The Elgar Companion to Post Keynesian Economics, Second Edition


The Elgar Companion to Post Keynesian Economics, Second Edition

2nd edition

9781781007044 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by J.E. King, Emeritus Professor, La Trobe University, Australia and Honorary Professor, Federation University Australia
Publication Date: 2013 ISBN: 978 1 78100 704 4 Extent: 640 pp
This thoroughly revised and updated second edition provides a comprehensive guide to Post Keynesian methodology, theory and policy prescriptions.

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This thoroughly revised and updated second edition provides a comprehensive guide to Post Keynesian methodology, theory and policy prescriptions.

The Companion reflects the challenges posed by the global financial crisis that began in 2008 and by the consolidation of the New Neoclassical Synthesis in macroeconomic theory. There are 41 entirely new entries, marking the emergence of a new generation of Post Keynesian scholars. The central issues that were dealt with in the first edition remain at the core of the book, but much more attention is paid in this second edition to financial markets, to Post Keynesian economics outside its traditional Anglo-American heartland and to gender issues and environmental policy.

Including major theoretical, methodological and policy issues in Post Keynesian economics, this enriching Companion will strongly appeal to postgraduate and advanced undergraduate students in economics as well as related social science disciplines including international political economy, international relations, politics, public policy and sociology.
Critical Acclaim
‘The effort that has been put for the publication of this book is highly meritorious and it can be considered a complete encyclopedia of the current status of the scientific research in the tradition of Keynes. . . Many of the issues contained in this book provide an interesting re-reading of authors of the past and, in this sense, it is recommendable also for historians of political economy.’
– Guglielmo Forges Davanzati, Oeconomia

‘The Elgar Companion to Post Keynesian Economics is a comprehensive guide to economic analyses in the tradition of Keynes and the so-called Cambridge (UK) school of economics. The coverage of themes and different theoretical orientations within Post Keynesianism is remarkable and the quality of the various entries is impressive. John King’s invisible hand is responsible for a minimum of overlaps and an optimum in quality and comprehensibility. This book has already proved to be of interest to a wide range of economists and can be expected to continue to do so for a long time to come.’
– Heinz D. Kurz, University of Graz, Austria
Contributors: A. Altuzarra, P. Arestis, T. Asada, A. Barba, T. Baskoy, J. Bibow, S. Blankenburg, R.A. Blecker, H. Bloch, A. Brown, D. Bunting, F.J. Cardim de Carvalho, V. Chick, J. Cornwall, W. Cornwall, J. Courvisanos, C. Danby, F. Dantas, P. Davidson, L.F. De Paula, D. Dequech, S.C. Dow, P. Downward, S. Dullien, S.P. Dunn, A.K. Dutt, S. Fazzari, F. Ferrari-Filho, B. Fine, G. Fontana, M. Forstater, G. Fujii, R. Garnett, B. Gerrard, M. Glickman, G.C. Gu, G.C. Harcourt, J.T. Harvey, M. Hayes, E. Hein, J.F. Henry, G. Hewitson, M.C. Howard, P. Howells, T. Jefferson, J. Jespersen, T.-H. Jo, D.W. Katzner, S. Keen, S. Kelton, J.E. King, P. Kriesler, M. Lavoie, J. Leclaire, F.S. Lee, J. Lodewijks, M.C. Marcuzzo, J.S.L. McCombie, E.J. McKenna, A. Mearman, J. Melmiès, W. Mitchell, G. Mongiovi, T. Mott, T. Mouakil, Y. Nersisyan, J.W. Nevile, T. Niechoj, R. O’Donnell, P.A. O’Hara, A. Pacella, T.I. Palley, G. Palma, C. Panico, S.D. Parsons, N. Perry, M. Pivetti, R. Pollin, S. Pressman, J. Priewe, A. Razmi, R. Realfonzo, C. Rider, L.-P. Rochon, C.J. Rodríguez-Fuentes, S. Rossi, C. Sardoni, M. Sawyer, R.H. Scott III, M. Setterfield, N. Shapiro, H.J. Sherman, P. Skott, J. Smithin, E. Stockhammer, R. Studart, P.R. Tcherneva, A.P. Thirlwall, Z. Todorova, J. Toporowski, G. Tortorella Esposito, A.B. Trigg, É. Tymoigne, L. Ussher, T. Van Treeck, A. Vercelli, M. Vernengo, M. Watts, E. Webster, A. Winnett, M.H. Wolfson, L.R. Wray, D.C. Zannoni


