Heightening Competition in the Postal and Delivery Sector


Heightening Competition in the Postal and Delivery Sector

9781848446984 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by the late Michael A. Crew, formerly CRRI Professor of Regulatory Economics and Director, Center for Research in Regulated Industries (CRRI), Rutgers Business School, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Newark, US and the late Paul R. Kleindorfer, former Paul Dubrule Professor of Sustainable Development, INSEAD, France and Anheuser-Busch Professor Emeritus of Management Science, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, US
Publication Date: March 2010 ISBN: 978 1 84844 698 4 Extent: 416 pp
This compilation of original essays by an international cast of top scholars addresses some of the major issues now facing postal and delivery services throughout the world. The European Commission and member states wrestle with the problem of how to implement the scheduled liberalization of these sectors and maintain the universal service obligation while the United States Postal Service is coming to terms with the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act. In addition, the book addresses the impact of electronic competition as well as other problems facing the field.

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This compilation of original essays by an international cast of top scholars addresses some of the major issues now facing postal and delivery services throughout the world. The European Commission and member states wrestle with the problem of how to implement the scheduled liberalization of these sectors and maintain the universal service obligation while the United States Postal Service is coming to terms with the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act. In addition, the book addresses the impact of electronic competition as well as other problems facing the field.

The contributors analyze pressing issues such as access to infrastructure and service elements, changes in the national regulations of EU countries, forecasting mail volumes and the evolving market environment, issues surrounding universal service and others.

Undergraduate and postgraduate students and researchers in regulation and public sector economics along with industry professionals will find this volume informative and useful.
Contributors: A.M. Amaral, S. Bernard, F. Boldron, C. Borsenberger, B. Bouin, M.D. Bradley, L.G. Buc, J. Calzada, J.I. Campbell Jr., C. Cazals, M. Cigno, R. Cohen, J.L. Colvin, A. Consiglio, H. Cremer, M.A. Crew, J. Cristovão, N. Curien, P. De Donder, P. Dudley, R. Eccles, F. Fève, M. Filippini, J.-P. Florens, A. Fratini, D. Geradin, S.S. Glick, C. Gomez, S. Gori, G. Harman, D. Henry, C. Jaag, D. Joram, L. Kiikkilä, P.R. Kleindorfer, W. Koevoets, M. Koller, G. Lacroix, S. Lécou, P. Louro, C. Magre, L. Martin, C. McBride, D. Monaco, C. Mota, N.B. Nieto, A. Obrea, J.C. Panzar, E.S. Pearsall, E. Piccinin, M.R. Pierleoni, L.A. Pintsov, A. Requejo, F. Rodriguez, B. Roy, P.C. Smith, S. Soteri, P.A. Soyka, D.J. Tobias, J. Toledano, U. Trinkner, E. van der Merwe, J. Vantomme, V. Visco Comandini, P.E. Vogel, N. Waghe

Foreword: Enduring Questions and Some Lessons from Practice
Joëlle Toledano

1. Access and the USO Under Full Market Opening
Michael A. Crew and Paul R. Kleindorfer

2. Access to Infrastructure and Service Elements in the Postal Sector
Alessandra Fratini, Bernard Roy and Joost Vantomme

3. National Regulation of Postal Services Under the 2008 EU Postal Services Directive
Richard Eccles

4. Abuse of Dominance in the Postal Sector: The Contribution of the Guidance Paper on Article 82 EC
Damien Geradin and David Henry

5. The Altmark Ruling and Approaches to Measuring Efficiency of Postal Operators
Vincenzo Visco Comandini, Adolfo Consiglio, Stefano Gori, Emiliano Piccinin and Maria Rita Pierleoni

6. Price-cap Postal Regulation: The French Experience
Bénédicte Bouin, Nicolas Curien and Guillaume Lacroix

7. Some Dynamic Models for Mail Demand: The French Case
François Boldron, Catherine Cazals, Jean-Pierre Florens and
Sébastien Lécou

8. Forecasting Mail Volumes in an Evolving Market Environment
Frédérique Fève, Jean-Pierre Florens, Frank Rodriguez and Soterios Soteri

9. The Effect of Falling Volumes on Traditional Efficiency Analysis
Greg Harman, Wim Koevoets, Alejandro Requejo, Erik van der Merwe and Navin Waghe

10. Economies of Scale and Scope and Opening Hours in Post Offices and Agencies
Massimo Filippini, Martin Koller and Urs Trinkner

11. Welfare and Profit Implications for Changes in Service Specification within the Universal Service
Philippe De Donder, Helmuth Cremer, Paul Dudley and Frank Rodriguez

12. An Operational Measure of the Cost of Universal Service as Cross-subsidy
Margaret Cigno, Diane Monaco and Edward S. Pearsall

13. Estimating the Impact of a Uniform Price Rule in a Liberalized Postal Environment: The Case of the United States Postal Service
Michael D. Bradley, Jeff L. Colvin, Norma B. Nieto and Daniel J. Tobias

14. Funding the Cost of Universal Service in a Liberalized Postal Sector
Claire Borsenberger, Helmuth Cremer, Philippe De Donder, Denis Joram and Bernard Roy

15. Cross-country Comparisons of Optimal Mail Delivery Frequency
Claire Borsenberger, Denis Joram, Clément Magre and Bernard Roy

16. The Cost of the USO in the United States
Robert Cohen, Charles McBride and John C. Panzar

17. Universal Service Auctions in Liberalized Postal Markets
Joan Calzada, Christian Jaag and Urs Trinkner

18. A Team of Rivals: Collaboration between United States Postal Service and UPS
Paul C. Smith and Paul E. Vogel

19. Customer Satisfaction Models for Itella’s Business Customers
Lenni Kiikkilä

20. Postal Product Innovation Using EPPML
Leon A. Pintsov and Andrei Obrea

21. The Environmental Impacts of the US Mail: Initial Life Cycle Inventory Model and Analysis
Lawrence G. Buc, Peter A. Soyka and Sander S. Glick

22. Determining the Impact of Shape and Weight of Mail Items on Manual Processing Costs: An Experimental Approach
Stéphane Bernard, Caroline Gomez, Lise Martin and Bernard Roy

23. Assessing the Cost of Capital for USPs in Europe: A Practical Approach
António Manuel Amaral, Paulo Louro, Carla Mota and João Cristovão

24. Historical Development of a Universal Service Obligation in the United States
James I. Campbell Jr.

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