Karl Marx (1818–1883)


Karl Marx (1818–1883)

9781852784850 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by the late Mark Blaug, former Professor Emeritus, University of London and Professor Emeritus, University of Buckingham, UK
Publication Date: 1991 ISBN: 978 1 85278 485 0 Extent: 416 pp
Whether or not we reject the Marxist schema there is little doubt that Marx was a great economist. The three volumes of Capital, contain some pieces of remarkable economic analysis from which modern economists can still learn. However difficult he is to read, there are moments when, like Ricardo and Walras, he can revel in the abstract power of economic reasoning.

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Whether or not we reject the Marxist schema there is little doubt that Marx was a great economist. The three volumes of Capital, contain some pieces of remarkable economic analysis from which modern economists can still learn. However difficult he is to read, there are moments when, like Ricardo and Walras, he can revel in the abstract power of economic reasoning.

This volume is made up of papers published since 1986 and, despite recent events in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, they demonstrate how friends and foes alike are coming to reassess earlier views of Marx. These commentaries made in the 1980s hold out the prospect that a ‘new view’ of Marx will eventually emerge.
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