1. Agency
Edward J. McKenna and Diane C. Zannoni

2. Australia
J.E. King

3. Austrian School of Economics
Stephen D. Parsons

4. Babylonian Mode of Thought
Sheila C. Dow

5. Balance-of-Payments-Constrained Economic Growth
John S.L. McCombie

6. Banking
Gillian Hewitson

7. Bastard Keynesianism
John Lodewijks

8. Behavioural Economics
Therese Jefferson and J.E. King

9. Brazil
Luiz Fernando de Paula and Fernando Ferrari-Filho

10. Bretton Woods
Matías Vernengo

11. Budget Deficits
Joëlle Leclaire

12. Business Cycles
Peter Skott

13. Cambridge Economic Tradition
G.C. Harcourt

14. Capital Theory
Ben Fine

15. Central Banks
Fernando J. Cardim de Carvalho

16. Chartalism
Sergio Rossi

17. Choice under Uncertainty
Victoria Chick and Sheila C. Dow

18. Circuit Theory
Riccardo Realfonzo

19. Competition
Nina Shapiro

20. Consumer Debt
Robert H. Scott, III

21. Consumer Theory
Marc Lavoie

22. Consumption
David Bunting

23. Conventions
David Dequech

24. Credit Rationing
Martin H. Wolfson

25. Critical Realism
Andrew Brown

26. Development Finance
Rogério Studart

27. Econometrics
Paul Downward

28. Economic Development
Stephanie Blankenburg and Gabriel Palma

29. Economic Policy
Malcolm Sawyer

30. Effective Demand
Mark Setterfield

31. Efficient Markets Hypothesis
Mark Hayes

32. Employer of Last Resort
Pavlina R. Tcherneva

33. Employment
Engelbert Stockhammer

34. Environmental Economics
Adrian Winnett

35. Environmental Policy
Neil Perry

36. Equilibrium and Non-equilibrium
Donald W. Katzner

37. Exchange Rates
John T. Harvey

38. Expectations
Éric Tymoigne

39. Export-led Growth
Arslan Razmi

40. Financial Instability Hypothesis
Louis-Philippe Rochon

41. Financial Markets
Jörg Bibow

42. Financial Reform
Aldo Barba

43. Financialization
Till Van Treeck

44. Fiscal Policy
J.W. Nevile

45. Full Employment
William Mitchell and Martin Watts

46. Fundamentalist Keynesians
Bill Gerrard

47. Galbraith’s Economics
Stephen P. Dunn

48. Gender
Colin Danby

49. Germany and Austria
Torsten Niechoj

50. Global Financial Crisis
Stephanie Blankenburg

51. Growth and Income Distribution
Carlo Panico

52. Growth Theory
Steve Keen

53. Households
Zdravka Todorova

54. Income Distribution
Thomas I. Palley

55. Inflation
John Smithin

56. Innovation
Jerry Courvisanos

57. Institutionalism
Steven Pressman

58. International Economics
Robert A. Blecker

59. International Financial Reform
Leanne Ussher

60. Investment
Tracy Mott

61. Italy
Andrea Pacella and Guido Tortorella Esposito

62. Japan
Toichiro Asada

63. Joan Robinson’s Economics
Maria Cristina Marcuzzo

64. Journal of Post Keynesian Economics
Phillip Anthony O’Hara

65. Kaldorian Economics
A.P. Thirlwall

66. Kaleckian Economics
Jan Toporowski

67. Keynes’s General Theory
Paul Davidson

68. Keynes’s Treatise on Money
Giuseppe Fontana

69. Keynes’s Treatise on Probability
Rod O’Donnell

70. Latin American Structuralism
Gerardo Fujii

71. Liquidity Preference
Stephanie Kelton (née Bell)

72. Macroeconomic Methodology
Jesper Jespersen

73. Marginalism
Harry Bloch

74. Market Governance
Tuna Baskoy

75. Microfoundations
Steven Fazzari

76. Monetary Policy
Peter Howells

77. Money
L. Randall Wray

78. Money Manager Capitalism
Yeva Nersisyan

79. Multiplier
Andrew B. Trigg

80. New Classical Economics
Alessandro Vercelli

81. New Keynesian Economics
Wendy Cornwall

82. New Neoclassical Synthesis
Sebastian Dullien

83. Non-ergodicity
Stephen P. Dunn

84. Open Systems
Andrew Mearman

85. Pluralism in Economics
Rob Garnett

86. Price Rigidity
Jordan Melmiès

87. Prices and Pricing
Gyun Cheol Gu and Frederic S. Lee

88. Production
Amitava Krishna Dutt

89. Profits
Elizabeth Webster

90. Rate of Interest
Massimo Pivetti

91. Regional Monetary Policy
Carlos J. Rodríguez-Fuentes

92. Saving
Robert Pollin

93. Say’s Law
Claudio Sardoni

94. Socialism
Howard J. Sherman

95. Sraffian Economics
Gary Mongiovi

96. Stagflation
Mark Setterfield and John Cornwall

97. Stock–Flow Consistent Modelling
Tarik Mouakil

98. Sustainable Development
Jerry Courvisanos

99. Technology and Innovation
Amaia Altuzarra

100. Time in Economic Theory
John F. Henry

101. Time-series Econometrics
Flavia Dantas

102. Tobin Tax
Philip Arestis

103. Transition Economies
Christine Rider

104. Traverse
Peter Kriesler

105. Uncertainty
Murray Glickman

106. Underconsumption
J.E. King

107. Unemployment
Mathew Forstater

108. University of Missouri–Kansas City
Frederic S. Lee

109. Wage Deflation
Jan Priewe

110. Wage- and Profit-led Regimes
Eckhard Hein

111. Walrasian Economics
M.C. Howard

112. Welfare Economics
Tae-Hee Jo

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