

9781852788674 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by the late Melvin L. Greenhut, Formerly Abell Professor of Liberal Arts and Distinguished Professor of Economics, Emeritus, Texas A & M University, US and George Norman, Professor of Economics and Cummings Family Chair of Entrepreneurship and Business Economics Emeritus, formerly Tufts University, US
Publication Date: 1995 ISBN: 978 1 85278 867 4 Extent: 1,712 pp
The Economics of Location traces developments in location theory, the economics of space and value and spatial microeconomics from its early beginnings in the work of von Thünen to the most recent applications in modern industrial organization and international trade.

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The Economics of Location traces developments in location theory, the economics of space and value and spatial microeconomics from its early beginnings in the work of von Thünen to the most recent applications in modern industrial organization and international trade.
Critical Acclaim
‘These edited volumes will prove important additions to teaching libraries at those institutions where backruns of material are scant; offer a convenient access point to those moving into the field; and, for the specialist, they offer important reference material.’
– Kenneth Button, The Economic Journal
103 articles, dating from 1924 to 1992
Contributors: D. Capozza, P. Lederer, H. Ohta, P.A. Samuelson, J.-F. Thisse




1. Mark Blaug (1979), ‘The German Hegemony of Location Theory: A Puzzle in the History of Economic Thought’
2. Benjamin H. Stevens (1967), ‘Location Theory and Programming Models: The von Thünen Case’
3. Paul A. Samuelson (1983), ‘Thünen at Two Hundred’
4. François Louveaux, Jacques-François Thisse and Hubert Bequin (1982), ‘Location Theory and Transportation Costs’
5. Morris Altman (1986), ‘Resource Endowments and Location Theory in Economic History:: A Case Study of Quebec and Ontario at the Turn of the Twentieth Century’
6. Jeffrey P. Osleeb and Robert G. Cromley (1978), ‘The Location of Plants of the Uniform Delivered Price Manufacturer: A Case Study of Coca-Cola Ltd.’
7. Hisao Nashioka (1962), ‘A Reconsideration of the Economic Location Theory - A Note On Characteristics of the Location Theory’
8. Donald W. Jones and John R. Krummel (1987), ‘The Location Theory of the Plantation’
9. Jan Nowak and Hanna Romanowska (1985), ‘Locational Patterns of the Food-Processing Industry in Poland’



10. A. P. Lerner and H. W. Singer (1967), ‘Some Notes on Duopoly and Spatial Competition’
11. Frank A. Fetter (1924), ‘The Economic Law of Market Areas’
12. Morris A. Copeland (1940), ‘Competing Products and Monopolistic Competition’
13. James V. Pinto (1977), ‘Launhardt and Location Theory: Rediscovery of a Neglected Book’
14. Melvin L. Greenhut (1952), ‘Integrating the Leading Theories of Plant Location’
15. R. P. Oakey and S. Y. Cooper (1989), ‘High Technology Industry, Agglomeration and the Potential for Peripherally Sited Small Firms’
16. Brian J. L. Berry and William L. Garrison (1958), ‘A Note on Central Place Theory and the Range of a Good’
17. W. Arthur Lewis (1945), ‘Competition in Retail Trade’
18. Melvin L. Greenhut (1952), ‘The Size and Shape of the Market Area of a Firm’
19. August Lösch (1938), ‘The Nature of Economic Regions’
20. John M. Hartwick (1973), ‘Lösch’s Theorem on Hexagonal Market Areas’
21. Toshiharu Ishikawa and Masao Toda (1990), ‘Spatial Configurations, Competition and Welfare’
22. A. de Palma, V. Ginsburgh, Y.Y. Papageorgiou and J.-F. Thisse (1985), ‘The Principle of Minimum Differentiation Holds under Sufficient Heterogeneity’
23. Ali al-Nowaihi and George Norman (1992), ‘Spatial Competition by Quantity-Setting Firms: A Comparison of Simultaneous and Two-Stage Quantity-Location Games’
24. Melvin L. Greenhut (1955), ‘A General Theory of Plant Location’
25. Jacques-François Thisse (1987), ‘Location Theory, Regional Science, and Economics’
26. Gardiner Ackley (1942), ‘Spatial Competition in a Discontinuous Market’
27. Walter Isard (1949), ‘The General Theory of Location and Space-Economy’
28. Chao-Cheng Mai and Hong Hwang (1992), ‘Production-Location Decision and Free Entry Oligopoly’
29. Edward C. Prescott and Michael Visscher (1977), ‘Sequential Location Among Firms with Foresight’
30. C. d’Aspremont, J. Jaskold Gabszewicz and J.-F. Thisse (1979), ‘On Hotelling’s “Stability in Competition”’
31. Yeung-Nan Shieh (1990), ‘FOB Mill Pricing and Plant Location When Demand is Linear but Non-Uniform’
32. Michael Webber and S.P.H. Foot (1988), ‘Profitability and Accumulation’
33. Phillip J. Lederer (1994), ‘Competitive Delivered Pricing and Production’
34. Martin J. Beckmann (1976), ‘Spatial Price Policies Revisited’
35. Phillip J. Lederer and Arthur P. Hurter (1986), ‘Competition of Firms: Discriminatory Pricing and Location’
36. Melvin L. Greenhut (1957), ‘Games, Capitalism and General Location Theory’





