Empirical Entrepreneurship in Europe


Empirical Entrepreneurship in Europe

New Perspectives

9781847202123 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Michael Dowling, Professor of Innovation and Technology Management, University of Regensburg and Jürgen Schmude, Professor, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany
Publication Date: 2007 ISBN: 978 1 84720 212 3 Extent: 256 pp
This book embodies the ever-increasing scope and depth of empirical entrepreneurship research in Europe. Contributors from different disciplinary backgrounds within the business field – including finance, management, and entrepreneurship, and from other related disciplines such as economics and economic geography – employ various methodologies to study the phenomenon of entrepreneurship.

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This book embodies the ever-increasing scope and depth of empirical entrepreneurship research in Europe. Contributors from different disciplinary backgrounds within the business field – including finance, management, and entrepreneurship, and from other related disciplines such as economics and economic geography – employ various methodologies to study the phenomenon of entrepreneurship.

Drawing on this wealth of theoretically based and empirically sound research, the contributors examine three overarching themes. First, entrepreneurship issues in specific country settings are discussed: these encompass Portugal, the UK and Germany in Western Europe, Eastern European countries such as Russia and Latvia, and then Scandinavia and Finland. Second, special issues concerning technology-based companies are explored, and finally, unique aspects of venture capital markets in Europe are studied.

Presenting cutting edge empirical research on myriad entrepreneurship topics in Europe, this multidisciplinary volume will strongly appeal to academics, students and researchers from various backgrounds that have a specific interest in entrepreneurship. It will also be warmly welcomed by entrepreneurs themselves.
Contributors: A. Adcroft, A.M. Amaral, R. Baptista, W. Bessler, C. Bittelmeyer, S. Dhaliwal, M. Dowling, R. Fini, M. Fritsch, R. Grimaldi, T. Iakovleva, C. Jungwirth, J. Kickul, P. Mueller, M. Niese, A. Sauka, D. Schilder, J. Schmude, R. Strohmeyer, V. Tonoyan, M. Valjakka, F. Welter


1. Introduction
Michael Dowling and Jürgen Schmude

2. Transitions from Paid Employment into Entrepreneurship: An Empirical Study
A. Miguel Amaral and Rui Baptista

3. Accurate Portrayal or Lazy Stereotype? The Changing Nature of the Asian Business Sector in the UK
Spinder Dhaliwal and Andy Adcroft

4. Personal and Organizational Success Factors of Women SMEs in Russia
Tatiana Iakovleva and Jill Kickul

5. Entrepreneurship: Only a Few are Chosen but Some are Even Chosen Twice
Pamela Mueller and Michael Niese

6. Productive, Unproductive and Destructive Entrepreneurship in an Advanced Transition Setting: The Example of Latvian Small Enterprises
Arnis Sauka and Friederike Welter

7. Working Part-Time or Full-Time? On the Impact of Family Context and Institutional Arrangements on Atypical Work: A Cross-National Comparison of Female Self-Employment in Western and Eastern Europe
Robert Strohmeyer and Vartuhi Tonoyan

8. Is Modesty Attractive? Study of the Present and Future States of the Entrepreneurial Skills of Finnish Small and Medium-Sized Entrepreneurs
Mikki Valjakka

9. Performance and Survival of Technology Firms: The Impact of Intellectual Property
Wolfgang Bessler and Claudia Bittelmeyer

10. Academic Founders and Business Opportunity Generation: An Empirical Analysis based on Italian Academic Spin-Offs
Riccardo Fini and Rosa Grimaldi

11. Is There a Regional Equity Gap for Innovative Start-Ups? The Case of Germany
Michael Fritsch and Dirk Schilder

12. How Market Appraisal Affects Investments in Human Capital: Evidence from Austrian and Swiss Venture Capitalists
Carola Jungwirth

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