The Elgar Companion to David Ricardo


The Elgar Companion to David Ricardo

9781788110877 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Heinz D. Kurz, Emeritus Professor of Economics, University of Graz and Graz Schumpeter Centre, Austria and Neri Salvadori, Professor of Economics, University of Pisa, Italy
Publication Date: 2017 ISBN: 978 1 78811 087 7 Extent: 624 pp
Arguably one of the most important economists who has lived, Ricardo''s impact on the economics profession is immense. This unique and comprehensive Companion elucidates his significance and continuing legacy. Ricardo made major contributions to all fields of the subject, from monetary issues to value and income distribution, from capital accumulation, technical progress and economic growth to foreign trade and international specialisation, and from taxes to public debt. What he called the main problem of political economy, the distribution of income and wealth, is again back on the political and economic agenda with a vengeance. Leading experts in the field explore his influence and offer novel interpretations of received doctrines.

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Arguably one of the most important economists who has lived, Ricardo''s impact on the economics profession is immense. This unique and comprehensive Companion elucidates his significance and continuing legacy. Ricardo made major contributions to all fields of the subject, from monetary issues to value and income distribution, from capital accumulation, technical progress and economic growth to foreign trade and international specialisation, and from taxes to public debt. What he called the main problem of political economy, the distribution of income and wealth, is again back on the political and economic agenda with a vengeance. Leading experts in the field explore his influence and offer novel interpretations of received doctrines.

The concise yet comprehensive entries are arranged alphabetically for ease of use with cross references and suggestions for further reading. The Companion will serve as the standard reference work for all those engaged in the field of classical economics. It will also be essential reading for scholars and researchers interested in the history of economic thought, macroeconomics and political economy.
Critical Acclaim
‘Heinz D. Kurz and Neri Salvadori have prepared a superb companion that mirrors their deep understanding of classical economics and additionally their familiarity with the international scene of scholars who have worked on Ricardo’s work and his life.’
– Volker Caspari, Œconomia

‘Although there are serious concerns, it cannot be denied that no other individual, or team, could invite so many commentators from all over the world to contribute articles and compile them into a volume on so many aspects of this genuine economist.​ The geographical distribution of contributors stretches from USA and UK​ ​through (most densely) continental Europe to Australia and Japan, thanks to which​ ​the monolingual Anglo-American reader can access the rich non English literature​ ​and tradition. The subject coverage extends not only to Ricardo’s​ ​economics, pure or​ ​applied, and to later economists on him, but also to his life, family, friends, business,​ ​religion, politics, and other subjects—a liberal materialization of the editors’ conviction​ ​that there is no essential variance between rational and historical reconstruction​ ​in the historiography of economics.​ ​The reader using this as a reference book should​ ​ consult as many entries as possible, with the aid of the “See also” sections at the end​ ​of each entry. This volume seems, unlike the Ricardian world, to yield increasing​ ​returns to scale.​‘
– Shin Kubo, ​Journal of the History of Economic Thought

As the contributions demonstrate, these scholars from different countries are authorities in their respective areas of Ricardian theory and often for the history of economic thought in general, as are the editors. . . it is encouraging that even nowadays there are still scholars with an intimate knowledge of the roots of our discipline. And, we should be grateful to the editors that they encouraged these authorities, brought together in this volume, to pass on their knowledge to future generations. They contributed to a volume that can be recommended emphatically as a true Companion because it belongs to the sort of books you will not read only once and then put it away. Actually, it should be on one’s book shelf because it is the sort of volume that merits consultation time and again.’
– History of Economics Review, 2016

‘. . .Kurz and Salvadori have done researchers on Ricardo a great service with their compilation of these essays.’
– EH.Net

‘Do we have to know today what Ricardo wrote two hundred years ago? Can we still learn from him? Of course, we can! The book edited by Heinz D. Kurz and Neri Salvadori provides highly instructive insights into the work and importance of David Ricardo, the "economists'' economist", as Paul Samuelson dubbed him.’
– Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

