Organisational Behaviour

  1. Add to Wish List Empowerment and Innovation

    Empowerment and Innovation

    Martin Beirne
    Calling upon a wealth of research material, this book relates the various debates behind employee empowerment to a broad range of practical scenarios, charting opportunities as well as constraints and drawing insights from a rich combina...
    Paperback (September 2007)

    List price $55.95

    Member price $44.76

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    Hardback (March 2006)

    List price $139.00

    Member price $125.10

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  2. Add to Wish List Organizational Relationships in the Networking Age

    Organizational Relationships in the Networking Age

    Edited by Willem Koot, Peter Leisink, Paul Verweel
    Globalization, the information technology revolution, individualization and other processes in contemporary society all impact on organizations. Organizational actors are recognizing the need to make sense of these permutations, reconstr...
    Hardback (2003)

    List price $175.00

    Member price $157.50

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