City Branding


City Branding

Concepts and Tools for Reputation Management and Tourism Development

9781035347537 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Alex Deffner, Retired Professor of Urban and Leisure Planning, Department of Planning and Regional Development, University of Thessaly, Greece and Mihalis Kavaratzis, Professor of Place Marketing, Department of Marketing, International Business and Tourism, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Publication Date: February 2025 ISBN: 978 1 03534 753 7 Extent: c 272 pp

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Critical Acclaim
Critical Acclaim
‘City branding – in its simplistic expression via logos and slogans – is often blamed for overtourism, while it might just hold some of the solutions if one looks at it from the strategic perspective of reputation management. This book, edited by Alex Deffner and Mihalis Kavaratzis, two of the most prolific and esteemed researchers in city branding, is therefore a welcome contribution to this discussion.’
– Robert Govers, Founding Chairman, International Place Branding Association
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