This book examines some of the intriguing notions of the complex antitrust-intellectual property interface, focusing primarily on property and dynamic economic doctrines. The extensive discussion addresses antitrust patterns of unilatera...
Taiwan, once one of the world’s leading manufacturing economies, is now transforming into a service economy, with an emphasis on knowledge-based services. This metamorphosis has not been easy. As well as major changes in the industrial s...
It is only relatively recently that economists have begun to realise the importance of learning and study the impact it can have on social outcomes. This book provides an in-depth experimental analysis of current models and methods of ad...
Knowledge, Technological Catch-up and Economic Growth investigates the relationship between knowledge diffusion and economic growth. Using a broad definition of knowledge – encompassing technology, production skills, know-how and firm ca...
The knowledge economy is a notion that has been used, since the end of the last decade, to describe a new economic order perceived by scholars and practitioners. The authors argue that this order, triggered by new information and communi...