Economic Geographies of Globalisation


Economic Geographies of Globalisation

A Short Introduction

9781849801492 Edward Elgar Publishing
Martin Sokol, Assistant Professor, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Publication Date: 2011 ISBN: 978 1 84980 149 2 Extent: 224 pp
This highly accessible book will prove an essential reference tool for academics, students and researchers focusing on geography, economics, planning and regional development, development studies, international politics and international business. Policymakers and practitioners in local, regional and national authorities, international bodies and non-governmental organisations will also find this book to be an invaluable resource.

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This well-researched book provides a concise contribution to a large-scale debate on economic globalisation.

Martin Sokol introduces key theoretical approaches that help us to understand how economies work, why they suffer recessions and crises, and why economic inequalities at various levels are growing in the context of globalisation. He introduces key economic geography concepts and theories, demonstrating their application to our contemporary globalising world. The role that economic geography may play in informing policymaking is highlighted, and debates surrounding the recent global financial and economic crisis are expounded.

This highly accessible book will prove an essential reference tool for academics, students and researchers focusing on geography, economics, planning and regional development, development studies, international politics and international business. Policymakers and practitioners in local, regional and national authorities, international bodies and non-governmental organisations will also find this book to be an invaluable resource.
Critical Acclaim
‘. . . this is a very well written book, which not only rehearses arguments made in previous textbooks, but in the context of the ongoing economic crisis, it introduces new themes which have been absent in other books. Especially, its treatment about the importance about the importance of money and finance and how they shape economic geographies, not only in the context of the financial crisis, is what makes Economic Geographies of Globalisation distinctive compared with other textbooks. . . In short, the book informs new geography students and at the same time reminds more advanced geographers about what economic geography is about today and why it is such a vital discipline in understanding the workings and logics of a globalising world economy.’
– Tim Heinemann, Journal of Economic Geography

‘. . . provides a good overview of the issues in economic geography both in terms of theory and applications. This is a good book for starters, who want to find a direction within economic geography, and are looking for a book that provides a brief, but interesting, outlook of the main topics investigated in economic geography.’
– Vítor Braga, Economic Geography Research Group

‘This introductory text is about economic geography and globalization in all their different stripes and colours. It introduces clearly the subject matters in economic geography through a wide range of important conceptual lenses and theoretical perspectives. It does so without a facts-based rendition of what globalization actually is. Instead, Sokol offers a refreshingly light touch on the various approaches in understanding contemporary economic geographies and applies these conceptual insights, in a helpful and straightforward manner, to our appreciation of such key challenges of globalization as inequality, instability, and uneven development. It is both wide in coverage and contemporary in relevance. The text will be well adopted in courses on economic geography, global studies, development studies, and international political economy.’
– Henry Yeung, National University of Singapore

‘Telling it like it is in a direct and engaging style, this is a book without preconceptions. It is a vital intervention that makes sense of the sorry state of the contemporary global economy and its formative geographies and shows what is involved in constructing an alternative.’
– Roger Lee, Queen Mary, University of London, UK
Contents: Introduction 1. Economic Globalisation, Inequality and Instability 2. What is Economic Geography About? 3. Key Approaches in Economic Geography 4. Neo-classical Approach, Location Theory and Beyond 5. Marxist-inspired Approaches and Uneven Development 6. Alternative Approaches and New Economic Geography 7. Economic Geographies of the Contemporary World 8. Economic Geography and Policy Challenges Bibliography Index
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