Global Aspects of the Environment


Global Aspects of the Environment

9781858987415 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by the late Robert U. Ayres, formerly Novartis Professor (Emeritus) of Management and the Environment, INSEAD, France and Institute Scholar, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Austria, Kenneth Button, University Professor, Schar School of Policy and Government, George Mason University, US and Peter Nijkamp, Professor Emeritus, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands, the Centre for European Studies, Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iasi, Romania and the School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University, China
Publication Date: 1999 ISBN: 978 1 85898 741 5 Extent: 1,200 pp
This two volume collection of pioneering material includes landmarks and significant contributions to the subjects of global environmental issues. The editors have prepared a new introduction for this authoritative collection.

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This two volume collection of pioneering material includes landmarks and significant contributions to the subjects of global environmental issues. The editors have prepared a new introduction for this authoritative collection.

This collection enables the reader, whether an economist or environmentalist, to have access to material published in a wide range of journals, many of which are relatively unavailable. It will be of considerable value to researchers and teachers in all of the disciplines, including: theoretical ecology; resource and environmental economics; industrial ecology and environmental science.

65 articles, dating from 1945 to 1997
Contributors include: R.C. d’Arge, H.E. Daly, P.S. Dasgupta, A.V. Kneese, W.D. Nordhaus, R.M. Solow, J.E. Stiglitz

Acknowledgements • Introduction
Part I: Ecological/Biological Perspective: Human Impacts on Biosphere, Gaia, Etc.
1. W.I. Vernadsky (1945), ‘The Biosphere and Noosphere’
2. G.E. Hutchinson (1948), ‘On Living in the Biosphere’
3. Walter Isard (1968), ‘Some Notes on the Linkage of Ecologic and Economic Systems’
4. Lester Machta (1972), ‘The Role of the Oceans and Biosphere in the Carbon Dioxide Cycle’
5. James E. Lovelock and Lynn Margulis (1974), ‘Atmospheric Homeostasis by and for the Biosphere: The Gaia Hypothesis’
6. M.J. Chadwick (1975), ‘The Cycling of Materials in Disturbed Environments’
7. J.M. Wood and E.D. Goldberg (1977), ‘Impact of Metals on the Biosphere’
8. Rudolph B. Husar and Janet M. Holloway (1983), ‘Sulfur and Nitrogen over North America’
9. William C. Clark (1989), ‘The Human Ecology of Global Change’
10. Paul P. Christensen (1989), ‘Historical Roots for Ecological Economics – Biophysical versus Allocative Approaches’
11. Anne P. Kinzig and Robert H. Socolow (1994), ‘Human Impacts on the Nitrogen Cycle’
12. Robert Costanza, Ralph d’Arge, Rudolf de Groot, Stephen Farber, Monica Grasso, Bruce Hannon, Karin Limburg, Shahid Naeem, Robert V. O’Neill, Jose Paruelo, Robert G. Raskin, Paul Sutton and Marjan van den Belt (1997), ‘The Value of the World’s Ecosystem Services and Natural Capital’
Part II: Physical Economics Perspective: Materials Energy, Entropy, Mass Balance
13. William D. Nordhaus (1973), ‘The Allocation of Energy Resources’
14. Clark W. Bullard III and Robert A. Herendeen (1975), ‘Energy Impact of Consumption Decisions’
15. Bruce Hannon (1975), ‘Energy Conservation and the Consumer’
16. R.U. Ayres and M. Narkus-Kramer (1976), ‘An Assessment of Methodologies for Estimating National Energy Efficiency’
17. Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen (1976), ‘Process Analysis and the Neoclassical Theory of Production’ and ‘The Economics of Production’
18. R. Stephen Berry, Peter Salamon and Geoffrey Heal (1978), ‘On a Relation Between Economic and Thermodynamic Optima’
19. Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen (1979), ‘Energy Analysis and Economic Valuation’
20. Cutler J. Cleveland, Robert Costanza, Charles A.S. Hall and Robert Kaufmann (1984), ‘Energy and the US Economy: A Biophysical Perspective’
21. Robert U. Ayres (1989), ‘Industrial Metabolism’
22. R.U. Ayres and A.V. Kneese (1989), ‘Externalities: Economics & Thermodynamics’
23. Evan Mills, Deborah Wilson and Thomas B. Johansson (1991), ‘Getting Started: No-Regrets Strategies for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions’
24. Herman E. Daly (1992), ‘Is the Entropy Law Relevant to the Economics of Natural Resource Scarcity? – Yes, of course it is!’
25. C. Bianciardi, A. Donati and S. Ulgiati (1993), ‘On the Relationship between the Economic Process, the Carnot Cycle and the Entropy Law’
26. A. Azapagic and R. Clift (1995), ‘Life Cycle Assessment and Linear Programming – Environmental Optimisation of Product System’
27. Sander de Bruyn, Jeroen van den Bergh and Hans Opschoor (1997), ‘Structural Change, Growth, and Dematerialization: An Empirical Analysis’
Name Index

