This groundbreaking series brings together a critical selection of key papers by the Nobel Memorial Laureates in Economics that have helped shape the development and present state of economics. The editors have organised this comprehensi...
This groundbreaking series brings together a critical selection of key papers by the Nobel Memorial Laureates in Economics that have helped shape the development and present state of economics. The editors have organised this comprehensi...
This groundbreaking series brings together a critical selection of key papers by the Nobel Memorial Laureates in Economics that have helped shape the development and present state of economics. The editors have organised this comprehensi...
This groundbreaking series brings together a critical selection of key papers by the Nobel Memorial Laureates in Economics that have helped shape the development and present state of economics. The editors have organised this comprehensi...
This path-breaking two-volume collection brings together seminal contributions by leading scholars to the vibrant literature on copyright that has emerged over the past few decades. Volume one consists of articles analyzing copyright fro...
The analysis of corporate governance in small and medium-sized firms has been a much-neglected aspect of study in the field of corporate governance. This essential volume provides an authoritative overview of research in this topical fie...
In this topical collection, Professor Dinah Shelton brings together seminal articles published since the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment that discuss and debate the linkages between human rights and environmental protection...
Choice modelling is an area of growing popularity as many researchers and consultants seek to find better ways to explain the choices made by individuals, households and firms in many application contexts such as transportation, health s...
Edited by Catherine A. Maritan, Margaret A. Peteraf
These two authoritative volumes are an essential guide to the most important research in the area of competitive strategy. The first volume contains articles that contribute to the understanding of competitive effects at industry, firm, ...
In this timely volume Professor Arti Rai brings together a wide range of articles that reveal the important role of intellectual property law in the formation and development of the dynamic and economically significant biotechnology indu...
The origin of markets is a central issue in economics and economic history, but until now there has been no definitive reference source on the subject. This authoritative collection fills the gap by reprinting key papers analysing the ev...
This authoritative three-volume collection provides a comprehensive anthology of many of the most important and influential articles written since the publication of Phillips’ 1958 study – the most-cited macroeconomic paper published in ...