Edited by Eckhard Hein, Professor of Economics, Institute for International Political Economy, Berlin School of Economics and Law and Achim Truger, Professor of Economics, Berlin School of Economics and Law, Germany
Money, Distribution and Economic Policy takes issue with the inappropriate treatment of money, effective demand and distribution issues in modern mainstream macroeconomics. It presents contributions which are critical of modern orthodoxy and which explore alternative approaches to macroeconomics and economic policy analysis. The contributors explore the following areas:
• the development of heterodox theory
• the role of money in macroeconomics
• the relationship between distribution and aggregate demand
• macroeconomic policy issues from a broader heterodox perspective.
Money, Distribution and Economic Policy takes issue with the inappropriate treatment of money, effective demand and distribution issues in modern mainstream macroeconomics. It presents contributions which are critical of modern orthodoxy and which explore alternative approaches to macroeconomics and economic policy analysis. The contributors explore the following areas:
• the development of heterodox theory
• the role of money in macroeconomics
• the relationship between distribution and aggregate demand
• macroeconomic policy issues from a broader heterodox perspective.
This study will appeal to scholars, researchers and postgraduate students of macroeconomics and economic policy, money and banking and Post-Keynesian economics.
Critical Acclaim
‘Empirical content is refreshingly prominent in the majority of the essays on the role of money, the impact of distribution, and the effects of policy. . . the volume as a whole should be of interest to (and deserves to be read by) both professionals and advanced students who are looking for a comprehensive introduction to the method, theory and application of heterodox macroeconomics.’
– Mark Setteifield, Economic Issues
‘This book accomplishes its goals and it is strongly recommended for heterodox economists interested in issues of money, distribution, and economic policy in developed countries, mainly in Europe.’
– Marcelo Milan, Review of Keynsian Economics, Inaugural Issue
‘. . . this volume provides valuable insights for those who are interested in modern macroeconomics.’
– Lena Vogel, Intervention
‘This book provides powerful insights for heterodox economists that have not been previously explored. Most chapters, as outlined above, are highly original and altogether underscore the importance and relevance of heterodox theory as a reflection of the “real world.”’
– Sara Hsu, Heterodox Economics Newsletter
Contributors: J.-V. Accoce, S. Dow, S. Ederer, T. Evans, J. Ferreiro, O. Giovannoni, G.C. Harcourt, E. Hein, M. Heine, H. Herr, G.A. Horn, A.J. Laramie, D. Mair, T. Mouakil, A. Parguez, F. Serrano, E. Stockhammer, A. Truger, R.A. Werner
Eckhard Hein and Achim Truger
1. What is the Cambridge Approach to Economics?
G.C. Harcourt
2. Heterodox Economics: A Common Challenge to Mainstream Economics?
Sheila Dow
3. Elements of a Monetary Theory of Production
Trevor Evans, Michael Heine and Hansjörg Herr
4. The Monetary Circuit Approach: A Stock-flow Consistent Model
Jean-Vincent Accoce and Tarik Mouakil
5. What Drives Profits? An Income-spending Model
Olivier Giovannoni and Alain Parguez
6. Wages and Aggregate Demand: An Empirical Investigation for France
Stefan Ederer and Engelbert Stockhammer
7. New Institutions for a New Economic Policy
Jesús Ferreiro and Felipe Serrano
8. Structural Reforms and Macroeconomic Policy – The Example of Germany
Gustav A. Horn
9. Theories of Fiscal Policies and Fiscal Policies in the EMU
Anthony J. Laramie and Douglas Mair
10. The Link between Fiscal and Monetary Policy – Lessons for Germany from Japan
Richard A. Werner
11. Monetary Policy, Macroeconomic Policy Mix and Economic Performance in the Euro Area
Eckhard Hein and Achim Truger