‘A good companion is one that serves as a ready reference as regards the theoretical advances made by, philosophical influences on, and discussions that the subject of the companion engaged in with their contemporaries. An ideal companion is one in which, in addition to all of the above, one finds well thought out references to the subject’s others pursuits, vocations, influences and inspirations. The Elgar Companion to David Ricardo, it can certainly be said, meets all of these objectives in a very satisfactory manner indeed.’
– Artha Vijnana

‘Heinz Kurz and Neri Salvadori’s companion to Ricardo includes 86 origi-nal entries by 57 scholars, dealing not only with what Ricardo wrote and recent debate on the interpretation of his theories, but also with Ricardo’s biography, his views on religion, his interaction with other thinkers, the economic problems of his times, the political debates in which he took part, the reaction to his theories in other countries, the editions of his works, the evolution of views about Ricardo from immediately after his death to the present, and some modern mathematical reformulations of his theories.’
– European Journal of the History of Economic Thought

Contributors: R. Arena, T. Aspromourgos, M.S. Aßländer, R.E. Backhouse, I. Barens, E. Bellino, C. Bidard, S. Blankenburg, C. Casarosa, R. Ciccone, S. Cremaschi, M. Dardi, G. Deleplace, T. Dome, G. Erreygers, G. Faccarello, R. Faucci, D. Fiaschi, S. Fratini, G. Freni, C. Gehrke, A.F. Gilbert, G. Gilibert, P. Groenewegen, D. Haas, H. Hagemann, A. Heertje, J.E. King, H. Klausinger, H.D. Kurz, A. Maneschi, M.C. Marcuzzo, F. Meacci, M. Milgate, G. Mongiovi, F. Moseley, D.P. O''Brien, A. Opocher, A. Palumbo, S. Parrinello, C. Perrotta, M. Pivetti, P.L. Porta, A. Quadrio Curzio, S.A.T. Rizvi, A. Rosselli, C. Rotondi, N. Salvadori, R. Signorino, N. Sigot, M. Smith, A. Stirati, R. Sturn, P. Trabucchi, H.-M. Trautwein, P. Tubaro, K. Watarai

