Handbook of Work–Life Integration Among Professionals


Handbook of Work–Life Integration Among Professionals

Challenges and Opportunities

9781781009284 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Debra A. Major, Professor of Psychology and Associate Chair for Research, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia, US and the late Ronald J. Burke, formerly Professor Emeritus, Schulich School of Business, York University, Canada
Publication Date: January 2014 ISBN: 978 1 78100 928 4 Extent: 416 pp
This Handbook integrates current thinking and research evidence regarding how professionals navigate multiple life roles to achieve satisfaction and fulfillment. Drawing on the expertise of top work–life scholars, the volume offers a comprehensive treatment of the challenges and benefits encountered. The topic is approached from all angles, including how technology, family structure over the lifespan, work organizations’ cultures and policies, and national culture influence the way professionals manage their roles across the work and family domains.

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How work and family lives can be effectively managed has been a hot topic of public debate in recent years. This Handbook integrates current thinking and research evidence regarding how professionals navigate multiple life roles to achieve satisfaction and fulfillment.

Drawing on the expertise of top work–life scholars, the book offers a comprehensive treatment of the challenges and benefits encountered in work–life integration. The topic is approached from multiple angles, including how technology, family structure over the lifespan, work organizations’ cultures and policies, and national culture influence the way professionals manage their roles across the work and family domains.

This innovative volume confronts the similarities and differences in women’s and men’s work–life experiences. Individual and organizational solutions to work–family conflict and strategies for work–life enrichment are explored. It will strongly appeal to students, scholars and professionals in human resource management courses.
Critical Acclaim
‘The Handbook of Work-Life Integration among Professionals contributes by clarifying, summarizing, and integrating existing research and offering insights for innovative, cohesive, and meaningful forward progress.. . .This book clearly provides a contribution to the field by engaging in the much-needed scholarly self-reflection, compiling existing research, and pointing scholars toward the future of the field. ''
– Alyssa F. Westring, Personnal Psychology
Contributors: A.S. Ahmad, A.J. Anderson, J.K. Andreassi, A.B. Bakker, B.B. Baltes, A.A. Beiler, R. Burke, W.J. Casper, N. Chesley, M.A. Clark, J.N. Cleveland, S.S. Culbertson, S. De Hauw, E. Demerouti, A.M. Ellis, L.M. Fiksenbaum, T.K. Frevert, J.H. Greenhaus, L.B. Hammer, K.M. Hannum, E.J. Hill, A.H. Huffman, A. Kaduk, E.B. King, U. Kinnunen, D.A. Major, A.D. Masuda, R.A. Matthews, S. Mauno, J. McCarthy, J.S. Michel, P. Moen, V.J. Morganson, H.M. Morrison, A. Ollier-Malaterre, J. Rantanen, A. Rusconi, A.I. Sanz-Vergel, N. Sarkisian, K.M. Shockley, A. Siibak, S. Stawiski, L.L. ten Brummelhuis, C.A. Thompson, S.E. Van Dyck, J. Wajcman, J.H. Wayne, K.T. Wynne

1. Work and Family Life: Revitalizing Research and Practice
Debra A. Major, Ronald Burke and Lisa M. Fiksenbaum

2. Models and Frameworks Underlying Work–Life Research
Jeffrey H. Greenhaus and Lieke L. ten Brummelhuis

3. Concepts and Measures in the Work–Family Interface: Implications for Work–Family Integration
Wendy J. Casper, Sara De Hauw and Julie Holliday Wayne

4. Work–Life Conflict and its Effects
Jesse S. Michel, Malissa A. Clark and Angela A. Beiler

5. Crossover and Spillover between Family Members and Work and Family Roles
Ulla Kinnunen, Johanna Rantanen and Saija Mauno

6. Career Priorities and Pathways Across the (Gendered) Life Course
Alessandra Rusconi, Phyllis Moen and Anne Kaduk

7. Effects of Gender and Parenting on Work–Life Integration
Afra S. Ahmad, Eden B. King and Amanda J. Anderson

8. Three Jobs, Two Employees and One Family: The Experiences of Dual-Earner Couples
Ann Hergatt Huffman and Tonya K. Frevert

9. Work and Family Issues in a Multi-generational Context
Jeanette N. Cleveland and Jean McCarthy

10. Work–Life Integration and its Benefits
Kevin T. Wynne and Boris B. Baltes

11. Individual Strategies for Navigating the Work–Life Interface
Valerie J. Morganson, Satoris S. Culbertson and Russell A. Matthews

12. Recovery and Work–Life Interface
Evangelia Demerouti, Arnold B. Bakker and Ana Isabel Sanz-Vergel

13. Information and Communication Technology Use and Work–Life Integration
Noelle Chesley, Andra Siibak and Judy Wajcman

14. Workplace Flexibility: A Key to Work–Life Integration
E. Jeffrey Hill and Hope M. Morrison

15. Organizational Policies Supportive of Work–Life Integration
Leslie B. Hammer, Sarah E. Van Dyck and Allison M. Ellis

16. Workplace Culture and Work–Life Integration
Kristen M. Shockley, Cynthia A. Thompson and Jeanine K. Andreassi

17. Work–Life Policies and Practices Across Countries
Aline D. Masuda

18. Work–Life Balance and Performance Across Countries: Cultural and Institutional Approaches
Ariane Ollier-Malaterre, Natalia Sarkisian, Sarah Stawiski and Kelly M. Hannum

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