Economics and Finance
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The Economics of E-Commerce
Edited by Michael R. Baye, John Morgan
This comprehensive collection, edited by two pioneers of e-commerce, presents thirty of the most important papers written in the fields of economics, marketing and strategy. Topics covered include evaluation of the benefit to consumers o... -
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Handbook of Manufacturing Industries in the World Economy
Edited by John R. Bryson, Jennifer Clark, Vida Vanchan
This interdisciplinary volume provides a critical and multi-disciplinary review of current manufacturing processes, practices, and policies, and broadens our understanding of production and innovation in the world economy. Chapters highl...eBook:Find out more$63.16
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The Demise of Finance-dominated Capitalism
Edited by Eckhard Hein, Daniel Detzer, Nina Dodig
This book provides an overview of different theoretical perspectives on the long-run transition towards finance-dominated capitalism, on the implications for macroeconomic and financial stability, and ultimately on the recent global fina...eBook:Find out more$43.96
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Handbook of Service Business
Edited by John R. Bryson, Peter W. Daniels
Service business accounts for more than 75 per cent of the wealth and employment created in most developed market economies. The management and economics of service business is based around selling expertise, knowledge and experiences. T...eBook:Find out more$63.16
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Monetary Regimes and Inflation
Peter Bernholz
Exploring the characteristics of inflations and comparing historical cases from Roman times up to the modern day, this book provides an in depth discussion of the subject. It analyses the high and moderate inflations caused by the inflat...eBook:Find out more$39.16
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Political Entrepreneurship
Edited by Charlie Karlsson, Charlotte Silander, Daniel Silander
Political Entrepreneurship explores the role of political entrepreneurs in regional growth and entrepreneurial diversity. The authors define a political entrepreneur as a politician, bureaucrat or officer within the publicly funded secto...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Economics of Research and Development
Edited by Bronwyn H. Hall
Economics of Research and Development is a collection of the major readings in the development of this topic, from its origins in the work of Kenneth Arrow, Robert Solow, and Zvi Griliches to present day concerns with the financing of R&... -
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Handbook of Research on Fair Trade
Edited by Laura T. Raynolds, Elizabeth A. Bennett
Fair trade critiques the historical inequalities inherent in international trade and seeks to promote social justice by creating alternative networks linking marginalized producers (typically in the global South) with progressive consume...eBook:Find out more$67.96
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Handbook of the International Political Economy of Agriculture and Food
Edited by Alessandro Bonanno, Lawrence Busch
This book tackles the central question of the political and structural changes and characteristics that govern agriculture and food. Original contributions explore this highly globalized economic sector by analyzing salient geographical ...eBook:Find out more$58.36
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Elgar Companion to Hayekian Economics
Edited by Roger W. Garrison, Norman Barry
The Elgar Companion to Hayekian Economics provides an in-depth treatment of Friedrich August von Hayek’s economic thought from his technical economics of the 1920s and 1930s to his broader views on the spontaneous order of a free society...eBook:Find out more$58.36
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Advanced Introduction to Public Choice
Randall G. Holcombe
Using public choice economic methods, this Advanced Introduction presents a focused narrative about political decision-making based on the work that has defined the discipline. Each chapter ends with a Notes section to discuss the resear...eBook:Find out more$27.16
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Corporate Governance, The Firm and Investor Capitalism
Alexander Styhre
The shift from managerial capitalism to investor capitalism, dominated by the finance industry and finance capital accumulation, is jointly caused by a variety of institutional, legal, political, and ideological changes, beginning with t...eBook:Find out more$40.00