Foundations of International Economic Law


Foundations of International Economic Law

Second Edition

2nd edition

9781035341924 Edward Elgar Publishing
David Collins, Professor of International Economic Law, City St George’s, University of London, UK
Publication Date: January 2025 ISBN: 978 1 03534 192 4 Extent: c 298 pp
This second edition provides an updated exploration of the four main pillars in international economic law: international trade, international investment, monetary relations, and development. David Collins has adapted all chapters to illustrate recent developments in the field and provides a thorough discussion of the economic rationale and social impact universal legal concepts.

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This second edition provides an updated exploration of the four main pillars of international economic law: international trade, international investment, monetary relations, and development. David Collins explores recent trends in the field and presents a thorough discussion of the economic rationale and social impact of universal legal concepts.

All chapters have been meticulously revised to address the way international law has adapted to changes in global economy following the COVID-19 pandemic, the increased importance of digital trade and the rise of industrial policy. Collins provides insight into new regional trade agreements, including the megaregional Comprehensive Progressive Trans Pacific Partnership and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership. He also examines the rising relevance of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and delves into the Multi-Party Interim Appeal Arbitration Arrangement intended to resolve the impasse in WTO dispute settlement.

Key Features:
● Diagrams to aid learning by presenting essential concepts in a clear, visual format
● Updated reading lists, directing students towards useful resources for more in-depth study
● Provocative and challenging discussion questions to further critical thinking both in and outside of the classroom

This new edition of Foundations of International Economic Law is an essential guide for students of international economic and investment law, as well as arbitration and dispute resolution.
Critical Acclaim
‘David Collins’ Second edition of Foundations of International Economic Law is refreshing and insightful. It examines the critical issues with breadth and depth, balancing theory with practical applications. It is an essential read for academics, practitioners and anyone interested in understanding international economic governance.’
– Andrew Mitchell, Monash University, Australia
1 Introduction: historic context and rationales for international trade,
foreign direct investment, monetary relations and development
2 The World Trade Organization’s General Agreement on Tariffs
and Trade: quotas, tariffs, non-discrimination, transparency and
regionalism in international trade
3 Dispute resolution in international trade: the WTO Dispute
Settlement Understanding and regional trade agreement dispute
4 Subsidies, antidumping, safeguards and trade in services
5 General exceptions, health and safety, and intellectual property
6 Bilateral, regional and multilateral investment agreements
7 International investment agreements: standards of protection,
compensation and exceptions
8 Dispute settlement in international investment law
9 International monetary relations and the International Monetary Fund
10 International development and the World Bank
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