Volume II:

Part I: Resource/Environmental Perspective: Materials Energy, Exergy, Entropy, Mass Balance
1. John H. Cumberland (1966), ‘A Regional Interindustry Model for Analysis of Development Objectives’
2. Kenneth E. Boulding (1966), ‘The Economics of the Coming Spaceship Earth’
3. Herman E. Daly (1968), ‘On Economics as a Life Science’
4. Robert U. Ayres and Allen V. Kneese (1969), ‘Production, Consumption, and Externalities’
5. Ralph C. d’Arge and Allen V. Kneese (1972), ‘Environmental Quality and International Trade’
6. Thomas D. Crocker and John Tschirhart (1972), ‘Ecosystems, Externalities, and Economies’
7. Kenneth C. Hoffman and Dale W. Jorgenson (1977), ‘Economic and Technological Models for Evaluation of Energy Policy’
8. Richard Grace, R. Kerry Turner and Ingo Walter (1978), ‘Secondary Materials and International Trade’
9. David James (1985), ‘Environmental Economics, Industrial Process Models, and Regional-Residuals Management Models’
10. Curt L. Anderson (1987), ‘The Production Process: Inputs and Wastes’
11. Martin Jänicke, Harald Mönch and Manfred Binder (1993), ‘Ecological Aspects of Structural Change’
12. Udo E. Simonis (1989), ‘Ecological Modernization of Industrial Society: Three Strategic Elements’
13. A. Rose and C.Y. Chen (1991), ‘Sources of Change in Energy Use in the U.S. Economy, 1972-1982: A Structural Decomposition Analysis’
14. David T. Allen and Nasrin Behmanesh (1994), ‘Wastes as Raw Materials’
15. Don Fullerton and Thomas C. Kinnaman (1995), ‘Garbage, Recycling, and Illicit Burning or Dumping’
16. S.M. de Bruyn and J.B. Opschoor (1997), ‘Developments in the Throughput-Income Relationship: Theoretical and Empirical Observations’
Part II: Sustainability and Growth Perspective Limits, Factors. . .
17. P.S. Dasgupta (1969), ‘On the Concept of Optimum Population’
18. Ralph C. d’Arge (1971), ‘Essay on Economic Growth and Environmental Quality’
19. R.C. d’Arge and K.C. Kogiku (1973), ‘Economic Growth and the Environment’
20. Herman E. Daly (1974), ‘The Economics of the Steady State’
21. Partha Dasgupta and Geoffrey Heal (1974), ‘The Optimal Depletion of Exhaustible Resources’
22. Edward A. Hudson and Dale W. Jorgenson (1974), ‘U.S. Energy Policy and Economic Growth, 1975-2000’
23. Robert M. Solow (1974), ‘The Economics of Resources or the Resources of Economics’
24. John M. Hartwick (1977), ‘Intergenerational Equity and the Investing of Rents from Exhaustible Resources’
25. J.E. Stiglitz (1979), ‘A Neoclassical Analysis of the Economics of Natural Resources’
26. Bruce Hannon and John Joyce (1981), ‘Energy and Technical Progress’
27. Partha Dasgupta and Karl-Göran Mäler (1991), ‘The Environment and Emerging Development Issues’
28. L.S. Gross and E.C.H. Veendorp (1990), ‘Growth with Exhaustible Resources and a Materials-Balance Production Function’
29. Paul M. Romer (1990), ‘Endogenous Technological Change’
30. Jeroen C.J.M. van den Bergh and Peter Nijkamp (1994), ‘Dynamic Macro Modelling and Materials Balance: Economic-Environmental Integration for Sustainable Development’
31. David Pearce, Kirk Hamilton and Giles Atkinson (1996), ‘Measuring Sustainable Development: Progress on Indicators’
Name Index
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