murray and Charlotte Villiers

2. Corporate Social Responsibility in Law and Policy
Halina Ward

3. Misappropriating Citizenship: The Limits of Corporate Social Responsibility
Joseph Corkin

4. The United Nations, Human Rights and Transnational Corporations: Challenging the International Legal Order
Sorcha MacLeod

5. Corporate Law, Corporate Power and Corporate Social Responsibility
Charlotte Villiers

6. Varieties of Capitalism and the Learning Firm: Corporate Governance and labour in the Context of Contemporary Developments in European and German Company Law
Peer Zumbansen

7. Corporate Social Responsibility: Do Corporations Have a Responsibility to Trade Fairly? Can the Fairtrade Movement Deliver the Duty?
Janet Dine and Kirsteen Shields

8. Reflexive Governance, Meta-Regulation and Corporate Social Responsibility: The ‘Heineken Effect’
Colin Scott

9. Locating the ‘Environment’ Within Corporate Social Responsibility: Continuing Problems of Legal Definition and Representation
David M. Ong

10. Engaging Individuals
Sally Wheeler

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