

Essays in Honour of Thomas Mayer

9781852789404 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Kevin D. Hoover, Professor of Economics and Philosophy, Departments of Economics and Philosophy, Duke University, US and Steven M. Sheffrin, Professor of Economics and Director of the Murphy Institute of Political Economy, Tulane University, US
Publication Date: 1995 ISBN: 978 1 85278 940 4 Extent: 288 pp
Monetarism and the Methodology of Economics is a collection of 14 original essays in honour of Thomas Mayer focusing on the themes of monetarism, the transmission mechanism for monetary policy, the political economy of monetary policy and the methodology of empirical economics.

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Monetarism and the Methodology of Economics is a collection of 14 original essays in honour of Thomas Mayer focusing on the themes of monetarism, the transmission mechanism for monetary policy, the political economy of monetary policy and the methodology of empirical economics.

This volume addresses the many areas where Thomas Mayer has made a major contribution and brings together a distinguished group of contributors including King Banaian, Mark Blaug, Martin Bronfenbrenner, Richard C.K. Burdekin, Thomas F. Cargill, Milton Friedman, C.A.E. Goodhart, D. Wade Hands, Abraham Hirsch, Kevin D. Hoover, David Laidler, Thomas Mayer, James L. Pierce, Steven M. Sheffrin, Richard J. Sweeney, Thomas D. Willett, Wing Thye Woo.

An autobiographical essay by Thomas Mayer and a short appreciation by Kevin Hoover and Steven Sheffrin are included in this volume, together with a bibliography of Mayer’s economic writings.
Critical Acclaim
‘It is an excellent and well written group of essays, superbly edited by two of Mayer’s colleagues, Kevin Hoover and Steven Sheffrin. . . in many ways this volume mirrors Mayer’s vision of how economics ought to be practiced. What a thoughtful way to honor a meticulous, scholarly, and prolific colleague.’
– James R. Wible, Eastern Economic Journal
Contributors: K. Banaian, M. Bronfenbrenner, R.C.K. Burdekin, T. F. Cargill, M. Friedman, C.A.E. Goodhart, D.W. Hands, A. Hirsch, K. D. Hoover, D. Laidler, T. Mayer, J.L. Pierce, S.M. Sheffrin, R.J. Sweeney, T.D. Willett, W.Thye Woo

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