Handbook of Environmental Impact Assessment


Handbook of Environmental Impact Assessment

9781800379626 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Alberto Fonseca, Associate Professor of Environmental Impact Assessment, Department of Environmental Engineering, Federal University of Ouro Preto, Brazil
Publication Date: 2022 ISBN: 978 1 80037 962 6 Extent: 470 pp
Reviewing over 50 years of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) policy-making and implementation around the world, this thought-provoking Handbook provides a comprehensive overview of the current research surrounding EIA. Presenting new trends in law and policy-making, it highlights best practices in the application of technology to impact prediction and management, procedural efficiency, decision-making and public participation.

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Reviewing over 50 years of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) policy-making and implementation around the world, this thought-provoking Handbook provides a comprehensive overview of the current research surrounding EIA. Presenting new trends in law and policy-making, it highlights best practices in the application of technology to impact prediction and management, procedural efficiency, decision-making and public participation.
In addition to explaining the practicalities of the EIA process, chapters delve deep into EIA’s decision-making stages and methods, revealing the causes of, and solutions to, recurrent issues. Contributions from leading scholars analyse case studies from Africa, Asia, Europe, Oceania, and North and South America to provide a truly global picture of EIA implementation. Critically examining the laws, policies and procedures involved in these case studies, this Handbook concludes by highlighting new ideas, trends and methods in the field.
With a global scope, the illustrative case studies and critical evaluations will prove a useful resource for students and scholars of environmental and management studies and law. Exploring how to implement best practices, it will prove invaluable to EIA practitioners, including consultants, developers and regulators, offering inspiration and guidance for policy reforms.

Critical Acclaim
‘Handbook of Environmental Impact Assessment provides the reader with an overview of EIA in many countries. The research is literature-based. As in many books which are multi-authored, the chapters vary in terms of the style of writing and readability. The various authors are non-lawyers. They provide a broad and non-legalistic approach to environmental assessment, over a wide range of areas. The book will prove a valuable research tool to those wishing to explore environmental assessment globally, beyond the confines of project regulation.’
– Francis McManus, Scottish Planning and Environmental Law

‘This Handbook marks 50 years of Environmental Impact Assessment practice, addressing contemporary issues in an innovative and engaging manner. It captures the state of the art provided by a diverse group of theorists and practitioners drawn from all around the world, before outlining possible directions for the next 50 years.’
– Angus Morrison-Saunders, Edith Cowan University, Australia
Contributors: Sara Bjørn Aaen, Reece Alberts, Douglas L. Bessette, Atiyah Curmally, Carla Grigoletto Duarte, Mauricio Dziedzic, Tumanako Fa`aui, Patricia Fitzpatrick, Alberto Fonseca, Rosa Galvez, Robert B. Gibson, John Glasson, Michael R. Greenberg, Claire Gronow, Xueyan Guo, Philippe Hanna, David Hoare, Cássio Ingles de Sousa, Aditi Jagtiani, Urmila Jha-Thakur, Tetsuya Kamijo, Fatemeh Khosravi, Astrid M. Knoblauch, Timo Koivurova, Katri-Maaria Kyllönen, Sanne Vammen Larsen, John James Loomis, Ivar Lyhne, Rajiv Maher, Ross Marshall, Richard K. Morgan, Helle Nedergaad Nielsen, Maria Partidário, Karine Péloffy, Diego Gálvez Pino, Adithya Pradyumna, Luis E. Sánchez, Luke Sandham, Blaise W. Sandwidi, Stuart Shapiro, Krittika Singh, Francesca Viliani, Huanzhi Wang, J. Byron Williams, Mirko S. Winkler, He Xu, Yiting Yang, Nick Zrinyi 

1 Introduction to the Handbook of Environmental Impact Assessment 2
Alberto Fonseca
2 NEPA in the United States: death by extremism or redesign of a more
useful tool? 28
Michael R. Greenberg and Stuart Shapiro
3 Impact assessment in the post-COVID-19 world: the growing role of
health impact assessment 47
Mirko S. Winkler, Adithya Pradyumna, Francesca Viliani and Astrid M. Knoblauch
4 Integrated impact assessment: coming out of the shadows? 66
Richard K. Morgan

5 Influence of EIA on project planning and design: exploring the gap
between best and actual practice 86
Claire Gronow
6 The theory and practice of scoping: delivering proportionate EIA reports 111
Urmila Jha-Thakur, Fatemeh Khosravi and David Hoare
7 The benefits and perils of digital and automated technologies: impact
assessment methods in the fourth industrial revolution 126
Alberto Fonseca
8 A new agenda for significance determination in EIA: promoting
community-based determination processes to counterbalance
technocratic approaches 146
Sara Bjørn Aaen, Ivar Lyhne and Helle Nedergaard Nielsen
9 Artificial intelligence solutions for environmental and social impact
assessments 163
Atiyah Curmally, Blaise W. Sandwidi and Aditi Jagtiani
10 Mitigating climate change through impact assessments: critical
reflections from Canadian policy reform 178
Karine Péloffy, Nicholas Zrinyi and Rosa Galvez
11 Follow-up: post-decision learning in EIA 198
John Glasson

12 Uncertainty in EIA 220
Sanne Vammen Larsen
13 Trade-offs in impact assessment design and implementation 233
Robert B. Gibson and Alberto Fonseca
14 Heuristics and bias in assessing the social impacts of energy projects 258
Douglas L. Bessette
15 Rightful resistance and activism through EIAs in Chile 270
Rajiv Maher and Diego Gálvez Pino
16 Indigenous Peoples and impact assessment 285
Philippe Hanna, Cássio Ingles de Sousa and Tumanako Fa’aui
17 Trends in EIA effectiveness research 303
John J. Loomis and Mauricio Dziedzic

18 EIA best practice in Africa 320
Luke Sandham, Francois Retief and Reece Alberts
19 EIA in Finland: the influence of international norms on the founding
and evolution of national impact assessment systems 337
Timo Koivurova, Katri-Maaria Kyllönen and Krittika Singh
20 EIA in Canada: strengthening follow-up, monitoring and evaluation 352
Patricia Fitzpatrick and J. Byron Williams
21 EIA in Japan: the benefits of early public participation 366
Tetsuya Kamijo
22 Environmental impact assessment in Brazil: a review of its rise (and fall?) 383
Luis E. Sánchez and Carla Grigoletto Duarte
23 EIA in China: evolution and challenges 404
He Xu, Yiting Yang, Huanzhi Wang and Xueyan Guo

24 The importance of leadership in impact assessment 423
Ross Marshall and Maria Partidário
25 Epilogue (The future of impact prediction: what to expect from EIA in
the next 50 years?) 441
Alberto Fonseca

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