Media Freedom in the Age of Citizen Journalism


Media Freedom in the Age of Citizen Journalism

9781800371255 Edward Elgar Publishing
Peter Coe, School of Law, University of Reading, UK
Publication Date: 2021 ISBN: 978 1 80037 125 5 Extent: 320 pp
This timely book explores how the internet and social media have permanently altered the media landscape, enabling new actors to enter the marketplace, and changing the way that news is generated, published and consumed. It examines the importance of citizen journalists, whose newsgathering and publication activities have made them crucial to public discourse and central actors in the communication revolution. Investigating how the internet and social media have enabled citizen journalism to flourish, and what this means for the traditional institutional press, the public sphere, and media freedom, the book demonstrates how communication and legal theory are applied in practice.

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This timely book explores how the internet and social media have permanently altered the media landscape, enabling new actors to enter the marketplace and changing the way that news is generated, published and consumed. It examines the importance of citizen journalists, whose newsgathering and publication activities have made them crucial to public discourse and central actors in the communication revolution. Investigating how the internet and social media have enabled citizen journalism to flourish, and what this means for the traditional institutional press, the public sphere, and media freedom, the book demonstrates how communication and legal theory are applied in practice.

Peter Coe advances a concept of ‘media as a constitutional component’, which distinguishes media from non-media actors based on the functions they perform, rather than institutional status, and uses this to provide a conceptual framework that recognises modern newsgathering and publication methods. This interdisciplinary book analyses the legal challenges created across a range of topical issues, including online anonymity and pseudonymity, defamation, privacy and public interest, contempt of court and press regulation.

Media Freedom in the Age of Citizen Journalism will be a key resource for students, scholars, practitioners and policy-makers of information and media law, constitutional administrative law, communication and media studies, journalism and philosophy.
Critical Acclaim
‘This thought-provoking book considers foundational media law questions for a social media age: Who is a journalist? Is it every smartphone-carrying person who happens upon a news event or would such a broad definition ultimately unravel key protections? What does it mean to belong to the at times legally privileged club of journalism and who gets to decide the question of belonging? Readers will not always agree about who is who and what might be done, but they’ll be left with a much fuller understanding of the debate, they’ll be motivated by its challenges around the world, and they’ll better appreciate how crucially important solutions are not only to those who consider themselves journalists, but to press freedom itself.’
– Amy Gajda, Tulane University, US

‘Peter Coe has authored an important and insightful book that presents a robust, and highly persuasive, normative argument in favor of more vigorous legal protections for non-institutional media outlets. Using a comparative legal analysis, he carefully demonstrates why extending meaningful legal protection to the growing cohort of citizen-journalists will be absolutely essential to ensuring that “the press” can play its integral role in facilitating the process of democratic deliberation. In the era of Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook, Coe cogently posits that the concept of “the press” must include citizen-journalists – and, moreover, that these non-traditional reporters must enjoy both press protections and (at least some) press responsibilities as well.’
– Ronald Krotoszynski, University of Alabama School of Law, US

‘Dr Coe''s meticulous and insightful research represents an important and timely contribution to the debate on press regulation. Policy-makers, commentators, and scholars should listen to what he has to say.’
– Paul Wragg, University of Leeds, UK

‘Concerns about media freedom are growing at the same time as non-institutional media become more important. This insightful and thoughtful book explores the concept of media freedom, its rationale and its justifications and provides an account of it which integrates citizen journalism. It is an important contribution to the scholarship on the concept of media freedom.’
– David Rolph, The University of Sydney, Australia

‘Media law and free speech scholars usually talk either about the fundamental issues of media freedom or the challenges posed by new technology. This volume deals with both. Coe’s book not only shakes the “dead dogmas” (to quote John Stuart Mill) of the legal notion of media freedom, but also shows how these doctrines need to be re-interpreted for the 21st Century.’
– András Koltay, University of Public Service and Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Hungary

Contents: 1. Introduction PART I THE MODERN MEDIA LANDSCAPE 2. A shackled institution: is the notion of the ‘free press’ a fallacy? 3. The internet, social media, and citizen journalism PART II THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS 4. Unpacking media freedom as a distinct legal concept 5. The media-as-a-constitutional-component concept: a new theoretical foundation for media freedom 6. What the media-as-a-constitutional-component concept means for media freedom PART III LEGAL CHALLENGES 7. Anonymous and pseudonymous speech 8. Contempt of court and defamation 9. Reimaging regulation Index
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