Handbook of Industrial Development


Handbook of Industrial Development

9781800379084 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Patrizio Bianchi, Sandrine Labory, Professors of Applied Economics, Department of Economics and Management, University of Ferrara, Italy and Philip R. Tomlinson, Professor of Industrial Strategy, School of Management, University of Bath, UK
Publication Date: 2023 ISBN: 978 1 80037 908 4 Extent: 456 pp
Providing an overview of industrial development using a variety of different approaches and perspectives, the Handbook of Industrial Development brings together expert contributors and highlights the current multiple and interdependent challenges that can only be addressed by an interdisciplinary approach. Chapters discuss the existing issues faced by industry following both the digital and environmental transitions, highlighting their regional roots and the interplay with the wider institutional framework.

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Providing an overview of industrial development using a variety of different approaches and perspectives, the Handbook of Industrial Development brings together expert contributors and highlights the current multiple and interdependent challenges that can only be addressed using an interdisciplinary approach.

Chapters discuss the existing issues faced by industry following both the digital and environmental transitions, highlighting their regional roots and the interplay with the wider institutional framework. Investigating the necessity for companies to design new products and production processes and also re-think their corporate responsibilities, this Handbook illustrates the need for a much broader vision taking into account historical, social, political and cultural viewpoints at all governmental levels. Furthermore, it takes an analytical look at further research, including insightful directions for future industrial development policies.

Answering complex policy questions for today, this crucial Handbook will be invaluable for policymakers looking for insights into sustainable industrial development as well as practitioners who are seeking an up-to-date comprehensive overview of the topic. Economic development and innovation scholars and researchers will also find the future research ideas interesting and informative.
Critical Acclaim
‘Industry is key not only to economic growth and jobs. Its ongoing transformation and a stronger and clearer directionality in policy action can critically contribute to establish sustainable development paths as well as to fight territorial imbalances. But how? This Handbook takes the challenge of unwinding this complex issue and analyses past experiences, potentials, limitations and perspectives for the future, adopting an intriguing multidisciplinary approach aimed at understanding both global and local stakes. An important contribution to the current efforts of both scientists and policymakers.’
– Alessandro Rainoldi, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, Spain

‘The global economy is undergoing dramatic change due to newly transparent geopolitical shifts and technological disruption. Technological disruption is due to a variety of technological paradigm shifts ranging from the Internet of Things to quantum computing to artificial intelligence. Climate change and related agricultural and health issues complicate management and policy issues still further. In order to ensure industrial development follows a better path, it is important to critically re-think the role of firms, technologies, industrial sectors and structures, the changing nature of work and labour markets, governance and public policy, and, in turn, their socio-economic impacts within regions, nation states and the global economy. This timely Handbook brings together leading scholars from several fields to explore these issues. Its collection of thought-provoking chapters will allow readers to challenge the conventional wisdom and to consider alternative possibilities for sustainable and more inclusive industrial development.’
– David J Teece, University of California, Berkeley, US

‘Our world is facing profound challenges that require a re-examination of cherished ideas. Early 2020 brought a pandemic, a global recession and an unprecedented reconfiguration of supply chains. The world now stares down a regional war of untold danger and hardship. Looking to the future, we will need hope and insight into a newly designed wealth-generating capacity taking into account social, environmental, political and industrial governance practices of a magnitude not seen since the first Industrial Revolution. This new Handbook of Industrial Development takes on such a task and it could not be more timely. Combining theory, sectoral analysis and multiple geographies while recognizing new societal imperatives, the book looks beyond Industry 4.0, interrogating up-to-the-minute developments in today''s industries while offering suggestions for future-oriented policy to tackle near- and long-term problems of equity and inclusion.’
– Amy Glasmeier, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US

