Transport and Land Use


Transport and Land Use

9781858981093 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Joseph Berechman, City College of New York, US, Hirotada Kohno, Professor Emeritus, Institute of Socio-Economic Planning, University of Tsukuba, Japan, Kenneth Button, University Professor, Schar School of Policy and Government, George Mason University, US and Peter Nijkamp, Professor Emeritus, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands, the Centre for European Studies, Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iasi, Romania and the School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University, China
Publication Date: 1996 ISBN: 978 1 85898 109 3 Extent: 736 pp
This collection includes both classical and recent papers that explore the complex interrelationships between transport, land use and the spatial organization of metropolitan areas. Since land use planning and transportation planning play a major role in shaping these relationships, special attention is given to studies on planning issues and policies.

Whilst one section of the collection features papers written in the tradition of urban economics, the main emphasis is on studies which examine the impact of various changes in transportation systems on land use.

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This collection includes both classical and recent papers that explore the complex interrelationships between transport, land use and the spatial organization of metropolitan areas. Since land use planning and transportation planning play a major role in shaping these relationships, special attention is given to studies on planning issues and policies.

Whilst one section of the collection features papers written in the tradition of urban economics, the main emphasis is on studies which examine the impact of various changes in transportation systems on land use.
38 articles dating from 1938 to 1993
Contributors include: M.E. Beesley, M. Fujita, H. Hotelling, K.A. Small, R.M. Solow, J. Tinbergen
Contents: Acknowledgements Introduction Part I: Transport and Land Use in the New Urban Economies Part II: Transport and Land Use in the Urban Planning Field Part III: Impact of Transport Investment Part IV: Transport Infrastructure Pricing Policies Index
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