Evolutionary Economics
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Modelling Learning in Economics
Thomas Brenner
This innovative book investigates the processes involved in economic learning by categorizing different ways of learning, and using mathematical models for their description. The author distinguishes three types of learning processes – ... -
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The Foundations of Long Wave Theory
Edited by Francisco Louçã, Jan Reijnders
This two volume set is a comprehensive collection of historical and contemporary articles which highlight the theoretical foundations and the methods and models of long wave analysis. After examining the beginnings of long wave theory, ... -
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The Foundations of Evolutionary Economics: 1890–1973
Edited by Geoffrey M. Hodgson
In the last two decades of the twentieth century evolutionary economics has become one of the most important and exciting developments in social science. It is associated with a huge theoretical, empirical and policy literature. Yet re... -
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Employment, Technology and Economic Needs
Edited by Jonathan Michie, Angelo Reati
After more than twenty years of orthodox economic policy in Europe the scourge of unemployment remains. This impressive book goes beyond the neoclassical theory of employment and develops sound policy guidelines to tackle the global prob... -
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Institutions and Economic Change
Edited by Klaus Nielsen, Björn Johnson
The concept of institutions has become increasingly important in the analysis of both social cohesion and economic change. Institutions and Economic Change reflects the shift of perspective from the allocation of scarce resources to the... -
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Turbulence in Economics
Francisco Louçã
Turbulence in Economics presents the economy as an evolutionary process, economics as a realistic science and reintroduces history as fundamental to understanding economic processes. It examines cycles and fluctuations in economic histo...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Christopher Freeman
This reference collection brings together major papers and essays on long wave or Kondratieff cycles. Edited by Christopher Freeman, Long Wave Theory includes both early contributions and work deriving from the revival of interest in th... -
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Edited by John Groenewegen, Christos Pitelis, Sven-Erik Sjöstrand
Institutionalist analysis is increasingly used as a key research tool for economists confronted with the shortcomings of mainstream economic analysis and the problems presented by the transformation of socio-economic systems in Eastern E... -
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Economics and Biology
Edited by Geoffrey M. Hodgson
Economics and Biology is a collection of key essays on the relationship between economics and biology. As the limitations of the mechanistic metaphor in economics are increasingly recognized, this volume explores the potential for the u... -
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Edited by Robert Delorme, Kurt Dopfer
This important volume of original essays by a distinguished group of scholars from the evolutionary, institutional and socio-economic schools makes a major contribution to the reconstruction of political economy as an evolutionary science. -
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Edited by John D. Hey, Graham Loomes
Experimental economics is a rapidly growing and influential branch of the discipline. In this two volume set the editors have bought together nine topics, including methodological concerns, preference reversals, willingness to pay and w... -
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The Economics of Institutions
Edited by Geoffrey M. Hodgson
The Economics of Institutions is a collection of key essays in the field of both ‘new’ and ‘old’ institutional economics.