1. Martin J. Beckmann and Charles A. Ingene (1978), ‘The Profit Equivalence of Mill and Uniform Pricing Policies’
2. A. de Palma, M. Labbé and J. -F. Thisse (1986), ‘On the Existence of Price Equilibria Under Mill and Uniform Delivered Price Policies’
3. Edgar M.J. Hoover Jr. (1936-37), ‘Spatial Discrimination’
4. John G. Greenhut and M.L. Greenhut (1975), ‘Spatial Price Discrimination, Competition and Locational Effects’
5. George Normal (1981), ‘Spatial Competition and Spatial Price Discrimination’
6. Dennis R. Capozza and Robert Van Order (1978), ‘A Generalized Model of Spatial Competition’
7. George Normal (1981), ‘Uniform Pricing as an Optimal Spatial Pricing Policy’
8. Louis Phlips (1988), ‘Price Discrimination: A Survey of the Theory’
9. Fred S. Inaba and Nancy E. Wallace (1989), ‘Spatial Price Competition and the Demand for Freight Transportation’
10. David D. Haddock (1982), ‘Basing-Point Pricing: Competitive vs. Collusive Theories’
11. Stephen H. Karlson (1990), ‘Competition and Cement Basing Points: F.O.B. Destination, Delivered from Where?’
12. H. Ohta (1980), ‘Spatial Competition, Concentration and Welfare’
13. Bruce L. Benson (1984), ‘Spatial Price Theory and an Efficient Congestion Toll Established by the Free Market’
14. John J. Greenhut and M. L. Greenhut (1977), ‘Nonlinearity of Delivered Price Schedules and Predatory Pricing’



15. Paul A. Samuelson (1957), ‘Intertemporal Price Equilibrium: A Prologue to the Theory of Speculation’
16. M.L. Greenhut (1978), ‘Impacts of Distance on Microeconomic Theory’
17. Louis Phlips (1980), ‘Intertemporal Price Discrimination and Sticky Prices’
18. Dennis R. Capozza and Robert Van Order (1987), ‘Spatial Competition’
19. John G. Greenhut (1977), ‘On the Economic Advantages of Spatially Discriminatory Prices Compared with F.O.B. Prices’
20. H. Ohta (1981), ‘The Price Effects of Spatial Competition’
21. William L. Holahan (1975), ‘The Welfare Effects of Spatial Price Discrimination’
22. Benjamin Hobbs (1986), ‘Mill Pricing Versus Spatial Price Discrimination Under Bertrand and Cournot Spatial Competition’
23. Kenneth G. Elzinga and Thomas F. Hogarty (1973), ‘The Problem of Geographic Market Delineation in Antimerger Suits’
24. Bruce L. Benson (1980), ‘Spatial Competition: Implications for Market Area Delineation in Antimerger Cases’
25. Timothy Gronberg and Jack Meyer (1981), ‘Competitive Equilibria in Uniform Delivered Pricing Models’
26. James W. Friedman (1971), ‘A Non-cooperative Equilibrium for Supergames’
27. Jonathan Hamilton, Jacques-François Thisse and Anita Weskamp (1989), ‘Spatial Discrimination: Bertrand vs. Cournot in a Model of Location Choice’
28. Jacques-François Thisse and Xavier Vives (1988), ‘On the Strategic Choice of Spatial Price Policy’





