Cases on STEM Entrepreneurship


Cases on STEM Entrepreneurship

9781802206272 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Cyrine Ben-Hafaïedh, Associate Professor in Entrepreneurship and Strategy, Paris Campus, IÉSEG School of Management, France and Thomas M. Cooney, Professor of Entrepreneurship, School of Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Technological University Dublin, Ireland
Publication Date: 2024 ISBN: 978 1 80220 627 2 Extent: 150 pp
Cases on STEM Entrepreneurship provides essential insight into a nuanced collection of STEM case studies and is highly accessible for both educators and students. Importantly, it will help readers to identify with actual role models and their entrepreneurial challenges, delving into the complexities of fields such as environmental science and revolutionary modes of transport.

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Cases on STEM Entrepreneurship provides essential insight into a nuanced collection of STEM case studies and is highly accessible for both educators and students. Importantly, it will help readers to identify with actual role models and their entrepreneurial challenges, delving into the complexities of fields such as environmental science and revolutionary modes of transport.

Key Features:
• Diverse collective of case study subjects
• Highlights the critical importance of using STEM case studies in entrepreneurship education
• Provides a broad selection of cases, varying in problems addressed and business type, that can be applied across STEM and business higher education curriculums

This expansive casebook will be perfect for those teaching entrepreneurship to students of STEM and business disciplines. Due to its practical scope, it will additionally benefit students and early career graduates pursuing entrepreneurship.
Critical Acclaim
‘Case studies add to students’ understanding of entrepreneurial thinking and business problem solving. This collection of case studies provides deep insights into various STEM entrepreneurial careers around the world. A much needed and highly relevant resource for STEM educators and students!’
– Friederike Welter, Institut für Mittelstandsforschung (IfM) Bonn and University of Siegen, Germany

‘This book is a significant contribution to understanding the creation of new firms by STEM students. These enterprises face specific problems which the variety and richness of the case studies presented here enable students to examine in a detailed fashion. These case studies represent essential reading for educators and students in the field of STEM entrepreneurship, as well as for technology start-ups founders, university managers and innovation policy makers.’
– Philippe Mustar, Mines Paris – PSL, France

‘The case study approach requires students to identify and pose solutions for real-world problems. This inquiry process strengthens critical thinking skills that can be applied across a student’s learning journey. This book will help to meet the needs of entrepreneurship educators and students by addressing the constraints to STEM case study usage experienced by both groups at present.’
– Tui McKeown, Monash University, Australia

‘Taking Brian Arthur’s insight that technology is a means to fulfil human needs and at the core of our way of being, the convergence of technology and entrepreneurship is an enthralling way to educate future leaders, inspire potential entrepreneurs, and instil social innovation. This book is full of stories of technology-based startups, offering considerable insights regarding how STEM entrepreneurs navigate the intricacies of several technologies, succeed in a maze of invention complexities, and craft their business models to build a better future for all. A must-have book for any STEM entrepreneurship educator.’
– Tiago Ratinho, IESEG School of Management, France

‘Working in a faculty that combines business administration and industrial engineering, I am deeply familiar with the need for case studies in STEM entrepreneurship. The use of STEM case studies in entrepreneurship has been highlighted in numerous international studies as being critically important in entrepreneurship education as they enable STEM students to better identify with relevant role models and work with more appropriate challenges. This volume therefore provides a highly valuable addition to entrepreneurship education.’
– Mats Westerberg, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
Contributors include: Jacques Angot, Gillian Barrett, Cyrine Ben-Hafaïedh, Valeria Bravo, Martina Brophy, Thomas Cooney, Kerstin Ettl, Ciara Fitzgerald, Marcos Gonzalez, Tim Haubeil, Ralph Henn, Luise Kaufmann, Stefan Korber, Katherina Kuschel, Sarah Manthey, Mailin Schultmann, Jelena Simon, Janine Swail, Orestis Terzidis

Introduction: Cases on STEM Entrepreneurship xvii
Cyrine Ben-Hafa.edh and Thomas M. Cooney
1 The use of case studies in entrepreneurship education 1
Thomas M. Cooney
2 Innovative Fermentations (New Zealand) 23
Janine Swail and Stefan Korber
3 Venture Orbital Systems (France) 37
Cyrine Ben-Hafaïedh and Jacques Angot
4 ApisProtect (Ireland) 49
Gillian Barrett and Ciara Fitzgerald
5 (Germany) 58
Ralph Henn, Orestis Terzidis, Tim Haubeil, Mailin
Schultmann, and Luise Kaufmann
6 Micron Agritech (Ireland) 72
Thomas M. Cooney and Martina Brophy
7 Volocopter (Germany) 87
Sarah Manthey, Marcos Gonzalez, and Orestis Terzidis
8 Wellness Technologies (Chile) 102
Valeria Bravo and Katherina Kuschel
9 MARGE (Germany) 120
Jelena Simon and Kerstin Ettl

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