Business Ethics in Islam


Business Ethics in Islam

9781781006726 Edward Elgar Publishing
Abbas J. Ali, Distinguished University Professor and Professor of Management, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, US
Publication Date: 2014 ISBN: 978 1 78100 672 6 Extent: 256 pp
The book is the most original and comprehensive treatment of business ethics in Islam. It explores the thinking of early Islamic scholars on ethics, whilst encompassing the modern developments in the field. It is aimed at fostering discourse on business ethics by offering a framework for exploring a wide range of ethical issues and dilemmas that arise in the marketplace and raising ethical awareness and sensitivity of various market and non-market players. The book enables researchers to use Islamic ethical principles in advancing research and offers practical solutions to rising ethical problems. Furthermore, the book enables business people and policymakers to acquire the requisite outlook and understanding for the application of business ethics and guides readers to draw useful implications.

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Drawing on original sources found in the first century of Islam and guided by contemporary developments in the field of business ethics, this book offers Islamic perspectives on ethical conduct in the marketplace: what organizations and other market actors do to deal with monumental challenges in today’s market.

The book outlines a framework for business ethics and offers a theory for understanding market ethics. Throughout the book, subjects covered underscore the necessity of ethical conduct and shed light on the interplay of several forces that shape ethical perspectives and morality in the workplace.

The book creatively addresses the history and theory of ethics in the marketplace. It also discusses Islamic ethical perspectives in the context of Judaism and Christianity. Likewise, it outlines what companies working in the Muslim environment have to undertake to sustain their competitive advantage. The book, therefore, is of interest to business managers, researchers, policymakers, and students of organization and religion.
Critical Acclaim
‘Dr. Ali’s clarity at bringing forth the best of Islamic thinking during its Golden era, coupled with its implications for today’s business world is unique and refreshing. In its entirety, this is a book about business ethics, and the need for safeguarding societal interests and preventing fraudulent practices and immoral conduct. I was impressed with the light that Dr. Ali shed on historic Islamic thinking, and contemporary western Corporate Social Responsibility. Dr. Ali’s book provides important logic and instruction for those policymakers, and business leaders who seek to avoid another tipping point, or who seek to build institutions that are truly too big to fail.’
– Robert L. Lattimer, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, US

‘Professor Abbas Ali''s book is a path-breaking and seminal analysis of one of the most contemporary issues in business ethics. It is by far the most thorough and totally comprehensive treatment of the subject. In a meaningful and highly-readable way, this book delineates the thinking of Islamic scholars regarding managerial, organizational, and business ethics and how their perspectives are most germane for creating sound and just ethical systems in multinational corporations and companies. Professor Ali''s framework of the book will – without a doubt – increase awareness of the ethical principles of Islam for scholars, executives, and managers. This particular treatise receives my highest recommendation.’
– Douglas M. McCabe, Georgetown University, US
Contents: 1. The Meaning and Scope of Business Ethics in Islam 2. Sources of Ethical Problems in Business 3. Islamic Ethics and Free Market Economy 4. Ethics and Profit Making 5. Leadership 6. The Ethics of Banking and Financial Services 7. Organization and Work 8. Marketing Ethics and Consumerism 9. Ethics and Human Resource Management in Modern Organizations 10. Social Responsibility and Sustainability Bibliography Index
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