International Handbook of Entrepreneurship and HRM


International Handbook of Entrepreneurship and HRM

9781849800501 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Rowena Barrett, Professor of Human Resource Management, Edith Cowan University, Western Australia and Susan Mayson, Senior Lecturer, Department of Management, Monash University, Australia
Publication Date: 2010 ISBN: 978 1 84980 050 1 Extent: 512 pp
This invaluable reference tool has been designed in response to the growing recognition that too little is known about the intersection between entrepreneurship and human resource management. Paying particular attention to the ‘people’ side of venture emergence and development, it offers unique insights into the role that human resource management (HRM) plays in small and entrepreneurial firms.

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This invaluable reference tool has been designed in response to the growing recognition that too little is known about the intersection between entrepreneurship and human resource management. Paying particular attention to the ‘people’ side of venture emergence and development, it offers unique insights into the role that human resource management (HRM) plays in small and entrepreneurial firms.

A group of international scholars contribute theoretical and empirical chapters on specific HRM issues in the context of entrepreneurial and smaller firms. The Handbook offers a new understanding of the role of HRM in developing sustainable entrepreneurship and describes how HRM practices and procedures can be used to help navigate and, indeed, drive the changing landscape in these firms.

Exploring the functional aspects and nature of managing HRM in new, small, growing, emerging and entrepreneurial firms, this fascinating Handbook will not only be warmly welcomed by HRM students, researchers and academics, but also by HR practitioners and managers.
Critical Acclaim
‘This highly original book focuses on human resource management issues in the context of entrepreneurial and small firms, including original theoretical and empirical chapters. . . the book offers a unique insight into understanding the role of HRM in developing sustainable entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial ventures as well as how HRM practices and procedures can be used to help navigate, or indeed drive, the changing landscape in smaller and entrepreneurial firms. It is a useful resource for many small firms, entrepreneurship and economic development researchers, and also for policy-makers and post-graduate students interested in these areas. It provides a starting point to consider a variety of issues with regard to HRM and, in this regard it is an interesting and useful Handbook.’
– Qihai Huang, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research
Contributors: D. Audretsch, R. Barrett, R. Blackburn, D. Blackman, G. Boocock, S.M. Camp, M.S. Cardon, C. Carey, C. Cassell, E. Chell, L.X. Cunningham, C. Dal Zotto, K. Daniels, H. David, D. Devins, J. Glover, J.D. Grant, V. Gustafsson, R. Harris, R.L. Heneman, K. Hindle, J. Holland, J. Hyman, S. Jack, S. Janjuha-Jivraj, D.M. Kaplan, J.A. Katz, S. Marlow, L.M. Martin, S. Mayson, J. Michie, E. Monsen, S. Nadin, F. Osborne, S.S. Reddy, R. Reid, J. Robinson, C. Rowley, M. Sheehan, D. Smallbone, J.W. Tansky, I. Tarique, S. Taylor, A. Thompson, T.H. Wagar, N. Warriner, G. Watts, I. Williamson

1. Introduction: At the Intersection of Entrepreneurship and Human Resource Management
Rowena Barrett and Susan Mayson

2. The Nascent Entrepreneur, Business Development and the Role of Human Resources
Elizabeth Chell

3. Entrepreneurship Capital: A Regional, Organizational, Team and Individual Phenomenon
David Audretsch and Erik Monsen

4. Interpretivist Approaches to Entrepreneurship
Catherine Cassell and Sara Nadin

5. Human Resource Management as an Entrepreneurial Tool?
Cinzia Dal Zotto and Veronica Gustafsson

6. The Formality and Informality of HRM Practices in Small Firms
Rowena Barrett and Susan Mayson

7. Human Resource Management and Corporate Performance: Evidence from UK and US Small Firms
Jonathan Michie and Maura Sheehan

8. Human Resource Strategies of High-Growth Entrepreneurial Firms
Robert L. Heneman, Judith W. Tansky and S. Michael Camp

9. The Relationship between Small Firm Growth and HRM Practices
Rowena Barrett, Susan Mayson and Niel Warriner

10. Formalizing Relationships? Time, Change and the Psychological Contract in Team Entrepreneurial Companies
Lynn M. Martin, Shaheena Janjuha-Jivraj, Charlotte Carey and Srikanth Sursani Reddy

11. Growing Pains: Managing the Employment Relationship in Medium-Sized Enterprises
Susan Marlow and Amanda Thompson

12. Paternalism and People Management in a Low-Tech Manufacturing Company
Jeff Hyman, Fraser Osborne and Sarah Jack

13. Barriers to Growth in Family-Owned Smaller Businesses
Richard Harris and Renee Reid

14. Human Resource Management in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Jiangsu, China
Li Xue Cunningham and Chris Rowley

15. Small Firms’ Strategic Stickiness and the Impact of State Interventions
Robert Blackburn and David Smallbone

16. Becoming an Employer
Hefin David and Gerald Watts

17. Organizational Attractiveness of Small Businesses
Melissa S. Cardon and Ibraiz Tarique

18. The Effect of Small Firms’ Recruitment Practice Portfolio Composition on Recruitment Success
Ian Williamson and Jeffrey Robinson

19. Would Using the Psychological Contract Increase Entrepreneurial Business Development Potential?
Deborah Blackman and Kevin Hindle

20. Daily Learning, Job Design and Problem-Solving in SMEs
Grahame Boocock, Kevin Daniels, Jane Glover and Julie Holland

21. Encouraging Skills Acquisition in SMEs
David Devins

22. Training and Development: Practices, Definitions and Desires
Scott Taylor

23. The Maturation of Entrepreneurial Careers
David M. Kaplan and Jerome A. Katz

24. Intention to Quit: Evidence from Managers and Professionals in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Terry H. Wagar and James D. Grant

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