Money and Macroeconomics


Money and Macroeconomics

The Selected Essays of David Laidler

9781858985961 Edward Elgar Publishing
David Laidler, formerly Bank of Montreal Professor Emeritus, University of Western Ontario and former Fellow in Residence, C.D. Howe Institute, Toronto, Canada
Publication Date: 1997 ISBN: 978 1 85898 596 1 Extent: 424 pp
Money and Macroeconomics is a significant collection of David Laidler’s most important papers on the so-called ‘monetarist counter-revolution’. This volume contains both published and unpublished examples of his influential contribution, detailing empirical work on the demand for money, the economics of inflation, the foundations of the ‘buffer stock’ approach to monetary theory, the monetarist critique of new classical economics and issues of economic policy.

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Money and Macroeconomics is a significant collection of David Laidler’s most important papers on the so-called ‘monetarist counter-revolution’. This volume contains both published and unpublished examples of his influential contribution, detailing empirical work on the demand for money, the economics of inflation, the foundations of the ‘buffer stock’ approach to monetary theory, the monetarist critique of new classical economics and issues of economic policy.

David Laidler has also prepared a personal memoir to accompany his volume which gives a revealing account of his academic career and influences, and places each essay in its original intellectual context.

Money and Macroeconomics presents in one volume David Laidler’s most important contributions to monetary economics. It will be invaluable to monetary and financial economists as well as policy makers and historians of economic thought.
Contents: Economics as a Way of Life – A Personal Memoir 1. ‘The Rate of Interest and the Demand for Money – Some Empirical Evidence’ 2. ‘The Results and Implications of Recent Empirical Work on the Aggregate Demand Function for Money in the United States’ 3. ‘The Permanent-Income Concept in a Macro-economic Model’ 4. ‘Money, Wealth and Time Preference in a Stationary Economy’ 5. ‘The Phillips Curve, Expectations and Incomes Policy’ 6. ‘The Current Inflation – Explanations and Policies’ 7. ‘Monetarist Models of Inflation in Closed and Open Economies’ 8. ‘Information, Money and the Macroeconomics of Inflation’ 9. ‘Monetarism: An Interpretation and an Assessment’ 10. ‘A Small Macro-model of the Post-War United States’ 11. ‘On the Demand for Money and the Real Balance Effect’ 12. ‘Did Macroeconomics need the Rational Expectations Revolution?’ 13. ‘The “Buffer Stock” Notion in Monetary Economics 14. ‘Taking Money Seriously’ 15. ‘What Remains of the Case for Flexible Exchange Rates?’ 16. ‘The Quantity Theory is Always and Everywhere Controversial – Why?’ 17. ‘Price Stability and the Monetary Order’ 18. ‘Monetarism – the Unfinished Business’ Index
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