Competition Policy

  1. Add to Wish List Building Competitive Gas Markets in the EU

    Building Competitive Gas Markets in the EU

    Jean-Michel Glachant, Michelle Hallack, Miguel Vazquez, Sophia Ruester, Sergio Ascari
    This highly unique book focuses on market design issues common to most EU gas markets, particularly in the context of closer integration. It explores in detail the characteristics and requirements of national gas markets in Europe which ...
    Hardback (October 2013)

    List price $157.00

    Member price $141.30

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  2. Add to Wish List Law and Economics of Mergers and Acquisitions

    Law and Economics of Mergers and Acquisitions

    Edited by Steven Davidoff Solomon, Claire A. Hill
    This book provides a broad survey of past and recent scholarship on mergers and acquisitions. Seminal work on the history, rationales and outcomes of mergers and acquisitions is followed by leading articles on what M&A lawyers do. Major ...
    Hardback (September 2013)

    List price $1,014.00

    Member price $912.60

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  3. Add to Wish List The International Handbook of Competition – Second Edition

    The International Handbook of Competition – Second Edition

    Edited by Manfred Neumann, Jürgen Weigand
    The book aims to further our understanding of how economic reasoning and legal expertise complement each other in defining the fundamental issues and principles in competition policy. In specially commissioned chapters the book provides ...
    Hardback (June 2013)

    List price $252.00

    Member price $226.80

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  4. Add to Wish List Cartels, Competition and Public Procurement

    Cartels, Competition and Public Procurement

    Stefan E. Weishaar
    Stefan Weishaar explores the ways in which economic theory can be used to mitigate the adverse effects of bid rigging cartels. The study sheds light on one of the vital issues for achieving cost-effective public procurement – which is it...
    Hardback (2013)

    List price $178.00

    Member price $160.20

  5. Add to Wish List Research Handbook on the Economics of Antitrust Law

    Research Handbook on the Economics of Antitrust Law

    Edited by Einer R. Elhauge
    One might mistakenly think that the long tradition of economic analysis in antitrust law would mean there is little new to say. Yet the field is surprisingly dynamic and changing. The specially commissioned chapters in this landmark volu...
    Paperback (2013)

    List price $98.95

    Member price $79.16

    Hardback (April 2012)

    List price $249.00

    Member price $224.10

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  6. Add to Wish List Competition Policy and the Economic Approach

    Competition Policy and the Economic Approach

    Edited by Josef Drexl, Wolfgang Kerber, Rupprecht Podszun
    This outstanding collection of original essays brings together some of the leading experts in competition economics, policy and law. They examine what lies at the core of the ‘economic approach to competition law’ and deal with its norma...
    Paperback (2012)

    List price $88.95

    Member price $71.16

    Hardback (June 2011)

    List price $181.00

    Member price $162.90

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  7. Add to Wish List Cartels and Economic Collusion

    Cartels and Economic Collusion

    Michael A. Utton
    Adam Smith warned of the prevalence of corporate conspiracies more than two hundred years ago. Since then, interest in cartels has sometimes intensified (during the Great Depression, for example) and sometimes diminished, but the need fo...
    Paperback (October 2012)

    List price $46.95

    Member price $37.56

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    Hardback (April 2011)

    List price $131.00

    Member price $117.90

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  8. Add to Wish List Recent Advances in the Analysis of Competition Policy and Regulation

    Recent Advances in the Analysis of Competition Policy and Regulation

    Edited by Joseph E. Harrington Jr, Yannis Katsoulacos
    Bringing scholars and policymakers to the frontiers of research and addressing the critical issues of the day, the book presents original important new theoretical and empirical results. The distinguished contributors include: P. Agrel, ...
    Hardback (2012)

    List price $191.00

    Member price $171.90

  9. Add to Wish List Multi-Modal Competition and the Future of Mail

    Multi-Modal Competition and the Future of Mail

    Edited by Michael A. Crew, Paul R. Kleindorfer
    This compilation of original papers selected from the 19th Conference on Postal and Delivery Economics and authored by an international cast of economists, lawyers, regulators and industry practitioners addresses perhaps the most signifi...
    Hardback (March 2012)

    List price $181.00

    Member price $162.90

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  10. Add to Wish List Competition Policy and Regulation

    Competition Policy and Regulation

    Edited by Michael Faure, Xinzhu Zhang
    This unique book considers competition policy and regulation in light of the recent introduction of the anti-monopoly law in China. It addresses the relevance of competition policy for China from a broad theoretical and practical perspec...
    Hardback (August 2011)

    List price $186.00

    Member price $167.40

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  11. Add to Wish List Competition, Contracts and Electricity Markets

    Competition, Contracts and Electricity Markets

    Edited by Jean-Michel Glachant, Dominique Finon, Adrien de Hauteclocque
    This book fills a gap in the existing literature by dealing with several issues linked to long-term contracts and the efficiency of electricity markets. These include the impact of long-term contracts and vertical integration on effectiv...
    Hardback (July 2011)

    List price $175.00

    Member price $157.50

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  12. Add to Wish List Economic Development: The Critical Role of Competition Law and Policy

    Economic Development: The Critical Role of Competition Law and Policy

    Edited by Eleanor M. Fox, Abel M. Mateus
    Competition law and policy is a topical and relevant field of research which has been analysed from both global and national perspectives. This authoritative two-volume collection is the first of its kind to bring together seminal works ...
    Hardback (April 2011)

    List price $728.00

    Member price $655.20

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