Competition and Antitrust Law

  1. Add to Wish List EU Communications Law

    EU Communications Law

    Peggy Valcke, Robert Queck, Eva Lievens
    This fascinating book examines and offers critical comments on the new ‘significant market power’-regime, as put into place by the 2003 European regulatory framework on electronic communications networks and services. An overview of this...
    Hardback (2005)

    List price $139.00

    Member price $125.10

  2. Add to Wish List Antitrust Abuse in the New Economy

    Antitrust Abuse in the New Economy

    Richard L. Gordon
    In this fresh examination of the Microsoft antitrust case, Richard Gordon critically examines the economics of the US government’s arguments. The conclusion is that the government presented a sketchy, incoherent, invalid economic case an...
    Hardback (September 2002)

    List price $151.00

    Member price $135.90

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