1. Stephen Enke (1942), ‘Space and Value’
2. Richard Schmalensee (1972), ‘A Note on Monopolistic Competition and Excess Capacity’
3. Harold Demsetz (1959), ‘The Nature of Equilibrium in Monopolistic Competition’
4. H. Ohta (1977), ‘On the Excess Capacity Controversy’
5. Dennis R. Capozza and Robert Van Order (1980), ‘Unique Equilibria, Pure Profits, and Efficiency in Location Models’
6. J.M.A. Gee (1976), ‘A Model of Location ad Industrial Efficiency with Free Entry’
7. B. Curtis Eaton and Richard G. Lipsey (1977), ‘The Introduction of Space into the Neoclassical Model of Value Theory’
8. William J. Baumol (1982), ‘Contestable Markets: An Uprising in the Theory of Industry Structure’
9. William G. Shephard (1984), ‘“Contestability” vs. Competition’
10. David Ulph (1983), ‘Rational Conjectures in the Theory of Oligopoly’
11. M.L. Greenhut and W.J. Lane (1989), ‘A Theory of Oligopolistic Competition’
12. Michael Waterson (1982), ‘Vertical Integration, Variable Proportions and Oligopoly’
13. H. Ohta (1976), ‘On Efficiency of Production Under Conditions of Imperfect Competition’
14. M.L. Greenhut and H. Ohta (1979), ‘Vertical Integration of Successive Oliogopolists’



15. François Perroux (1950), ‘Economic Space: Theory and Applications’
16. Edward H. Chamberlin (1953), ‘The Product as an Economic Variable’
17. D. Neven (1986), ‘“Address” Models of Differentiation’
18. William Novshek (1980), ‘Equilibrium in Simple Spatial (or Differentiated Product) Models’
19. Avinar Dixit and Joseph E. Stiglitz (1977), ‘Monopolistic Competition and Optimum Product Diversity’
20. George Norman (1989), ‘Monopolistic Competition: Some Extensions from Spatial Competition’
21. Louis Phlips and Jacques-François Thisse (1982), ‘Spatial Competition and the Theory of Differentiated Markets: An Introduction’
22. Richard K. Anderson, Donald House and Michael B. Ormiston (1981), ‘A Theory of Physician Behavior With Supplier-Induced Demand’
23. M.L. Greenhut, C.S. Hung, G. Norman and C.W. Smithson (1985), ‘An Anomaly in the Service Industry: The Effect of Entry on Fees’
24. Michael L. Walden (1990), ‘Testing Implications of Spatial Economics Models: Some Evidence from Food Retailing’
25. John J. Greenhut and Melvin L. Greenhut (1992), ‘Alternative Uses of Spatial Microeconomics’
26. A. S. De Vany and T. R. Saving (1977), ‘Product Quality, Uncertainty, and Regulation: The Trucking Industry’



27. Harry W. Richardson (1977), ‘A Generalization of Residential Location Theory’
28. J.H. Love (1989), ‘External Takeover and Regional Economic Development: A Survey and Critique’
29. Patsy Healey and Susan M. Barrett (1990), ‘Structure and Agency in Land and Property Development Processes: Some Ideas for Research’
30. M.L. Greenhut (1967), ‘Interregional Programming and the Demand Factor of Location’
31. Robert B. Ekelund Jr. and Donald L. Hooks (1972), ‘Joint Demand, Discriminating Two-Part Tariffs and Location Theory: An Early American Contribution’
32. James A. Brander (1981), ‘Intra-Industry Trade in Identical Commodities’
33. Thomas Horst (1971), ‘The Theory of the Multinational Firm: Optimal Behavior under Different Tariff and Tax Rates’
34. Peter J. Buckley and Mark Casson (1981), ‘The Optimal Timing of a Foreign Direct Investment’
35. Ignatius J. Horstmann and James R Markusen (1987), ‘Strategic Investments and the Development of Multinationals’
36. Alasdair Smith (1987), ‘Strategic Investment, Multinational Corporations and Trade Policy’
37. S. I. Abumere (1978), ‘Multinationals, Location Theory and Regional Development: Case Study of Bendel State of Nigeria’
38. M.L. Greenhut, H. Ohta and Joel Sailor (1985), ‘Reverse Dumping: A Form of Spatial Price Discrimination’
39. Paul Krugman (1991), ‘Increasing Returns and Economic Geography’

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