Research Handbook on Start-Up Incubation Ecosystems


Research Handbook on Start-Up Incubation Ecosystems

9781802201666 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Adam Novotny, Researcher, Einar Rasmussen, Professor, Tommy H. Clausen, Professor, Nord University Business School, Norway and Johan Wiklund, The Al Berg Chair and Professor of Entrepreneurship, Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University, US
Publication Date: 2021 ISBN: 978 1 80220 166 6 Extent: 464 pp
This insightful and comprehensive Handbook explores the concept of start-up incubation ecosystems, investigating the various factors that interact to provide a nurturing environment suitable for the successful development of start-ups and illustrating the critical part this plays within entrepreneurial ecosystems. Chapters include literature reviews, theoretical studies, and empirical research featuring both quantitative and qualitative methods, using data from a range of countries analyzed by an international team of authors.

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This insightful and comprehensive Research Handbook explores the concept of start-up incubation ecosystems and investigates the various factors that interact to provide a nurturing environment suitable for the creation and successful development of start-ups.

Chapters employ a range of approaches for the study of incubation ecosystems, including literature reviews, theoretical studies, and empirical research featuring both quantitative and qualitative methods. An international team of authors analyzes data from a diverse range of countries to cover topics including: multi-level approaches to incubation ecosystems; start-up support mechanisms such as incubators, accelerators and co-working spaces; and the role of organizations involved in incubation ecosystems such as universities, government agencies and multinational companies. The Research Handbook thus illustrates the critical part played by the early development of start-ups within entrepreneurial ecosystems.

Scholars and doctoral students working in entrepreneurship and innovation will find this Research Handbook invaluable to their understanding of start-up incubation ecosystems and in illuminating future research agendas. It will also prove useful to practitioners and policymakers working with start-ups and organizations that support them.
Critical Acclaim
‘This book successfully narrows down the broad concept of “ecosystems” and focuses on a more delineated context that surrounds firms when they start learning how to become independent by using available resources in their proximate environment. Readers can learn not only about SUPIEs as a multilayered system but can also indulge in exploring the effective functioning of their essential parts, such as incubators, accelerators, universities and of course start-up and spin-off firms.’
– Rosa Grimaldi, University of Bologna, Italy
Contributors: B.W. Åmo, C. Bellavitis, P. Benneworth, P.M. Bican, A. Billström, J.J. Bragelien, M. Breivik-Meyer, A. Brem, E. Carlsson, T.H. Clausen, C.M. DaSilva, M. Good, J. Grande, M. Gulbrandsen, J.Ø. Hansen, R.R. Hermann, E.J. Isaksen, A. Jensen, A.R. Johnson, E.J.B. Jørgensen, K. Kassel, M. Knockaert, L. Kolvereid, M. Landoni, K. Lesniak, Å. Mariussen, K.E. Masyn, A. McKelvie, K. Messeghem, S.F. Mitchell, D. Modic, N. Nguyen, G. Nonet, N. Nordling, A. Novotny, A. O''Connor, I.B. Pettersen, R. Pugh, E. Rasmussen, T. Ratinho, S. Saarenketo, S.R. Sardeshmukh, M. Sargent, R. Smith, R. Sørheim, O. Straub, C. Theodoraki, E. Thomas, L. Torkkeli, E. van der Lingen, H. Velt, K.H. Voldsund, J. Wiklund, T. Yoshioka-Kobayashi


Preface xi

Introduction: Helping birds to fly: Introducing start-up incubation
ecosystems 1
Adam Novotny, Einar Rasmussen, Tommy H. Clausen, and Johan

1 The role of smart specialization in providing regional strategic
support for establishing sustainable start-up incubation
ecosystems 19
Nhien Nguyen, Åge Mariussen, and Jens Ø. Hansen
2 Incubating start-ups in entrepreneurial ecosystems:
A multilevel perspective on entrepreneurial resources 40
Shruti Sardeshmukh, Allan O’Connor, and Ronda Smith
3 The domains of entrepreneurship support 60
Tiago Ratinho
4 In support of university spinoffs – what drives the
organizational design of technology transfer ecosystems? 74
Matthew Good and Mirjam Knockaert
5 The support system’s influence on nature-based business
start-ups in a rural context 94
Jorunn Grande and Espen Carlsson
6 Transnational entrepreneurial ecosystems: The perspectives of
Finnish and Estonian born-global start-ups 110
Hannes Velt, Lasse Torkkeli, and Sami Saarenketo
7 A contingency approach to the incubation of new ventures in
entrepreneurial ecosystems: Descriptive exploratory plots for
continuous and survival outcomes 135
Alan R. Johnson, Katherine E. Masyn, and Alexander McKelvie

8 Organizational sponsorship: An overview of the state of
knowledge and future research directions 174
Marit Breivik-Meyer
9 Understanding startup development organizations in the
context of startup incubation ecosystems 194
Cristiano Bellavitis, Michael Sargent, and Carlos M. DaSilva
10 Distinguishing self-sufficient business incubators in start-up
incubation ecosystems 206
Oliver Straub, Peter M. Bican, and Alexander Brem
11 Incubators’ coopetition strategy in the start-up incubation
ecosystem 224
Christina Theodoraki and Karim Messeghem
12 A comparative analysis of USA enterprise support
organizations for conscious capitalism and conventional
capitalism 239
Kerul Kassel, Shelley F. Mitchell, and Guénola Abord-Hugon
13 Incubation and founders’ champion behaviour 254
Are Jensen, Nhien Nguyen, and Jens Ø. Hansen
14 Multinational companies’ roles in start-up incubation
ecosystems: The case of Microsoft Innovation Centers in
Brazil 273
Nadja Nordling, Elisa Thomas, Rhiannon Pugh, and
Roberto Rivas Hermann
15 Outsider support, firm births and outcomes 285
Lars Kolvereid and Espen J. Isaksen

16 Bridging or isolating? The role of the university Technology
Transfer Office in the start-up incubation ecosystem 299
Adam Novotny
17 The key drivers for emergence of an entrepreneurial
ecosystem – the role of brokerage, role models and inspiration 319
Karolina Lesniak and Roger Sørheim
18 Toward a model for universities as incubation ecosystems:
Facilitating students for an entrepreneurial career 335
B.W. Åmo, I.B. Pettersen, E. van der Lingen, K. Voldsund, and
J.J. Bragelien
19 Individual-level determinants of academic patent licensing to
start-ups: impacts of principal investigators’ embeddedness
in the industry 349
Dolores Modic and Tohru Yoshioka-Kobayashi
20 The university ecosystem and the internationalization of
spin-off firms 366
Eva Jenny B. Jørgensen and Adam Novotny
21 The academic entrepreneurship ecosystem: The role of the
university for societal impact of academic spin-offs 381
Anders Billström
22 Urban universities as a start-up ecosystem: The case of
academic spin-offs in Milan 402
Matteo Landoni
23 Motivating universities to support spin-off firms: Stakeholders
and start-up incubation ecosystems 418
Einar Rasmussen, Paul Benneworth, and Magnus Gulbrandsen

Index 435
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