The Environment and Transport


The Environment and Transport

9781858988191 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Yoshitsugu Hayashi, Tokai Gakuen University, Japan, Kenneth Button, University Professor, Schar School of Policy and Government, George Mason University, US and Peter Nijkamp, Professor Emeritus, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands, the Centre for European Studies, Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iasi, Romania and the School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University, China
Publication Date: August 1999 ISBN: 978 1 85898 819 1 Extent: 528 pp
In this new authoritative collection The Environment and Transport, the editors have selected the most important articles published in the last twenty years concerning pollution, the effects of traffic on the environment and the development of controls on both a regional and national level.

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In this new authoritative collection The Environment and Transport, the editors have selected the most important articles published in the last twenty years concerning pollution, the effects of traffic on the environment and the development of controls on both a regional and national level.

This important new reference work will prove an invaluable source to both practitioners and students in the field of environmental studies.
Critical Acclaim
‘The volume’s strength lies in the way it draws together a wide variety of articles dealing with different aspects of the environment and transport. This makes it an excellent textbook for those interested in the subject and who find it difficult to locate the journals in which the original papers were published. The reference lists of these papers are an invaluable bibliographic resource.’
– Heather Ward, Journal of Transport Geography

‘This book is of quite an impressive size and, with its broad title The Environment and Transport, may resemble an encyclopaedia or even the Bible! . . . this is a valuable book. It should be read by politicians, economists and planners, who are often fascinated by technical progress in transport. . .’
– Teofil Lijewski, Transport Reviews
27 articles, dating from 1978 to 1996
Contributors include: A.M. Freeman III, J.R. Kenworthy, J.P. Nelson, P.W.G. Newman, D.W. Pearce, W. Rothengatter, S.E. Shladover, K.A. Small, T. Sterner


Part I: General
1. Kenneth Button (1990), ‘Environmental Externalities and Transport Policy’
2. Peter Nijkamp (1994), ‘Road Toward Environmentally Sustainable Transport’
Part II: Pollution
A Air Pollution
3. Kenneth A. Small and Camilla Kazimi (1995), ‘On the Costs of Air Pollution from Motor Vehicles’
4. Hisa Morisugi and Eiji Ohno (1996), ‘NOx Reduction Effects of the Policy to Reduce Diesel Automobiles and its Influence on Price Change’
B Noise
5. Jon P. Nelson (1979), ‘Airport Noise, Location Rent, and the Market for Residential Amenities’
6. David W. Pearce (1978), ‘Noise Nuisance’
C Economic Evaluation Method of Pollution
7. A. Myrick Freeman III (1979), ‘Hedonic Prices, Property Values and Measuring Environmental Benefits: A Survey of the Issues’
Part III: Influence of Transport on the Environment
A Transport Demand and Traffic Congestion
8. Phil Goodwin (1996), ‘Road Traffic Growth and the Dynamics of Sustainable Transport Policies’
9. Rico Maggi (1994), ‘Environmental Implications of Missing Transport Networks in Europe’
B Land Use - Transport Interaction
10. P.W.G Newman and J.R. Kenworthy (1988), ‘The Transport Energy Trade-Off: Fuel-Efficient Traffic Versus Fuel-Efficient Cities’
11. Michael Wegener (1996), ‘Reduction of CO2 Emissions of Transport by Reorganisation of Urban Activities’
12. Yoshitsugu Hayashi (1996), ‘Economic Development and its Influence on the Environment: Urbanization, Infrastructure and Land Use Planning Systems’
C Effects of Rail
13. Eran Feitelson (1994), ‘The Potential of Rail as An Environmental Solution: Setting the Agenda’
Part IV: Methods and Estimates of External Effects of Transport
14. Gert Jan Koopman (1995), ‘Policies to Reduce CO2 Emissions from Cars in Europe – A Partial Equilibrium Analysis’
15. Werner Rothengatter (1996), ‘Evaluation Methods for External Effects of Transport in Europe’
16. David L. Greene and K.G. Duleep (1993), ‘Costs and Benefits of Automotive Fuel Economy Improvement: A Partial Analysis’
17. N.J. Eyre, E. Ozdemiroglu, D.W. Pearce and P. Steele (1997), ‘Fuel and Location Effects on the Damage Costs of Transport Emissions’
18. Thomas Sterner, Carol Dahl and Michael Franzén (1992), ‘Gasoline Tax Policy, Carbon Emissions and the Global Environment’
19. Inge Mayeres, Sara Ochelen and Stef Proost (1996), ‘The Marginal External Costs of Urban Transport’
20. Erik T. Verhoef, Peter Nijkamp and Piet Rietveld (1997), ''The Social Feasibility of Road Pricing: A Case Study of the Randstad Area''
Part V: Clean Fuel and New Technology
A Clean Fuel
21. Thomas F. Golob, Ryuichi Kitamura, Mark Bradley and David S. Bunch (1993), ‘Predicting the Market Penetration of Electric and Clean-Fuel Vehicles’
B Electronic Vehicle
22. Mark DeLuchi, Quanlu Wang and Daniel Sperling (1989), ‘Electric Vehicles: Performance, Life-Cycle Costs, Emissions, and Recharging Requirements’
C Telecommunication
23. Patricia L. Mokhtarian, Susan L. Handy and Ilan Salomon (1995), ‘Methodological Issues in the Estimation of the Travel, Energy, and Air Quality Impacts of Telecommuting’
24. Steven E. Shladover (1993), ‘Potential Contributions of Intellegent Vehicle/Highway Systems (IVHS) to Reducing Transportation’s Greenhouse Gas Production’
Part VI: Developing Countries
25. Asif Faiz (1993), ‘Automotive Emissions in Developing Countries – Relative Implications for Global Warming, Acidification and Urban Air Quality’
26. Reuben Gronau (1994), ‘Fuel Taxes and Road-User Charges in LDCs – Some Lessons from Sub-Saharan Africa’
Name Index
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