
  1. Add to Wish List Advanced Introduction to Entrepreneurship

    Advanced Introduction to Entrepreneurship

    Robert D. Hisrich
    Renowned entrepreneurship scholar Robert D. Hisrich provides insights into the venture creation process, as well as the entrepreneur as a person. He outlines the characteristics, motivations and decision making processes of the entrepren...
    Paperback (2014)

    List price $34.25

    Member price $27.40

    Hardback (2014)

    List price $130.00

    Member price $117.00

  2. Add to Wish List History of Entrepreneurship: Innovation and Risk-taking, 1200–2000

    History of Entrepreneurship: Innovation and Risk-taking, 1200–2000

    Edited by Mark Casson, Catherine Casson
    What are the secrets of a successful entrepreneur? When did the origins of enterprise occur? This important two-volume set addresses such questions by uniting historical case studies of entrepreneurial behaviour from 1200–2000. Key featu...
    Hardback (2013)

    List price $1,012.00

    Member price $910.80

  3. Add to Wish List Concepts of Entrepreneurship

    Concepts of Entrepreneurship

    Edited by Héctor O. Rocha, David B. Audretsch, Julian Birkinshaw
    One of the obstacles for understanding the phenomenon of entrepreneurship is the lack of integration of different assumptions, units and levels of analysis that are implicit in its many conceptualisations. This important book offers a pa...
    Hardback (2013)

    List price $478.00

    Member price $430.20

  4. Add to Wish List Competing Through Innovation

    Competing Through Innovation

    David J. Teece
    This cohesive collection brings together David J. Teece’s most important work on the nexus of innovation and competition policy. He was one of the first to flag the importance of innovation issues to competition policy 25 years ago. He h...
    Hardback (November 2013)

    List price $207.00

    Member price $186.30

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  5. Add to Wish List Entrepreneurial Failure

    Entrepreneurial Failure

    Edited by Dean A. Shepherd
    Entrepreneurs act in environments of great risk and high uncertainty, and as a result, failure is a common occurrence. For this volume, Professor Shepherd has made a judicious selection of published articles, which explore the antecedent...
    Hardback (2013)

    List price $488.00

    Member price $439.20

  6. Add to Wish List Social Entrepreneurship

    Social Entrepreneurship

    Edited by Jill Kickul, David Gras, Sophie Bacq, Mark Griffiths
    It is over twenty years since the first research article on social entrepreneurship was published. The literature has reached the critical mass necessary for reflection and singling out of exemplar pieces, and the exponential growth in r...
    Hardback (October 2013)

    List price $813.00

    Member price $731.70

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  7. Add to Wish List Entrepreneurship and Leadership

    Entrepreneurship and Leadership

    Edited by Donald F. Kuratko, Michael H. Morris
    A complex mix of attitudes, traits, motives, skills, capabilities, styles and mental mindsets contributes to entrepreneurial leadership. The current volume brings together perspectives from leading scholars in the entrepreneurship and ma...
    Hardback (October 2013)

    List price $677.00

    Member price $609.30

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  8. Add to Wish List About Entrepreneurship

    About Entrepreneurship

    Björn Bjerke
    This engaging textbook offers a modern perspective on all that is essential to know about entrepreneurship. It will prove required reading for both lecturers and undergraduate and Masters students on upper-level entrepreneurship courses.
    Paperback (2013)

    List price $66.95

    Member price $53.56

    Hardback (2013)

    List price $160.00

    Member price $144.00

  9. Add to Wish List Law and Entrepreneurship

    Law and Entrepreneurship

    Edited by Robert E. Litan, Anthony J. Luppino
    The symbiosis that exists between entrepreneurship and law is of paramount importance in accommodating and advancing the freedom to innovate, as well as the need to prevent unfair and abusive activities. Seminal articles and essays repri...
    Hardback (2013)

    List price $515.00

    Member price $463.50

  10. Add to Wish List Entrepreneurial Opportunities

    Entrepreneurial Opportunities

    Edited by Dean A. Shepherd, Denis A. Grégoire
    This authoritative collection presents the most important and influential contributions to the study of entrepreneurial opportunity. The first section investigates the nature of entrepreneurial opportunity. The second presents the best w...
    Hardback (2012)

    List price $556.00

    Member price $500.40

  11. Add to Wish List Institutional Entrepreneurship

    Institutional Entrepreneurship

    Edited by Magnus Henrekson, Tino Sanandaji
    The growing recognition of the extent to which institutions determine economic outcomes has been one of the key developments in economic research and policy analysis in the last two decades. At the same time, the entrepreneur has made a ...
    Hardback (July 2012)

    List price $338.00

    Member price $304.20

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  12. Add to Wish List Intellectual Roots of Entrepreneurship Research

    Intellectual Roots of Entrepreneurship Research

    Edited by Hans Landström, Franz T. Lohrke
    This single volume includes classic works on the theoretical foundations of entrepreneurship research and provides important groundwork for future investigations. Professor Landström and Professor Lohrke have carefully selected the semin...
    Hardback (May 2012)

    List price $561.00

    Member price $504.90

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