‘This Handbook of Industrial Development will be central to academic research, teaching and industry engagement for decades to come. In an era when governments seek new ways to promote employment and re-build economic capacity this Handbook provides solutions to the conceptual and practical challenges many nations face in their efforts to establish and develop new industries. World-leading researchers provide fresh insights into the relationship between industrial development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the places of innovation, path development, sectoral policy and the challenges before governments. This Handbook is both timely and pivotal to advancing thinking and policy on the industry of the future.’
– Andrew Beer, University of South Australia, Australia
Contributors: K. Ali Akkemik, Antonio Andreoni, David Bailey, Moisés Balestro, Mariachiara Barzotto, Dafna Bearson, Marco Bellandi, Patrizio Bianchi, Mario Biggeri, Ron Boschma, Ulbe Bosma, Graham Brownlow, Leslie Budd, Ivano Cardinale, Camille Carlton, Maria Chiara Cecchetti, Horman Chitonge, Dan Coffey, Carlo Corradini, Lisa De Propris, Marco R. Di Tommaso, Felicia Fai, Andrea Ferrannini, Rainer Kattel, Martin Kenney, Sandrine Labory, Tuukka Mäkitie, Pedro Marques, Ron Martin, Massimiliano Mazzanti, Santosh Mehrotra, Juan Carlos Monroy Osorio, Kevin Morgan, Marco Opazo-Basáez, Martina Pardy, Sergio Petralia, Eleni E.N. Piteli, Christos Pitelis, Valeria Pulignano, Clemente Ruiz Durán, Erica Santini, Roberto Scazzieri, Markus Steen, Peter Sunley, Carole Thornley, Philip R. Tomlinson, Bas van Leeuwen, Ferran Vendrell-Herrero, Davide Villani, Meimei Wang, Murat Yulek, Emy Zecca, John Zysman

Foreword by Annalisa Primi: why talking about production means talking about
development xvi
Foreword by Richard Kozul-Wright xviii

1 Shaping sustainable industrial development paths 2
Patrizio Bianchi, Sandrine Labory and Philip R. Tomlinson

2 Industrial revolutions in a globalizing world, 1760–present 18
Bas van Leeuwen, Ulbe Bosma and Meimei Wang
3 Latin America: learning and fictional expectations in industrial development 37
Clemente Ruiz Durán and Moisés Balestro
4 Murmurs of an industrial revolution in Africa: is it time for Africa? 54
Horman Chitonge
5 Industrialization, economic and political power 76
Graham Brownlow
6 The transformation of work: changing employment governance regime 91
Valeria Pulignano
7 Sustainable human development, capabilities and the new trajectories of
industrial policy 107
Mario Biggeri, Andrea Ferrannini, Santosh Mehrotra, Marco R. Di Tommaso
and Patrizio Bianchi

8 Place and industrial development: paths to understanding? 134
Peter Sunley and Ron Martin
9 Innovation, industrial dynamics and regional inequalities 152
Ron Boschma, Martina Pardy and Sergio Petralia
10 Evolutions in industrial districts and local productive systems 166
Marco Bellandi, Maria Chiara Cecchetti and Erica Santini
11 External collaboration for innovation: firms, industry, regions and policy 183
Mariachiara Barzotto, Carlo Corradini, Felicia Fai, Sandrine Labory and
Philip R. Tomlinson
12 Governing industrial policy: the scope and limits of the ‘good
governance’ agenda 201
Pedro Marques and Kevin Morgan

13 Spatial implications of the platform economy: cases and questions 216
Martin Kenney, John Zysman, Dafna Bearson and Camille Carlton
14 Consumer goods: from mass consumption to servitization 233
Juan Carlos Monroy-Osorio, Marco Opazo-Basáez and Ferran Vendrell-Herrero
15 The car industry as a laboratory of transformations induced by
industrial development 249
David Bailey, Dan Coffey, Lisa De Propris and Carole Thornley
16 The propulsive role of the space industry in industrial development:
evaluating the case of spaceports 269
Leslie Budd and Davide Villani
17 The energy sector: an industrial perspective on energy transitions 288
Tuukka Mäkitie and Markus Steen
18 Industry, innovations and transition to the green and circular economy 303
Massimiliano Mazzanti and Emy Zecca

19 Industrial policy beyond market failure: structural dynamics, innovation
and economic governance for industrial development 323
David Bailey, Sandrine Labory and Philip R. Tomlinson
20 Stages of industrial development and appropriate industrial policy 339
Murat Yülek and K. Ali Akkemik
21 Platform oligopolies, anti-trust policy and sustainable development 358
Christos Pitelis and Eleni E.N. Piteli
22 States of innovation: how the state shapes production transformation 383
Antonio Andreoni and Rainer Kattel
23 Industrial development and the growth process: a structural framework 404
Ivano Cardinale and Roberto Scazzieri

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