The Sociology of Gender


The Sociology of Gender

9781852787554 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Sarah Franklin, Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge, UK
Publication Date: 1996 ISBN: 978 1 85278 755 4 Extent: 488 pp
The Sociology of Gender combines 21 classic articles on this important topic with a broad-ranging editorial introduction. Emphasizing the categorical function of ‘gender’ as a social technology, this volume develops a unique approach to one of the most important areas of late twentieth century sociological thought.

Combining accessible and specialized contributions to the sociology of gender, The Sociology of Gender demonstrates the vitality and breadth of gender theory within the social sciences as a whole. The book comprises a unique contribution to gender theory in its own right, while also providing an up- to- date and coherent selection of many of the key articles from the past 20 years addressed to sex and gender categories.

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The Sociology of Gender combines 21 classic articles on this important topic with a broad-ranging editorial introduction. Emphasizing the categorical function of ‘gender’ as a social technology, this volume develops a unique approach to one of the most important areas of late twentieth century sociological thought.

Combining accessible and specialized contributions to the sociology of gender, The Sociology of Gender demonstrates the vitality and breadth of gender theory within the social sciences as a whole. The book comprises a unique contribution to gender theory in its own right, while also providing an up- to-date and coherent selection of many of the key articles from the past 20 years addressed to sex and gender categories.
21 articles, dating from 1974 to 1992
Contributors include: S.J. Kessler, E. Martin, N.-C. Mathieu, A. Ong, D. Riley, C. West, A. Yeatman, D. Zimmerman
• CONTENTS: Acknowledgements Introduction by the Editor
1. D. Riley (1988), ‘Does a Sex Have a History?’
2. N. Jay (1981), ‘Gender and Dichotomy.’
3. N.-C. Mathieu (1974), ‘Notes Towards a Sociological Definition of Sex Categories.’
4. F. Edholm, O. Harris and K. Young (1977), ‘Conceptualising Women.’
5. S.B. Ortner (1974), ‘Is Female to Male as Nature is to Culture?’
6. M. Wittig (1981), ‘One is Not Born a Woman.’
7. V. Stolcke (1988), ‘New Reproductive Technologies: The Old Quest for Fatherhood.’
8. P. Tabet (1987), ‘Imposed Reproduction: Maimed Sexuality.’
9. A. Yeatman (1983), ‘The Procreative Model: The Social Ontological Bases of the Gender-Kinship System.’
10. M. di Leonardo (1987), ‘The Female World of Cards and Holidays: Women, Families, and the Work of Kinship.’
11. C. Guillaumin (1981), ‘The Practice of Power and Belief in Nature, Part I: The Appropriation of Women.’
12. C. Guillaumin (1981), ‘The Practice of Power and Belief in Nature, Part II: The Naturalist Discourse.’
13. E. Fox Keller (1987), ‘The Gender/Science System: or, Is Sex To Gender As Nature Is To Science?’
14. V. Beechey (1979), ‘On Patriarchy.’
15. C. West and D.H. Zimmerman (1987), ‘Doing Gender.’
16. S.J. Kessler (1990), ‘The Medical Construction of Gender: Case Management of Intersexed Infants.’
17. E. Martin (1991), ‘The Egg and the Sperm: How Science has Constructed a Romance Based on Stereotypical Male-Female Roles.’
18. B. Rao (1991), ‘Dominant Constructions of Women and Nature in Social Science Literature.’
19. A. Ong (1987), ‘Review Essay: Disassembling Gender in the Electronics Age.’
20. P. Hill Collins (1986), ‘The Emerging Theory and Pedagogy of Black Women’s Studies.’
21. D.J. Haraway (1991), ‘“Gender” for a Marxist Dictionary: The Sexual Politics of a Word.’

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