EU Industrial Policy in the Multipolar Economy


EU Industrial Policy in the Multipolar Economy

9781800372627 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Jean-Christophe Defraigne, Professor of International Economics, Institute for European Studies and Louvain School of Management, UCLouvain Saint-Louis Brussels University, Jan Wouters, Full Professor of International Law and International Organizations, Jean Monnet Chair ad personam Director, Institute for International Law and Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies, KU Leuven, Edoardo Traversa, Professor of European and International Tax Law and Policy, Faculty of Law and Criminology, UCLouvain, Belgium and Dimitri Zurstrassen, Researcher in the History of European Integration, Sorbonne University, France and UCLouvain, Belgium
Publication Date: 2022 ISBN: 978 1 80037 262 7 Extent: 446 pp
This incisive book provides key interdisciplinary perspectives on the current challenges faced by EU policymakers in framing and implementing a coherent European industrial policy, employing specific case studies from the digital, automotive, steel and defence industries as well as concrete examples of EU policies.

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This incisive book provides key interdisciplinary perspectives on the current challenges faced by EU policymakers in framing and implementing a coherent European industrial policy, employing specific case studies from the digital, automotive, steel and defence industries as well as concrete examples of EU policies.

Comprehensive and analytical, the book investigates the long-term structural causes of the absence of a strong industrial policy at Union level. Examining the tensions that exist between member states and EU institutions regarding industrial and competition policies, expert contributions assess the conditions for an integrated EU industrial policy to emerge. A comparative analysis between the industrial policies of the EU, US and China is developed as chapters explore how the EU maintains its position in global value chains while other major partners are forced to pursue strategic trade and industrial policies to retain their dominant position. The book concludes with a presentation of prospective scenarios to assess the future technological evolution of the EU.

EU Industrial Policy in the Multipolar Economy will be an essential resource for academics and practitioners concerned with EU current affairs, global governance, industrial economics and international trade. Its use of case studies and original data will allow governments, EU institutions, NGOs and EU public affairs consultants and analysts to assess their policymaking options in the fields of research, industrial policy and sustainable development.
Critical Acclaim
‘In today’s global economy, high-tech rivalries, the transition to a green economy, and security concerns have encouraged more and more countries to expand government intervention in industry. Although many observers focus on the United States and China, the EU is economically comparable in size to both countries. In an increasingly multipolar world, the policies Europeans adopt may be decisive for the future of the global economy. Most analysts are pessimistic, given that the member states of the EU have failed to create the effective, centralized institutions they would need to manage such a policy at a continental scale. But these authors point to a silver lining. Centralized subsidy policies no longer really work, except where governments buy the output—as happens in the areas of transport, energy, and military arms production. Instead, key European interventions take the shape of the imposition of antitrust policy, regulatory standards, coordinated trade policy, and supply chain management—and here the EU wields much geo-economic power. It remains to be seen whether Europe’s regulatory clout can help it become an independent global competitor, a junior partner in a transatlantic alliance, or the object of manipulation by China and the United States. This book’s survey is a good starting point to understanding Europe’s current efforts to secure a place in the future global economy.’
– Andrew Moravcsik, Foreign Affairs

‘A timely book on a fundamental theme for the future of European sovereignty, which brings together experts from the academic world and practitioners of industrial policy. The various case studies on key industries, the historical and legal perspectives and the comparative analysis with the experiences of the US and China provide a deep insight into the workings and challenges of EU industrial policy in this twenty-first century. A must-read for all those who feel concerned about Europe’s strategic autonomy.’
– Romano Prodi, Professor Emeritus of Industrial Policy at the University of Bologna, Former Prime Minister of Italy and Former President of the European Commission

This book provides an in-depth analysis of the complex debate on the nature and scope of EU powers in the area of industrial policy, which finds its origins in different approaches followed by the Treaties of Paris and Rome and which is still not settled today. As a former Vice President of the European Commission directly involved in the making of European industrial policy, I congratulate the editors and authors for their pertinent and insightful analyses.’
– Etienne Davignon, Former Vice President of the European Commission and President of the Brussels-based think tank Friends of Europe
Contributors: Éric Bussière, Jean-Christophe Defraigne, Wouter Devroe, Samuel B.H. Faure, Pim Jansen, Samuel Klebaner, Julia Marssola, Franco Mosconi, Patricia Nouveau, Riccardo Perissich, Sigfrido Ramírez Pérez, Pierre M. Sabbadini, Edoardo Traversa, Jan Wouters, Dimitri Zurstrassen

1 Introduction to EU Industrial Policy in the Multipolar
Economy: past lessons, current challenges and future scenarios 1
Jean-Christophe Defraigne, Edoardo Traversa, Jan
Wouters and Dimitri Zurstrassen
2 Industrial policy and EU state aid rules 45
Edoardo Traversa and Pierre M. Sabbadini
3 Industrial policy, competition policy and strategic autonomy 80
Pim Jansen and Wouter Devroe
4 The international legal framework for industrial policy:
World Trade Organization disciplines and rules 122
Jan Wouters and Julia Marssola
5 EU industrial policy: lessons from the experience of the
1960s to the 1990s 159
Eric Bussière
6 European industrial policy from 2000 to 2020 173
Franco Mosconi
7 US industrial policy: the not-so-visible hand of the state
and securing the dominance of US prime movers 210
Jean-Christophe Defraigne
8 China’s industrial policy: the visible hand of the party-state
to catch up by any means necessary 242
Jean-Christophe Defraigne
9 EU industrial policy in the steel industry: historical
background and current challenges 270
Dimitri Zurstrassen
10 The European automotive industry: a strategic sector in
search of a new industrial policy 304
Samuel Klebaner and Sigfrido Ramírez Pérez
11 Falling behind and in between the United States and China:
can the European Union drive its digital transformation
away from industrial path dependency? 332
Patricia Nouveau
12 EU defence industrial policy: from market-making to
market-correcting 382
Samuel B. H. Faure
13 Conclusion: a European industrial policy for the
twenty-first century 407
Riccardo Perissich

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