How to Use Storytelling in Your Academic Writing


How to Use Storytelling in Your Academic Writing

Techniques for Engaging Readers and Successfully Navigating the Writing and Publishing Processes

9781802201697 Edward Elgar Publishing
Timothy G. Pollock, Haslam Chair in Business, Distinguished Professor of Entrepreneurship and Kinney Family Faculty Research Fellow, Haslam College of Business, University of Tennessee-Knoxville, USA
Publication Date: 2021 ISBN: 978 1 80220 169 7 Extent: 200 pp
Good writing skills and habits are critical for scholarly success. Every article is a story, and employing the techniques of effective storytelling enhances scholars’ abilities to share their insights and ideas, increasing the impact of their research. This book draws on the tools and techniques of storytelling employed in fiction and non-fiction writing to help academic writers enhance the clarity, presentation, and flow of their scholarly work, and provides insights on navigating the writing, reviewing, and coauthoring processes.

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Good writing skills and habits are critical for scholarly success. Every article is a story, and employing the techniques of effective storytelling enhances scholars’ abilities to share their insights and ideas, increasing the impact of their research. This book draws on the tools and techniques of storytelling employed in fiction and non-fiction writing to help academic writers enhance the clarity, presentation, and flow of their scholarly work.

Tim Pollock describes the structure, techniques and tools of storytelling, and shows the reader how to apply them in writing the Introduction, Theory and Hypotheses, Methods and Results, and Discussion sections of an article. He also describes how these sections differ for qualitative and theory papers, and addresses how to manage the writing, coauthoring and review processes. In addition, he explains how to use storytelling when writing grant proposals, research statements and cover letters.

This book is an invaluable tool for academics at all levels across the business and social science disciplines.
Critical Acclaim
‘In this book Timothy G. Pollock takes the reader into a journey about academic thinking, writing and publishing with a story of his own experiences on practising scientific writing for almost three decades. The book is well structured and designed to serve a vast majority of academic researchers at any stage of their career. For graduate students, the book can be a good companion when writing their dissertation. For experienced researchers the book would be a valuable asset for enhancing creative writing. The book can also support mentors during supervising their graduate students as it offers a clear articulation of the academic writing process.’
– Khaled Hussein, WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs

‘Although scholars at any career stage will likely benefit from the book’s storytelling insights, it should be required reading for emerging scholars seeking to impact the world through their scholarship. For instance, it would make a great textbook for a graduate writing course or proseminar. But no matter where you are in your writing journey, How to Use Storytelling in Your Academic Writing is bound to offer fresh inspiration for making your academic writing more compelling.’
– Joel Gehman, Administrative Science Quarterly

‘After reading, discussing, and reviewing this book, we recommend it as a useful resource. It is of particular value to those whose academic work involves their own writing about research as well as mentoring others in this element of academic practice.’
– Geof Hill and Jo-Anne Kelder, Advancing Scholarship and Research in Higher Education

‘For researchers, finding the truth has always been a method taught to everyone, and reporting it has been an art known only by the few. Thanks to this book, research has now become more democratic, because the reader learns how to use storytelling tools methodically for reporting research.’
– Henrich R. Greve, Rudolf and Valeria Maag Chaired Professor of Entrepreneurship, INSEAD and former Editor, Administrative Science Quarterly

‘It won’t matter how brilliant your ideas are if you can’t explain them well in your writing. As one of the sharpest writers in the management field, Tim Pollock has produced a remarkably useful guide for academics to communicate more clearly.’
– Adam Grant, New York Times bestselling author of Think Again and Originals

‘The most interesting ideas and the most diligent designs fall flat if we can’t showcase them for the reader. Pollock shows us how—while also giving tips for making the process more efficient and enjoyable. This book is essential for any scholar and should be required reading when training doctoral students.’
– Jason A. Colquitt, University of Notre Dame, US and former Editor, Academy of Management Journal

‘If you want your scholarly work to be read, admired, and remembered, you should dive into this book. Tim Pollock has done us an immense service. By integrating classical concepts from the narrative and dramatic arts, along with numerous juicy examples from the world of academic writing, Pollock provides us a fun, valuable story about storytelling.’
– Donald C. Hambrick, The Pennsylvania State University, US
Contents: 1. Introduction: think like a storyteller 2. Structuring a story 3. Storytelling tools 4. The building blocks of storytelling: words, sentences and
paragraphs 5. Introductions, titles and abstracts 6. Theory and Hypotheses 7. Methods and Results 8. Discussion section 9. What’s different about qualitative articles, theory articles and book chapters? 10. The writing process 11. The co-authoring process 12. Navigating the review process 13. Other kinds of writing 14. Conclusion References Index
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