Higher Education in the Digital Age


Higher Education in the Digital Age

Moving Academia Online

9781788970150 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Annika Zorn, Teaching and Learning Expert, European University Institute, Italy, Jeff Haywood, Emeritus Professor, School of Education, University of Edinburgh, UK and Jean-Michel Glachant, Professor, Florence School of Regulation, EUI, Florence and Advisor, Technology University POLITO, Turin, Italy
Publication Date: 2018 ISBN: 978 1 78897 015 0 Extent: 232 pp
The European higher education sector is moving online, but to what extent? Are the digital disruptions seen in other sectors of relevance for both academics and management in higher education? How far are we from fully seizing the opportunities that an online transition could offer? This insightful book presents a broad perspective on existing academic practices, and discusses how and where the move online has been successful, and the lessons that can be learned.

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The European higher education sector is moving online, but to what extent? Are the digital disruptions seen in other sectors of relevance for both academics and management in higher education? How far are we from fully seizing the opportunities that an online transition could offer? This insightful book offers a broad perspective on existing academic practices, and discusses how and where the move online has been successful, and the lessons that can be learned.

Higher Education in the Digital Age offers readers a comprehensive overview of the ways in which a move into online academia can be made. Analysing successful case studies, the original contributions to this timely book address the core activities of an academic institution – education, research, and research communication – instead of focusing only on online learning or digital strategies relevant for individual academics. Chapters cover online and networked learning, as well as the myriad ways in which the digital age can improve research and knowledge exchange with experts and society more widely.

Academics, managers and policy makers in higher education institutions will greatly benefit from the up-to-date case studies and advice outlined in this book. Academic administrators and academic project leaders will also find this a useful tool for improving the accessibility of their work.
Contributors: D. Bernardo, A. Birdi, P. Bryant, C. Canestrini, C. Gilson, J.- M. Glachant, J. Haywood, L. Marr, I. Peña-López, G. Porcaro, S. Sissonen, B. Stewart, S. Williams, A. Zorn

Annika Zorn, Jeff Haywood and Jean-Michel Glachant

1. The transformation of distance learning at Open University. The need for a new pedagogy for online learning?
Liz Marr

2. Making education better. Implementing pedagogical change through technology in a modern institution
Peter Bryant

3. Translearning. Unfolding educational institutions to scaffold lifelong networked learning
Ismael Peña-López

4. How to design a 21st century online course that makes learning happen for all
Annika Zorn, Salla Sissonen and Chiara Canestrini

5. Leading innovation: Digital education in a traditional university
Jeff Haywood

6. CORE. Bringing the economics curriculum online
Alvin Birdi

7. Identity at the core. Open and digital scholarly leadership
Bonnie Stewart

8. Sharing knowledge at a research university. Experiences from London School of Economics
Sierra Williams and Chris Gilson

9. Effective online communication for policy advisors. Experience from Bruegel think tank
Giuseppe Porcaro

10. Moving a higher education school online. Florence School of Regulation’s all-around online-ization
Annika Zorn, Daniela Bernardo and Chiara Canestrini

Annika Zorn, Jeff Haywood and Jean-Michel Glachant

Salla Sissonen

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