Regional Innovation Policy for Small-Medium Enterprises


Regional Innovation Policy for Small-Medium Enterprises

9781843763987 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Bjørn T. Asheim, PhD, Professor of Economic Geography and Innovation Theory, University of Stavanger Business School, Arne Isaksen, Professor in Economic Geography, Department of Working Life and Innovation, University of Agder, Norway, Claire Nauwelaers, formerly of the University of Maastricht and United Nations University, the Netherlands and Franz Tödtling, WU Wirtschaftsuniversität, Austria
Publication Date: 2003 ISBN: 978 1 84376 398 7 Extent: 264 pp
This book provides an extensive evaluation of the numerous policy instruments used by regional governments in Europe to promote innovation activity in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The instruments are compared and benchmarked in order to identify ‘good practice’, in an effort to bridge the gap between the theory of regional innovation and real-world policy implementation.

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This book provides an extensive evaluation of the numerous policy instruments used by regional governments in Europe to promote innovation activity in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The instruments are compared and benchmarked in order to identify ‘good practice’, in an effort to bridge the gap between the theory of regional innovation and real-world policy implementation.

The authors argue for a new policy paradigm and highlight the value of an interactive style of policy intervention. Since the majority of SMEs have a limited resource base with regard to innovation, they need external orientation to understand and adapt to their environment. Thus, the main role for policy should be to increase the innovative capacity of a region and its SMEs by fostering interactive learning both within firms, and within the region as a whole. The authors also collect extensive data on the efficiency of innovation-driven policy measures and introduce three key concepts for successful regional innovation policy: coherence, interactivity and cumulative character.

This volume will provide practical lessons and useful comparative results for a variety of professionals working on SME-oriented innovation at the EU, national and regional level. In particular, the mix of theoretical and empirical material will be of considerable interest to academics and researchers studying regional innovation systems and their role in knowledge-based economies. The book will also appeal to professional consultants, practitioners and policymakers who will find the frameworks for the evaluation and design of innovation policies to be of immense value.
Critical Acclaim
‘The book will be of great interest to academics, entrepreneurs and policymakers. The exhaustive study of various instruments, practices and gateways and barrier to successful innovation policies has provided invaluable insights.’
– M.M. Anand, Global Business Review

‘A must read for academics and regional planners alike who wish to understand the workings of a regional innovation system. The authors have given a fresh, comprehensive and sound analysis which offers an excellent framework for regional innovation policy design.’
– Mikel Landabaso, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium
Contributors: J. Alfonso Gil, B.T. Asheim, P.R. Christensen, A.P. Cornett, G. Garofoli, A. Isaksen, A. Kaufmann, B. Musyck, C. Nauwelaers, D. North, K. Philipsen, A. Sáez-Cala, D. Smallbone, F. Tödtling, A. Vázquez-Barquero, I. Vickers, A.I. Viñas-Apaolaza, R. Wintjes
Contents: Foreword Part I: SMEs, Innovation and Regions: Conceptual Background 1. The Role and Characteristics of SMEs in Innovation 2. SMEs and the Regional Dimension of Innovation Part II: Innovation Processes and Policy Context 3. National and Regional Contexts for Innovation 4. Innovation Patterns of SMEs Part III: Evaluation of Innovation Policy Instruments 5. Innovation Policies for SMEs: An Overview of Policy Instruments 6. Results and Impacts of Policy Instruments 7. Coherence of Innovation Policy Instruments Part VI: SMEs, Innovation and Regions: Designing Policies 8. Towards a New Paradigm for Innovation Policy? Bibliography Index
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