Insider Trading and Market Manipulation


Insider Trading and Market Manipulation

Investigating and Prosecuting Across Borders

9781786436412 Edward Elgar Publishing
Janet Austin, Faculty of Law, University of New Brunswick, Canada
Publication Date: 2017 ISBN: 978 1 78643 641 2 Extent: 320 pp
This book explores how the globalization of securities markets has affected market manipulation and insider trading. It delves into the responses of securities regulators, discussing new regulations designed to deter such misconduct, as well as they ways in which detection, investigation and prosecution techniques are adapting to tackle insider trading and market manipulation that crosses international boundaries.

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This book explores how the globalization of securities markets has affected market manipulation and insider trading. It delves into the responses of securities regulators, discussing new regulations designed to deter such misconduct, as well as they ways in which detection, investigation and prosecution techniques are adapting to tackle insider trading and market manipulation that crosses international boundaries.

Janet Austin concisely and clearly explains changes to securities markets that have taken place over the last few decades and their impacts, as well as the main detection and investigative techniques of securities regulators. She also provides an analysis of how the work of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) is assisting securities regulators as they gather information and evidence they need in order to prosecute these market offences. The book concludes with suggestions for the IOSCO and securities regulators to improve their efforts in addressing cross-border market manipulation and insider trading, with a view to enhancing the overall integrity of the securities markets. 

The approachable analysis and hard-to-find information in this book make it a valuable resource for securities regulators, legal practitioners, and academics.
Critical Acclaim
‘Reading this book will certainly enrich knowledge and sharpen our understanding of the concept of insider trading and market manipulation.’
– Rustam Mirrakhimov, Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation

‘Janet Austin has made an important contribution to improving crossborder enforcement of market abuse by taking a close look at what has been done so far, what is working, and what needs to happen next.’
– Gail E Henderson, Banking & Finance Law Review

‘Few books on capital market regulation are more welcome than a treatise on insider trading! Bravo to Professor Austin for writing such a clear yet detailed and insightful analysis regarding cross-border enforcement of insider trading violations. A wonderful piece of writing.’
– Anita Anand, University of Toronto, Canada

‘Janet Austin has produced an engaging text, which individuals, from both a legal and non-legal background, can appreciate.’
– Nicole Johnstone, International Trade & Business Law Review
Contents: Preface 1. Introduction 2. The importance of taking enforcement action against cross border insider trading and market manipulation 3. The transformation of markets driving cross border insider trading and market manipulation 4. Investigating and enforcing insider trading and market manipulation laws across borders 5. Case studies of cross border insider trading and market manipulation 6. IOSCO and the IOSCO Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding Concerning Consultation and Cooperation 7. The role of IOSCO going forward 8. Conclusion and recommendations Bibliography Index
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