1. Accumulation of Capital
Enrico Bellino

2. Belsham, Thomas, and Ricardo
Sergio Cremaschi

3. Bentham Jeremy and Ricardo
Nathalie Sigot

4. Biaujeaud, Huguette, on Ricardo
Gilbert Abraham-Frois

5. Blaug, Mark, on Ricardo
Roger E. Backhouse

6. Böhm-Bawerk, Eugen von, on Ricardo
Heinz D. Kurz

7. Bortkiewicz, Ladislaus von, on Ricardo
Heinz D. Kurz

8. Bullionist Controvercy
Ghislain Deleplace

9. Capital and Profits
Giorgio Gilibert

10. Colonies
Davide Fiaschi and Rodolfo Signorino

11. Comparative Advantage
Gilbert Faccarello

12. Competition
Richard Arena and Stephanie Blankenburg

13. Corn Laws
Andrea Maneschi

14. Corn Model
Roberto Ciccone and Paolo Trabucchi

15. Demand and Supply
Antonella Palumbo

16. Dmitriev, Vladimir Karpovich, on Ricardo
Christian Gehrke

17. Endogeneous Growth
Heinz D. Kurz and N. Salvadori

18. Essay on Profits
Rodolfo Signorino

19. Exchange Value and Utility
S. Abu Turab Rizvi

20. Exhaustible Resources and Mines
Heinz D. Kurz and Neri Salvadori

21. Foreign Trade
Sergio Parrinello

22. Funding System
Rodolfo Signorino

23. General Glut
Harald Hagemann

24. Gold
Alberto Quadrio Curzio and Claudia Rotondi

25. Hayek, Friedrich von, on Ricardo
Hansjoerg Klausinger

26. Hicks on Ricardo
Carlo Casarosa

27. Historical Schools on Ricardo
Riccardo Faucci

28. Hollander, Jacob Harry, on Ricardo
Christian Gehrke

29. Improvements in Production
Christian Gehrke

30. Invariable Measure of Value
Heinz D. Kurz and Neri Salvadori

31 Jevons, William Stanley, on Ricardo
David Haas

32. Jewish Background
Arnold Heertje

33. Kaldor, Nicholas, on Ricardo
John E. King

34. Keynes, John Maynard, on Ricardo
Ingo Barens

35. Labour and Wages
Antonella Stirati,

36. Labour Theory of Value
Gilbert Faccarello

37. Land and Rent
Christian Bidard and Guido Erreygers

38. Life and Activities
Arnold Heertje

39. Limiting and Regulating Principles
Heinz D. Kurz

40. Malthus-Ricardo Debate
Sergio Cremaschi

41. Marshall, Alfred, on Ricardo
Marco Dardi

42. Marx, Karl Heinrich, on Ricardo
Fred Moseley

43. Mathematical Formulations of Ricardian Economics
Giuseppe Freni

44. McCulloch, John Ramsay, and Ricardo
Katsuyoshi Watarai

45. Member of Parliament
Murray Milgate

46. Mill, James, and Ricardo
Sergio Cremaschi

47. Mill, John Stuart, on Ricardo
Michael S. Aßländer

48. Monetary Theory
Ghislain Deleplace

49. National Debt

50. Natural and Market Prices
Rodolfo Signorino

51. Natural Quantity of Money
Maria Cristina Marcuzzo and Annalisa Rosselli

52. Non-English Editions of Ricardo’s Works
Christian Gehrke

53. Notes on Malthus
Pier Luigi Porta

54. Papers on Money and Banking
Ghislain Deleplace

55. Pasinetti, Luigi Lodovico, on Ricardo
Enrico Bellino

56. Poor Laws
Arrigo Opocher

57. Population
Arrigo Opocher

58. Porter, Sarah Ricardo
Sergio Cremaschi

59. Principles of Political Economy and Taxation
Heinz D. Kurz and N. Salvadori

60. Rate of Interest
Massimo Pivetti

61. Recent Interpretations
Gary Mongiovi

62. Revenue
Giorgio Gilibert

63. Ricardian Dynamics
Christian Bidard and Guido Erreygers

64. Ricardian Equivalence
Richard Sturn

65. Ricardian Socialists
John E. King

66. Ricardo Editions
Christian Gehrke

67. Ricardo on Adam Smith
Tony Aspromourgos

68. Ricardo''s Emancipation from Smith''s Theory of Prices
Katsuyoshi Watarai

69. Ricardo''s Four Magic Numbers
Andrea Maneschi

70. Riches and Value
Cosimo Perrotta

71. Samuelson, Paul Anthony on Ricardo
Heinz D. Kurz and N. Salvadori

72. Say Jean-Baptiste and Ricardo
Christian Gehrke

73. Say''s Law
Ferdinando Meacci

74. Schumpeter, Joseph Alois, on Ricardo
Heinz D. Kurz

75. Sraffa, Piero, on Ricardo
Heinz D. Kurz and N. Salvadori

76. Surplus
Saverio M.Fratini

77. Taxation
Takuo Dome

78. Technical Change
Heinz D. Kurz

79. Tooke, Thomas, and Ricardo
Matthew Smith

80. Torrens, Robert, and Ricardo
Gary Mongiovi

81. Tozer, John Edward, on Ricardo
Paola Tubaro

82. Trower, Hutches, and Ricardo
Peter Groenewegen

83. Walras, Marie-Esprit-Léon, on Ricardo
Heinz D. Kurz and N. Salvadori

84. Wealth
Ferdinando Meacci

85. Whewell William on Ricardo
Christian Gehrke

86. Wicksell, Knut on Ricardo
Hans-Michael Trautwein

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